Showing posts with label Painted Buckeye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painted Buckeye. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dutchman's Breeches and Penny's Bend

Over the weekend we had Internet problems, still dropping off too much. Meg and I went on a nature walk at Penny's Bend Nature preserve on the Eno River on Saturday. Dutchman's Breeches, Dicentria cucullaria was one of our targets. We found an entire hillside covered with Dutchman's Breeches most had already bloomed, yet I managed to get these photos.

Below is an Eastern Comma Butterfly I found on Friday here while strolling the grounds.

The Gemmed Satyr below was also found at Penny's Bend, our first for the season.

Painted Buckeye is currently in full bloom, usually our hummingbirds return when these are blooming. We saw lots of buckeyes in bloom but no hummingbirds.

On Friday I also found this Twin-spotted Spiketail next door. These are spring flying dragonflies one of the biggest we see in the spring. I saw one flying, but never saw it land. This one a spotted perched and it allowed all the photos I wanted, they are not at all wary when resting.

Our first salad greens from the garden on Saturday night. The greens included mixed salad greens, mustard greens, arugula and curly kale. On Easter we made a salad for 8 and all was eaten up right away.