Friday, April 26, 2013

Five Years

Happy 5th Anniversary to my sweetheart! 

Here's to many more years of having fun, and never taking serious pictures (our poor photographers . . . we were very uncooperative subjects).


Amy F. P. said...

Happy Anniversary!

jeanine said...

Happy Anniversary you two! I hope it is wonderful!

ps. I LOVE these pictures.

Marianne said...

These are the greatest pictures EVER. If this is what your life together is like, then kudos to you both, and may you enjoy many more years of giggling!!

nateandrebecca said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you guys did something fun!

Lindsay said...

Happy anniversary!!! You should come back to NYC to celebrate. ;)

heath said...

@Lindsay. We totally should. I even had a dream last night about you--I think you were in town and invited people over for one of your "come see me for the one hour I have free" open houses. And you wanted to bring us some New York sand (?????) so you had some strange dry grain dish you wanted me to eat. So maybe we should avoid all that and just come out and see you? Are you guys still up for visitors taking over your living room?