Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nuclear. Show all posts

Monday, March 07, 2011

What I Know About Obama…

I may not be a Proctologist, but I know an Asshole when I see one!


Let’s hope this Asshole’s time is up in 2012!!! 

And a little something else to make you laugh even though this slob is a disaster as a President…I know it’s really sad, but stuff like this keeps me from shoving something sharp in my own ear!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Capt. Clueless Will “Spare No Effort” to Determine Why “Allahu Akbar” Screaming Muslim Killed Two US Airman in Germany

The answer is simple stupid….It’s ISLAM!!!

""We will spare no effort" to figure out "how this outrageous attack took place......."

"HOW" Let me speel it out for ya...........

T-H-E-Y H-A-T-E U-S A-N-D T-H-E-Y W-A-N-T T-O K-I-L-L U-S.

From The Politico:

President Obama says the government will “spare no effort” to determine why two American airmen were killed and two others were wounded in a shooting in Frankfurt, Germany.

“I’m saddened, and I am outraged, by this attack that took the lives of two Americans and wounded two others. I think the American people are united in expressing our service to those who were lost,” Obama told reporters in a surprise appearance in the briefing room. “We are praying for a speedy recovery for those who were injured.”

Obama promised that “we will spare no effort” to figure out “how this outrageous attack took place.”

“We don’t have all the information yet,” he told reporters. “You will be fully briefed as we get more information.” He added that the attack is a “stark reminder” of the “extraordinary sacrifices” made by the members of the military.

Nothing more then empty words from a child who has no idea how to do the job. Chicago Jesus has gone around the world showing weakness at every stop and emboldening terrorists. His mentor in hate, Rev. Wright was right about the chickens coming home to roost…

I’m quite sure he’ll put the same amount of effort into protecting Voters from voter intimidation from the Members of the Black Panther Party, and the effort he’s put into fighting Islamic Terrorism.  (Sarcasm Intended)

What “More information” does this schmuck need???  It’s Islamic Terrorism pure and simple, but don’t expect those words to come from his mouth anytime soon…It’s against his religion!!!

facepalm of fail

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wikileaks: Obama Lied To Israel

Say it isn't so!!!  Chicago Jesus lied to the Jewish State of Israel???

From The Jewish Voice and Opinion:

As bad as the scandal is for the future of trust between the US and governments throughout the world that must rely on security, for supporters of the , the more than 800,000 leaked classified US documents and 250,000 lend and support to positions taken by the . In fact, many observers agree that Israel is one of the few countries in the world that actually stands to benefit from the revelations. In contrast to Arab and even , have taken the same positions privately and publicly on issues such as Iran.
The leaks prove, however, that there is a great between the messages give to their masses and what they say in private. Worse, the leaked documents indicate that President may have intentionally tried to mislead Israel when demanding that the make substantial one-sided concessions to the Palestinians in order to gain to stop Iran from developing .

No Israeli Warmongering

In addition, has debunked the theory, promulgated by many left-wing pundits close to the administration, that only Israel is pushing for military action against Iran.
The documents show that ’s King Abdullah is one of several leaders of US allies in the who, like Israel itself, has been urging the US to cut Iran down to size.
In 2008, referring to Iran as “evil,” King Abdullah asked the US to “cut off the head of the snake” while there was still time before the completion of the Islamic Republic’s program.
In a March 2009 discussion with Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, King Abdullah reportedly said, “You as Persians have no business meddling in Arab matters.” Then the king told White House Counter-terrorism Adviser John Brennan and other US officials, “There is no doubt something unstable about them.”
Click on the above link to read the rest of this fascinating story!!!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Iranium: The movie

Iranium is a documentary film that explores the Iranian nuclear program as it pertains to perceived strategic threats against the West, and Islamic fundamentalism in Iran.

Featuring footage with Iranian leaders and interviews with 25 leading politicians, dissidents, and researchers, the film discusses the Iranian nuclear program, Middle East policy, terrorism, and nuclear proliferation. Beginning with the Islamic revolution, the film documents the creation of the Iranian nuclear program and development of what it claims is "Iran’s nuclear threat."

The film discusses Iranian foreign policy and Iran-United States Relations, including the Iran hostage crisis and the 1979 Iranian Revolution and takeover by Ayatollah Khomeini to what it refers to as "the brutal nature of the Iranian regime to its own citizens, and the Iranian people’s desire to rejoin the international community."

Below is a widget that will allow you to watch the movie online for free!