Vivez Bien * Live Well
Showing posts with label strange. Show all posts
Showing posts with label strange. Show all posts

Friday, July 29, 2011

Strangely beautiful or just strange?

Lately I have come across some images that I find somewhat odd. The kind that you look at and say "seriously?"  I thought, for fun, I would share a few with you.

The first is this living room. I love this room. It has lovely features and beautiful proportions. I love the ottoman, the floors, the mirror and the fireplace. But, I have to ask.... is that the best way to hang the beautiful chandelier?

And then we have this study. I love the rustic trestle table used as a desk, I love the upholstered chair, the lantern and the lamp, but that imposing bison head?!?

Then this kitchen - a beautiful light, spacious and airy room. I love the red Smeg fridge. But .... ( I'll bet you are thinking I'm going to ask about the wisdom of the car on the wall..) I'll admit, it would not be my choice of art, but I can see it's appeal. No, the thing that I find disturbing is the table. Don't get me wrong, it's a fine table, but it seems to be missing a front right leg?!? Isn't that weird? How on earth does it balance?

A lovely pendant lamp or lantern would have been my choice for this pretty room. That upside down boat just gives me that sinking feeling!

I have no words....
(I wouldn't choose this even if I was backed into a corner!)

I have seen this picture a few times and I really do find those chair legs disturbing. Is it just me? I think I would feel like I was sitting down to dinner on my dog!

I would love to hear what you think.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Till next time

Sharon x