Showing posts with label White Ibis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Ibis. Show all posts

Thursday, July 15, 2021

Dodging raindrops

The rainy season has arrived and often encourages us to enjoy the wildlife in our own back yard.

This female Anhinga was resting at the edge of the lake:

She took flight soon after I pointed my  camera her way:

The rain was good for our lawn, and White Ibises foraged in the overgrown grass:

A dark juvenile White Ibis joined them:

Little Blue Herons exhibit quite the opposite sequence of colors. The plumage of this piebald immature heron is molting from white to dark blue:

It also did not tolerate my presence and flew off to the opposite shore:

A Great Egret preened lakeside:

A male Muscovy Drake showed off his "hairdo:"

After we returned to our home in south Florida from our brief stay in Tennessee, our eyes were on a succession of tropical disturbances, one of which strengthened into a hurricane and struck the western coast of the Florida peninsula.

An afternoon shower produced a nice rainbow:

Stormy sunrise on July 7th:

Tropical Storm Elsa strengthened to a hurricane and coursed just off the Gulf coast, making landfall to our north on July 8th. It was the earliest 5th named tropical cyclone on record. The blue spot marks our position:

Out in the local Wounded Wetlands, water levels were high and the deer moved in to higher ground. A nice White-tailed buck photobombed my image of an egret on the wet prairie:

Three other bucks emerged on the scene (iPhone photo):

A fifth and larger buck suddenly appeared at the flooded edge of the prairie, and waded across towards the others:

His left antler was malformed, having two main trunks:

The smallest of the original four hid away and two immediately challenged each other. They jousted briefly as if anticipating a threat from the newcomer:

The "winner" (to the right above) was then challenged by the interloper with the deformed antlers (on right below)  and submitted readily. The third buck seemed to realize it was safer to remain an onlooker:

I assumed that the object of their attention was probably this doe which I found nearby, partially hidden: 

However she suddenly directed her attention to a sixth buck which strolled towards her from quite the opposite direction:

Rain threatened, so I retreated and never did see the conclusion of the deer drama.

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Early morning birding Lagniappe

The excitement of spring migration and the drama surrounding the successful rescue of both the eaglets has subsided, but routine morning walks sometimes offer a little something extra.

An adult Loggerhead Shrike caught a dragonfly and fed it to a youngster:

The cute baby shrike:

A Red-winged Blackbird attacked a Fish Crow:

An Eastern Screech-Owl settled close by and posed nicely:

Out on the Bar Ditch Trail, a White-tailed buck with antlers in velvet watched me as I walked along at sunrise:

More than 50 White Ibises flew over in a loose "V" formation:

A Green Heron crouched low in the ditch as I passed by. If it had not moved a bit, I would never have seen it:

Common Ground Doves have been uncommon and even missing the past couple of months, but three suddenly showed up this week. Only one male posed for a photo:

Least Terns usually arrived in early April, courted and then brought their young to our lake, but none appeared this year. Many of the urban terns nest on flat gravel roofs such as that on the supermarket about a mile away. These roofs last about 30 years and many are being replaced with more modern technology involving insulated panels and an impermeable membrane, not friendly to the terns (as well as nighthawks, Killdeer and gulls)  This week I was surprised to briefly see my first and only Least Tern:

A Black-necked Stilt lingered at nearby Chapel Trail preserve:

A female Northern Cardinal carried sticks to a hidden nest:

A Tricolored Heron foraged at the edge of the lake in our back yard. They usually are very shy, but this one provided some nice views:

Water levels in the wetland lake have reached the season's low and the water is receding from the lakeside marsh. This photo was taken ten minutes before sunrise:

At sunrise, the sheltered water behind an old levee reflects a colorful sky:

The rainy season is starting early. The official start of hurricane season his being moved earlier, to May 15 instead of June 1.  On May 18, the sun rose behind storms moving in from The Bahamas:

Our children started school when we lived in New Orleans and learned about "Lagniappe"---  

A lagniappe (lan-Yap) is an old Louisiana tradition, especially in the French Quarter of New Orleans... The word lagniappe might be applied to any unexpected bonus that comes with something else. For example, if you bought a car and found a 50 dollar bill in the trunk, it would be a lagniappe (Wikipedia).

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

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Thursday, December 10, 2020

Bald Eagle nest drama

Our local Bald Eagles are having their ups and downs as winter approaches. Normally the pair would reunite at the nest in late October and begin repairing the previous year's nest in early November. The nest is in particularly bad shape, as they had to raise two broods last season and it was damaged by storms which included Tropical Storm Eta. 

There has been no evidence of restoration attempts since the pair were first seen together at the nest site on October 13. Not only was the nest neglected, but ground observers reported no sightings of the male (Pride) during the first two weeks of November. The female (Jewel) was often seen alone at the nest, as if waiting for Pride to start collecting nesting materials, a duty often assumed by the male. 

During Pride's absence, there was a report of a possible road-killed eagle not far from the nest. It turned out that the dead bird was an Osprey, not a good thing, but hope was restored. On November 16, Pride showed up at the nest with Jewel. Although they were seen together afterward, the pair did not work on the nest and it remained in disrepair. 

On November 22 an eagle was seen carrying sticks in the direction of the nest. The next day, Pride was very active carrying sticks, but he disappeared with them in the trees east of the nest. Nest watchers suspected that he was working on a new nest. This was confirmed on November 27, when two veteran watchers saw the male bringing sticks to a spot high up in a particular Australian Pine. The next day, Pride was busy indeed! A new nest was being built there, no more than a loose and small collection of  sticks. 

Pride flew out several times and brought back branches of various sizes: 

One branch was very large and Pride made 2 or 3 unsuccessful attempts to deposit it at the nest site. He was carrying the stick at the very end, which caused it to swing wildly. He realized that he could manage it better by "stepping" along the stick to get nearer to its center of gravity and control it better: 

He then succeeded and the pair spent time at the nest. It is very difficult to see the nest as it is obscured by the dense clumps of Australian Pine leaves ("needles" which are actually thin branches with tiny scale-like leaflets). 

We never found evidence that any repairs had taken place at the original nest. We are concerned that there seem to be no large supporting branches for the new nest and it will require a feat of engineering to ever establish a strong foundation. This was probably why Pride was bringing in such a large branch.

Jewel also flew out to search for construction materials:

She is larger than Pride and spectacular in flight:

Aside from her size, there are other subtle ways to distinguish her from Pride. The corner of her larger beak (gape) extends back at least halfway under her eye and her tail feathers are cleaner and less worn than those of Pride. She presently has not finished growing a new feather tor the 5th "finger" at the tip of her left wing, counting in from the wingtip. Eagles normally have 10 long primary feathers. The gap will be noticeable for several more days:

It is not unusual for eagles to have more than one nest in their territory, but it is likely that the old nest has become unattractive for this pair. Eagles prefer to nest in the highest trees which are easier to access and provide the best view of their surroundings. 

The old nest initially met those needs but has now been hemmed in by dense Melaleucas and other tall pines. They no longer have a clear flight path for all wind conditions. Their long wings limit their ability to maneuver— like an airliner trying to land on a football field.

The new nest, located along the same road about 75 yards (~70 meters) east of the old one, is considerably higher in another Australian Pine. It seems poorly supported by slender branches rather than a substantial fork. Native pines are often flat on top and provide a more stable platform for the nest. The power line in the foreground is about the same height as the old nest:

Interestingly, the pair has continued to visit the old nest and were even seen bringing some branches to that location. In any event, they are getting a slow start to the 2020-21 breeding season, as they usually lay their eggs by mid to late December.   

On the home front, a Wood Stork appeared at our back yard lake, an increasingly rare event. In recent years, poor water conditions and loss of nesting habitat have driven them to nest further to our north. The bird flew off and we did not see it again:

Egyptian Geese "photobombed" the stork as it posed for the camera:

A troop of White Ibises foraged along our lake:

A Florida Soft-shell Turtle sunbathed on our lawn:

An ominous sunrise as seen from our back patio:

At a nearby park, a male Green Iguana had changed into his breeding coloration:

= = =  = = =  = = = =  = = = = =

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