Monday, December 21, 2009
In Defense of Harry Reid
Look, don't go picking on Harry just because he traded some horses to get his way. You may have thought that the Information Age would bring some wild blooming of transparency, integrity, mom, and apple pie.
It did nothing of the sort.
We now have the results of Way Too Much Power sitting in DC. It's been a century brewing, and your perfect storm of debt, incumbency, and incompetence has us all in a tizzy.
Harry Reid did very little that was particularly new or outrageous. Don't hate the playuh, hate the game. Hate it at your Tea Party. Hate it while you attend CPAC2010. Hate it while you write in Instapundit for POTUS, with Stacy McCain as VP. And me as 1st Porch Manqué.
Update: Stuff like this (email tip Rob Tornoe):is completely unacceptable. Stop, or I will say 'Stop' again!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lugubrious coverage
Comandante Glenn notes the shift from ludicrous to lugubrious:
I mean, it’s almost worth having a Democrat in the White House just to be spared all the lugubrious coverage we’d be getting with a Republican. . . .
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Let me briefly explain the situation up in the 23rd District: Hoffman's got a relatively small paid staff and he's campaigning as a third-party candidate against both the Republicans and Democrats, in the largest geographical congressional district east of the Mississippi River. It ain't a walk in the park up there, OK?
While I generally have a low opinion of Republican campaign staffers -- who tend to treat reporters like crap -- these guys on Hoffman's team have my sympathy. They're spread thin, and working like hell all the time. They must be ordering Red Bull by the case.
Today was absolutely crazy for them, with news breaking faster than anybody could possibly keep up, new ads being produced, a new Democratic TV attack ad airing in the district, etc., etc.
Crazy for them, and crazy for me, too. So then, just after I posted the Fred Thompson ad video, I flip over to Instapundit and see him saying this:
Hoffman's kind of a special case. There's basically no downside. That's not true in 2010. I remember a blog commenter somewhere a while back worrying that Beck would turn out to be a Pied Piper leading people to Third Party self-destruction. In Hoffman’s case that's not really an issue, but a Perot-type candidacy might put the Dems back in bigtime.And he's writing this irrelevant crap about third parties and 2010 while linking Allahpundit:
What is the endgame? There's a sense I get from watching Beck that he thinks there's a supermajority out there willing to return to Founders-style libertarianism if only he and other conservatives hammer the message hard and long enough. I don't think there is.Well, f*ck what you think, Allah. We're talking about one congressional election that's now only a week away, and all your forward-looking "Big Picture" theorizing is just a distraction from the fight.
Today, I had the same reaction when I found a couple of commenters squabbling about Hoffman's position on immigration. Here's the thing: What's the deluxe enchilada plate we're looking at now? ObamaCare.
If that passes, we're doomed. Period. Good-bye, US of A. Hello, Sweden.
Doug Hoffman is a sworn opponent of ObamaCare. If a guy like that wins, in an underdog third-party bid where nobody gave him a snowball's chance two weeks ago, what's the message?
The message is that Democrats had better watch out in 2010. If a guy like Hoffman can win in a district that went 52% for Obama less than a year ago, it will be like a flare shot skyward from a ship on a moonless midnight. Add in a victory for Bob McDonnell in Virginia (which also went for Obama last year) and any Democratic senator or congressman with half a brain is going to start thinking, "Ruh-roh. This kinda looks like 1994 all over again."
If Hoffman can pull off a miracle upset victory in NY23, it would be a shot across the bow of Obama, Pelosi and Reid that they won't be able to ignore.
The Blue Dogs will freak out, and the RINOs will start wondering about the possibility of a Tea Party/Club for Growth/Sarah Palin convergence in their GOP primaries. They'll find an excuse to pull the plug on ObamaCare and start looking for opportunities to denounce deficit spending. Heck, you might even see some of them work up the gumption to suggest a vote to extend the Bush tax cuts.
All of this is possible, if Hoffman wins. But a Hoffman win isn't a random hypothetical we can postulate and discuss like we were in some damned poli-sci grad-school seminar. The battle for NY23 is the kind of desperate tooth-and-nail fight that doesn't lend itself to dispassionate theoretical discourse.
At such a time as this, to waste pixels pondering ridiculous fourth-bong-hit-in-the-dorm-room questions -- "Hey, wow, wouldn't a third party be cool?" -- is such a complete waste of time, it's almost a complete waste of time explaining what a waste of time it is.
You're bumming me out, man. Honest to God, you guys are bumming me out.
Friday, October 9, 2009
No Sheeples Here: Loose Oslo Solo Silo
No Sheeples weighs in with some blistering YouTube-age:
It gets worse.
"He was merely flexing," said a non-existent White House spokesman of the Oslo triumph. "Al Gore is running scared, and with good reason," continued the imaginary source. "Here, check out this list we gave to the Acacemy:"
- Best Actor in a Leading Role--Barack Obama
- Best Director--Barack Obama
- Best Film Editing--Barack Obama
- Best Picture--Barack Obama
- Best Sound Editing--Barack Obama
- Best Visual Effects--Barack Obama
Update: Speaking of Albert Gore, Jr.
Update II: No Sheeples drives the Oscar bus just a few miles more.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Andrew Jackson's mother advises this response to Charles Johnson's lies
"Meanwhile, white supremacist blogger Robert Stacy McCain (new darling of the right wing blogs) is attacking again. No linkies for him."Charles Johnson's gutless passive-aggressive act -- outrageously libeling me, trying to prevent me from reporting on the 9/12 March on DC, and then falsely claiming that I am attacking him -- has been permitted to continue too long. Honest people are now compelled by simple decency to denounce him as the craven, sadistic liar he is. Contrary to anything Mad King Charles may tell his dwindling pool of yet-to-be-banned readers in their "private" discussions, this engagement began when Johnson attacked my friend Pamela Geller for her attendance at the October 2007 Brussels conference. Though I was not involved in that dispute, as I told Pamela in a brief phone conversation this morning, I now regret that I did not immediately leap to her defense.
-- Charles Johnson, Little Green Footballs, Sept. 15, 2009
"Never tell a lie, nor take what is not your own, nor sue anybody for slander, assault and battery. Always settle them cases yourself."
-- Andrew Jackson, recalling his mother's advice
Pamela Geller is a brave woman who can fight her own battles without my aid, but by the time I finally spoke up -- in November 2008 -- Charles had already irrevocably committed himself to the disgraceful campaign by which he has since destroyed his own reputation and influence:
Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs has apparently decided that the problem with the conservative movement is that it needs more purges, and Pam Geller at Atlas Shrugs seems to be his designated scapegoat. . . .Now that Mad King Charles is so obviously lost beyond any hope of redemption, I blame only myself. If I had been paying attention in 2007, rather than selfishly absorbed with minding my own business, perhaps I could have intervened at the outset. Had I been vigilant and dutiful, I would have warned Charles against poisoning his mind by giving heed to duplicitous and/or ignorant creatures like LGF commenter "Dave of Sweden," who were maligning the friends of liberty in Europe.
Pam is a good person and I would suggest that this guilt-by-association "urge to purge" is antithetical to the best interests of conservatism. You can't build a movement by the process of subtraction.
Word to the wise: Beware the advice of Internet trolls. A cautious attitude toward anonymous sources is something every journalist must learn sooner or later. If someone is peddling materials attacking someone else, and asks you not to tell anyone where it came from, you must consider the motives of the attacker.
Consider why such attackers are always intent on conducting their business secretly -- protecting their own anonymity -- and ask whether you wish to lend your name and reputation to pursuing someone else's private vendetta. (Hint: Before Trig-Truther "Audrey" and her friends blame me, they need to ask themselves who she pissed off before she became "Audrey." It wasn't the Palins, who had nothing at all to do with the investigative reporting Dan Riehl and I did.) Only Fighters Need Apply
Say what you will about Pamela Geller, she is not afraid of a fight. And what the conservative movement needs now -- far more than we need ideological unity among intellectuals or would-be intellectuals -- is people who are not afraid of a fight. The Chicago Way has come to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and if anybody in the conservative movement doesn't know what that means, they need to stop hitting the snooze button and wake the hell up. A few months ago, I read an account of how Rahm Emanuel -- now President Obama's chief of staff -- masterminded the Democrats' 2006 mid-term congressional victory. From my May 26 American Spectator column:
Emanuel's tenure as chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee during the 2006 election cycle is the model Republicans must attempt to reverse-engineer if they hope to regain power in Washington anytime soon. And Republicans are never going to succeed if they listen to those who tell them the reason they've been losing elections is that the GOP is too "mean-spirited." . . .Charles Johnson deserves nothing but the same two-word response from any conservative. His conduct for the past two years has been, in a word, dishonorable.
Rahm Emanuel . . . unloads f-bomb barrages as remorselessly as the RAF pounded Dresden . . .
Emanuel is a hard-driving Chicagoan ("intense+Rahm+Emanuel" = 46,800 Google results) who takes pride in the brutal effectiveness of his political tactics. . . .
In summer 2006, accusations of shady dealings by Democratic Rep. Al Mollohan of West Virginia threatened to wreck Emanuel's message that Republicans had a monopoly on corruption. And if an incumbent Democrat were defeated, that would change the math on Emanuel's strategy to recapture a House majority.
How did Emanuel rescue Mollohan? By calling the incumbent's Republican rival a liar. The GOP challenger had been in the military during Operation Desert Storm in 1991 and called himself a "Gulf War veteran," although he hadn't deployed overseas. Emanuel seized on this and had DCCC staffers push it to reporters. "We need that story," Emanuel said. "It's all about Al Mollohan unless we come up with something." The result? "Mollohan Foe Battles Résumé Charges," said the headline on a news story by Roll Call's John Bresnahan. Other publications followed suit, effectively changing the subject -- exactly the outcome Emanuel sought. Was this unfair? Ask Emanuel that question, and you'll get a two-word response. (Hint: The second word will be "you.")
"No linkies for him," indeed! As if any honest man need fear such a miserable coward as Charles Johnson. In April of this year, Charles Johnson smeared Pamela Geller as a "Poster Girl for Eurofascists." Calling a proudly Jewish woman an advocate of fascism? Madness. This was a continuation of his months of attacks on Pamela and Robert Spencer for having attended the October 2007 Brussels Conference, and for her subsequent defense of those courageous Europeans waging a desperate struggle against the alliance of the Left and Islamofascists. (David Horowitz has described that "Unholy Alliance.")
The Sissy King of LGF
Two days after the "Poster Girl for Eurofascists" smear, Charles Johnson threatened Michelle Malkin (!) for having linked in her "Buzzworthy" sidebar feed to Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch. Trying to end a potentially damaging conflict among conservatives, I wrote:
Is there someone -- anyone -- who can stop this madness? As previously noted, I ignored the dustup between LGF, Geller and Robert Spencer for months, hoping it would fade into insignificance. It was only because of Johnson's continued ax-grinding against them that I mentioned it in November, and it was only because he went after Ann Coulter in February that I began paying more attention.
All I wanted was for Charles to end his malevolent campaign of character assassination against conservatives.
It is important to note that, from the very outset of this affair in October 2007, Charles has always been the aggressor, attacking others, doing everything in his power to destroy the reputations of decent people who never wished him ill, and then -- when they objected to his repeated libels -- dishonestly claiming that they were attacking him.
Clearly, the man has succumbed to a narcissistic personality trait that is all too common among weaklings. As his habit of successively banishing nearly all of his commenters clearly shows, Johnson is a control freak, incapable of tolerating disagreement. He will heed no counsel of caution and reacts with fury to the slightest hint of criticism. Trustful only of those who flatter him, he is suspicious of strangers and envious of the merits of others.
The character of a deceitful backstabber -- weakling, bully, coward, liar --is a species of sociopathic evil which, in real life, wise men know and avoid. But remembering Steiner's Law ("On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog") we see how long Charles Johnson succeeded in pretending to be what he never was, nor could ever be. He lacks not only sound judgment, but also honesty, courtesy and courage.
Every conservative blog must defend itself against trolls -- i.e., you don't have the right to use my bandwidth against me -- and Professor Glenn Reynolds doesn't even allow comments at Instapundit. However, Mad King Charles has let his authority over commenters tempt him into megalomania.
It has been years since Charles has done anything that could rightly be called "reporting." He himself does almost nothing, and never anything constructive, original or genuinely helpful. This has turned LGF into the Kommenter Kidz Klub, over which Mad King Charles reigns as the despotic overlord. Without any warning, he will banish commenters merely for linking the "wrong" source or referencing some story he wishes to ignore.
This dictatorial attitude is a surefire formula for blogospheric oblivion. I despise the New York Times as an institution of Evil (with a capital "E") and yet, if they report something I want to quote, I have no trouble giving them the linky-love -- or linky-hate, as is more often the case. And occasionally, they give a little back.
Pray to Nothing, Charles
Having extensively defended myself since Sunday (see here, here and here, just for starters), I noticed Monday -- see: Charles Johnson 'making even Andrew Sullivan and Markos Moulitsas look sane' -- that Da Tech Guy had commented:
McCain has been countering and putting up a good defense here in Round 2, but has yet to shift to offense, as we’ve seen in the Griffin and Audrey fights. McCain tends to mount his offense in mid to late rounds but they simply overpower their opponents.
Very perceptive, sir. When a man knows that he has been falsely maligned by a worthless fool, he can be confident of the outcome against his overmatched antagonist, and there is no need for haste. Being vilely insulted by Political Cesspool's James Edwards . . . well, I'll worry later about that minor distraction. Surely the SPLC's attacks have rendered my right flank impregnably secure and, as my old music buddy Haywood Tucker told me yesterday, the Lord knows who I am.
Haywood's praying for me, as are others. Charles Johnson hates God, and he hates all those who believe in God. As I once advised the atheist anti-Palin blogger Jesse Griffin:
Speaking of prayer, Griffin, on your blog you say you're an atheist. Maybe you should pray to Nothing and see if that helps.Well, guess what? When you pray to Nothing, the results are predictable. A God-fearing man may suffer terrible wrongs, yet has the comfort of knowing that God's grace is constant. The God-hater suffers far more painfully, for when his destruction draws nigh and he is predictably abandoned by his phony two-faced "friends," he suffers alone. In such circumstances, the unrepentant atheist inevitably proves a vicious liar and a coward, like Charles Johnson.
Behold, God's Mighty Warrior
I have often urged readers to purchase Sam Childers' remarkable book, Another Man's War. Sam is a mighty warrior for God. As I told him over breakfast one morning, "Sam, you're going to be an action figure." And I meant that quite literally.
That was February 2008. Eighteen months later, the film deal has been signed, and I'll bet every leading man in Hollywood has his agent begging for the part of Pastor Sam Childers. When the movie becomes a box-office sensation, Sam will be like Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker. Little boys and girls will be begging their mothers to buy them the Happy Meal so they can get the Sam Childers action figure.
Sam risked everything -- his fortune, his friendships, his family, his reputation, even his very life -- to build an orphanage in Sudan. And he very nearly lost everything, more than once, yet he remained faithful. He has been through that dark valley of the 23rd Psalm, he has seen times when it was just him and the Lord, and whatever struggles he must now endure, the favor of God is upon him.
Buy Another Man's War, and study Sam's life. When he was a young hoodlum, when he was an outlaw biker, when he was a shotgunner for drug dealers, Sam learned all that any man needs to know about fighting. He never suspected that one day, God would call him to use those skills to save the lives of children in Uganda and Sudan.
Sam is not about politics. He is not a Republican or a Democrat. He has no ideology but the gospel of Christ. After interviewing him, seeing the work he does, and studying his character, I told him, "Sam, you're a natural-born libertarian." But that's just an intellectual label, and Sam is not about words or labels. He is a man of action.
Let the intellectuals sneer at him, the son of a Pennsylvania steelworker, but you must know this one thing: If it ever comes to a fight, bet on Sam Childers. You throw the first punch against Sam, and you'd better be ready to kill him, because he won't stop fighting so long as he has the strength left to fight. And if Sam ever decides to throw the first punch . . . Dude. Don't even ask.
Sam is an easygoing, friendly guy by nature, happy to serve the Lord and willing to help anyone who needs help. Having seen Sam angry, however, I promise you that you don't ever want to make Sam angry.
Just Keep Digging, Charlie!
All of this I explain not to praise Sam -- who has no need of my praise -- but rather by way of explaining why, when I came under attack from LGF, my response may have struck some readers as an expression arrogance:
Charles Johnson will regret it but once,
and that will be continuously
Because I am a professional journalist, this was not a threat, but a statement of objective fact. Within 48 hours of his infamous assault on my character, Johnson reaped the consequences of his own maniacal hatefulness, bringing upon himself disasters independent of anything I had done. LGF was delinked by Power Line and Charles burnt one of his few remaining bridges to conservatives by de-linking Pajamas Media.
Johnson was unconscionably wrong in attacking Pamela Geller and her friends. However, because he refused to admit or recant his error, he committed himself to a path of unjust vengeance against the innocent. In the process, he revealed himself to be a creature of unscrupulous cruelty, an immoral monster who can never expect anything but contempt from civilized people.
There is a God in heaven, and the man who spitefully chooses to pursue unrighteousness will ultimately destroy himself. Therefore, wise men observe the madness of King Charles and shake their heads sadly, knowing what the final outcome must be.
Charles Johnson is already in a very deep hole and, at the frantic pace he's digging now, can be expected to reach the fiery pit of hell no later than next Thursday.
Bon voyage!
UPDATE (Smitty):
Linked at Jaded Haven. Thanks, Daphne!
UPDATE II (Smitty):
Also picked up at Bonzai. Thanks, mate!
UPDATE III (Smitty):
SI VIS PACEM says CJ has pulled a Sully.
UPDATE IV (Smitty):
The Fabulous Pamela links us and brings the Rifqa Bary angle. Pamela packs more heat in her little toe than everything Charles can muster.
UPDATE V (Smitty):
Fishersvill Mike completes the phrase "Little Green" with "Apples". Why do you hate fruit, Mike?
UPDATE VI (Smitty):
Dennis the Peasant links Pamela's Downfall treatment from mid-April. New to me, quite well done.
UPDATE VII (Smitty):
Linked by one lonely Troglopundit in Wisconsin who seeks abuse. Apparently an erroneous reference to his metrosexuality was insufficient.
UPDATE IX (Smitty):
NOVA Townhall picks it up. This post is going to turn into a mini-FMJRA Real Soon Now.
UPDATE X (Smitty):
Fish Fear Me takes us back to single Roman numerals. But is Charles Johnson a fish?
UPDATE XI (Smitty):
Carol's Closet turns it up to 11. Now, were she given a choice between a free Spinal Tap and Obamacare, would there be an apparent difference? Never mind, I wouldn't wish either on anyone. Even Charles Johnson. A cluebat, now...
UPDATE XII (Smitty):
The Daley Gator makes a dozen in the parade of support.
Saber Point makes it a baker's dozen. Thanks, Stogie!
UPDATE XIV (RSM): At last, Charles Johnson exposes the real neo-Nazi: HIMSELF!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Intsy on Reason.TV
Quick highlights:
Admits to three major blogging themes:
- what's in the news at the moment
- personal hobby horses, nano-tech, cameras
- new and different blogs
Politics today are those of 1968? Born a year later, it's no wonder I shake my head at the current nonsense.
If government-controlled health care succeeds, medical innovation could flatline.
PJTV is Glenn living a geek fantasy. HDTV studio in his basement.
Accusation of mad crush on Sarah Palin: phenomenon more interesting than the lady herself.
Will she do better later? He knows not.
GOP is clearly less bad for libertarians. The percentage of social conservatives who are interested in legislating their beliefs is not large
Side note: Glenn, talk to Reason.TV's sound engineer. Your sound is about twice as good here as on Instavision.
Friday, May 22, 2009
A little help for Insty
The Instapundit is an educated, high-frequency blogger. So when he's piling on the Wicked Witch of the West, as one does,
you can overlook Insty saying "Until they felt the fierce moral urgency of change!" and completely missing the military-style acronym joke:
Until they felt the moral, Fierce Urgency of Change Katharsis.
Insty has done well for himself, but this blog will continue to see it as a duty to help out where necessary.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Constitutional Convention: off to a great start
Here is a site that the Tea Party can help drive: The Bill of Federalism. Our Community Organizer in Chief can take pride in having stirred up enough of a crap-storm to make this possible, and the shinywebs for allowing a flanking movement on the gatekeepers.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Instapundit on dead tree?
That might be the headline in the New York Post for his column on the Tea Party movement:
Instead of the "astroturf" that has marked the ACORN-organized AIG protests, this movement is real grassroots. So if you've had enough, consider visiting a Tea Party protest in your area -- there's bound to be one.Like he's not worried about being replaced by Twitter.
It's your chance to be part of an authentic popular protest movement, one that just might save America from the greed and ineptitude of the folks who have been running it into the ground.
UPDATE: Of all the dead-tree columnists who should be replaced by Twitter, perhaps not even Frank Rich can rival Paul Krugman:
[The Tea Party protests are] AstroTurf (fake grass roots) events, manufactured by the usual suspects. In particular, a key role is being played by FreedomWorks, an organization run by Richard Armey, the former House majority leader, and supported by the usual group of right-wing billionaires. And the parties are, of course, being promoted heavily by Fox News.JournoList-approved Meme of the Week! But it's just a coincidence that Krugman's reading from the same script as Jane Hamsher, Steve Benen and Oliver Willis. Their smear campaign against the Tea Party movement isn't "orchestrated" or anything.
Right-wing billionaires, please hit the tip jar! My bank balance is looking shaky, Dick Armey isn't returning my calls, I've got to drive to Alabama tomorrow in order to be an AstroTurf stooge at the big event Wednesday in Hoover, ande my wife's worried because the fat check from Rupert Murdoch hasn't shown up yet.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
What Instapundit is linking . . .
- Electric cars;
- How to tune your bicycle;
- Robots vs. terrorists;
- Chris Dodd update LXVII;
- Hypoallergenic dogs;
- Astronomy; and
- Oh, boy, more electric cars!
So if you're a blogger sitting around depressed because you've blog-whored Insty with your six latest vicious rants and still no linky-love, join the crowd. Meanwhile, if you happen to find a news story involving space, robots, terrorism, Chris Dodd and electric cars, let me know.
Maybe if I linked Attila more often . . .
UPDATE: Headline on major news story:
Binghamton Gunman FeltDude, I can so relate to that. OK, so he's a Vietnamese immigrant who slaughtered 13 innocent people. But it says here "Jiverly Voong was angry about poor language skills and lack of job prospects." Exactly like a blogger with no linky-love.
'Degraded and Disrespected'
I feel lower than a hypoallergenic dog that's been run over by an electric car . . . driven by
UPDATE II: "I’ve designed in a randomness component just to foil the reverse-engineering efforts." As the man said, "Heh." Welcome, Instapundit, readers! This is what's known as a PityLanche, but . . . well, here are some of the things I've been flogging lately:
- Gay marriage? "Give 'em an inch . . ."
- "True conservatives" vs. Limbaugh?
- Attention, police: Arrest Will Wilkinson!
- Blame Malkin for shootings?
- For once, Kathleen Parker has a clue
- Anybody want to fisk David Brooks?
- Hottest Final 4 cheerleaders? Carolina!
Browse around. Check the blogroll and headlines. Bookmark me. Add me on Twitter. Hit the tip jar.
UPDATE III: A commenter notes the Professor's "timely" link to an article about narcissism. Actually, I don't believe the world revolves around me. But that doesn't mean the world wouldn't be a better place if it did revolve around me.
For starters, I'm the guy who explained the principles of advanced blogwhoring (Rule 1) and reciprocal linkage (Rule 2) to the conservative blogosphere. In a single post, "How to Get a Million Hits On Your Blog," I thus jocularly* solved a mystery that had baffled all the conservative "Internet gurus": Why is the Left side of the 'sphere bigger and more effective than the Right? Two basic reasons are these:
- We don't cooperate. People on the Right side of the 'sphere tend to place a high value on personal independence and integrity. Very good. But the flip side of this is that it's very hard to get everybody on the same page, pulling together as a team.
- Everybody wants to be a "pundit." One reason that small bloggers don't become big bloggers is that they can't resist the temptation to pontificate, to analyze and comment. But the real value of the blogosphere (and Insty demonstrates this every day) is in aggregation: Collecting together a distinctive mix of links to news, research, information and entertainment, and then contributing the "value added" of your own knowledge, you own experience, your own personality.
If you're going to tell me what I should think about Afghanistan or the federal budget, please demonstrate why I should care about your opinion. What special knowledge or experience do you have about these subjects? American Spectator managing editor J.P. Freire says that the Right needs fewer Bill Buckleys and more Robert Novaks: More reporting, less commentary. He's absolutely right. But too many conservatives seem to have turned their disdain for the news media into a contempt for reporting.
Yet there's something else even uglier at work on the Right: Envy. Why do so many conservative wannabe pundits routinely bash Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter? If it ain't envy, I'd sure as hell like to know what it is. Success should be admired, praised and emulated. It doesn't matter whether you agree or disagree with Limbaugh or Coulter. They must be doing something right or else they wouldn't be successful. But some people always envy rather than emulate, and the negative attitudes of losers like that will inevitably destroy morale and make teamwork impossible.
People have sometimes called me a suck-up because of my enthusiastic praise for successful people, including successful conservative bloggers like Insty, Michelle Malkin, Allahpundit and Ace of Spades. In an atmosphere poisoned by the negative spirit of selfishness and envy, sincere praise is a rarity, and backstabbing criticism becomes the norm.
"For want of a nail, the shoe was lost," and for want of blunt talk about the problems of the Right, we have President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Harry Reid. Some small bloggers -- including blogs that didn't even exist two months ago, as well as a certain pathetic Wisconsinite -- are now operating according to The Rules, especially the reciprocal-linkage Full Metal Jacket principle of Rule 2.
The spirit of teamwork has resulted in growth for these little bloggers, as Instapundit and others (including blog-fu master Moe Lane) have rewarded them with linkage. So as always, we express our gratitude to the man who inspired it all, Gunnery Sgt. Hartman, who now has a few words of cheerful encouragement for you:
Well, at least I'm not the only one. . . . Maybe I go about it the wrong way.Tell me about it. Smitty rocked a 'Lanche with his second post. Talk about humiliation. And then there is this clever fellow:
"But you are erroneously assuming the flux capacitator is calibrated for this type of environment. I would re-think the whole matter."Heh.
UPDATE V: She Who Must Be Linked:
Of course, Insty kept my traffic at its normal bad weekend level, rather than letting it sink into the realm of "abysmal," by linking R. Stacy McCain, who essentially badgered him into doing it. Fortunately, there are "good karma" links to me all over McCain's page. We likes that.See, here's my theory of why you don't get 'Lanched, Attila: Dr. Helen is insanely jealous of you. So Insty can't link you, or his wife would get suspicious. (She's got a kitchen drawer full of knives, and he's got to sleep sometimes.) This is why you're the Kharma Queen of the Blogosphere. Bloggers who link you regularly get more traffic, because 'Lanching them is Professor Reynolds' way of satisfying his unrequited bloglust for you.
Here's the dilemma, though: if Insty keeps giving in like this, that dis-incentivizes the showing of restraint; Professor Reynolds is essentially subsidizing bad behavior, no?
Ah, but it works both ways, you see. Maybe you haven't noticed that Dr. Helen hasn't linked me in forever, but . . . Heh. (Shhhh! Don't say a word, Chris Muir!)*"Jocularity" -- I prefer to explain these things by joking, because I don't want to help the Left figure out what I've figured out. If there's one thing we know about the Left, it's that they can't take a joke. I just flew in from Cleveland, and boy, are my arms tired!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Death of the Nude Eel
The Times pours forth sympathy for Gordy B.:
GORDON BROWN’S carefully laid plans for a G20 deal on worldwide tax cuts have been scuppered by an eve-of-summit ambush by European leaders.The same pack of clowns running the show swear (on your next paycheck) that they know how to un-frobnicate the situation. Glad that Angel Merkel, unlike our POTUS, seems to have a pair. More leaders like her, or, even gutsier, Daniel Hannan, please. Daniel's brilliant Brown bludgeoning bears repeated view and study.
Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, last night led the assault on the prime minister’s "global new deal" for a $2 trillion-plus fiscal stimulus to end the recession.
Update: (via Drudge)
Brown's 1.4 trillion pound leak. I think, in British English, this is called "taking the piss".
This post's ridiculous title brought to you by Power Line.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tennessee Author Coming To Shelf Near You
No, not the Instapundit. Rather Senator Albert Arnold Gore, Junior.
"Our Choice," will be released in November, printed on 100 percent recycled paper. The book, which proposes solutions to the global warming crisis documented in "Inconvenient Truth," was called "The Path to Survival" when first announced two years ago.One wishes the man well. My he win a Pullet Surprise, to form a trifecta with his Nobel and Oscar.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Shameless blogwhoring works!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Why Does Instapundit Hate Virginia?
Here he goes with another Murtha is a crook post, which we all understand. But The Fine Article also points out (emphasis mine) that
John Murtha [D-PA], James Moran [D-NJ(sic)*], and Pete Viclosky [D-IN] all figured prominently, but the report showed a wide range of behaviors by politicians in both parties.Look, when one screws up, one should air the laundry. It's good for the soul. Others may learn vicariously not to repeat your (in this case, voting) errors. So, Instapundit, please help VA-8 to understand where we went wrong, what we did to offend, and how we can overcome your disdain in our efforts to get equal airtime for our local nitwit. Help us be rid of this peripatetic pettifogger: *Just how does one screw that up?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Suzanna, Insty, Obama and Monique . . .
At 11:30 a.m., the phone rings: "Uh, Mr. McCain . . . Well, sorry to wake you, but I was checking my SiteMeter, and there was about 50 hits. But then when I checked back, there were like 1,200 . . ."
Bolt upright: "The Lanche!"
"What? Anyway, when I checked, I found out that Instapundit guy, you know the one you told me to put on my blogroll, well, he linked me and now it's going crazy and I don't know what to do."
A blog consultant has to be on call 24/7, and now my client was in crisis mode. Try to remain calm. "OK, Logan, what did he link? The Jello wrestling or the Big Sexy?"
She sighs in exasperation. "That's just it. He linked the very first post I did a week ago."
Groan. "Dammit. . . . OK, you've been 'Lanched. . . . Never mind. The first thing to do . . ."
So then I ran her through the drill, explained she must first acknowledge the honor of her first 'Lanche, which is always more granted than deserved, with an update to the post. Mumbled curses. "It took Jammie Wearing Fool six months to get his first 'Lanche, Logan. Make sure you acknowledge Monique. You guys have got to be a team. . . ."
After I'd finished mumbling more, I tried to go back to sleep. But the TV was on MSNBC, and there was an Obama press conference at which he lied through his teeth, telling America that passage of his budget was a necessity. But as Monique has been saying for days, the federal government can auto-pilot on continuing resolutions indefinitely. There is no emergency, and the Obudget is the Mother Of All Crap Sandwiches.
No hope of sleep. Monique just switched over from Blogspot to a custom URL, but hasn't set up SiteMeter at the new site, so she can't even measure her traffic now. Minions Gone Wild, and now I've got Obama to blog.
When the going gets weird . . . hey, my Samoan attorney won't even return my calls. No justice. No peace. No sleep. No Ibogaine. Who to blame? Richard Spencer. If he hadn't struck out with Michelle Lee Muccio . . .
UPDATE: Little Miss Attila, kharma queen of the blogosphere, finds amusement in the virtual menage between me, Yockey and Insty. If we could just get an Ace-o-lanche, we'd be rolling.
Friday, March 6, 2009
When Did We Start to Make Stuff Up?
The Blogfather points to Professor Bainbridge, who poses one of those boring but expensive questions: is health care a right? Allow me to up the ante: just when did we start to make stuff up?
Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism made a reference to an FDR speech that sent me to Google to scour the cloudywebs, arriving at this gem:
FDR 1944 State of the Union excerpt:
This Republic had its beginning, and grew to its present strength, under the protection of certain inalienable political rights--among them the right of free speech, free press, free worship, trial by jury, freedom from unreasonable searches and seizures. They were our rights to life and liberty.Oh, Franklin, Franklin, Franklin. Who needs to amend the Constitution via Article 5 when you can just cook it on the fly? Life sure is easy when you can convince free men to sell their precious liberty for the perception of security.
As our Nation has grown in size and stature, however--as our industrial economy expanded--these political rights proved inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness.
We have come to a clear realization of the fact that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. "Necessitous men are not free men." People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made.
In our day these economic truths have become accepted as self-evident. We have accepted, so to speak, a second Bill of Rights under which a new basis of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of station, race, or creed.
Among these are:All of these rights spell security. And after this war is won we must be prepared to move forward, in the implementation of these rights, to new goals of human happiness and well-being.
- The right to a useful and remunerative job in the industries or shops or farms or mines of the Nation;
- The right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation;
- The right of every farmer to raise and sell his products at a return which will give him and his family a decent living;
- The right of every businessman, large and small, to trade in an atmosphere of freedom from unfair competition and domination by monopolies at home or abroad;
- The right of every family to a decent home;
- The right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health;
- The right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness, accident, and unemployment;
- The right to a good education.
Even if the intentions were initially noble, the results have been a mixed bag, and the precedent set simply disastrous.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Instapundit does . . . show tunes?
Having starred, at age 14, as Pappy Yokum in the Douglas County (Ga.) High School production of the Broadway musical "Li'l Abner," I recognize this as the title of a song (by Johnny Mercer and Gene de Paul) from that show:
The Treasury says the national debtNow, it is a matter of fact that I majored in drama, so I've got an excuse for knowing lots of Broadway lyrics. But Professor Reynolds is a law grad. What's up with that, Dr. Helen? I mean:
Is climbing to the sky
And govermnent expenditures
Have never been so high.
It makes a feller get
A gleam of pride within his eye,
To see how our economy expands,
The country's in the very best of hands.
- When you started dating him, did you notice any Judy Garland posters at his apartment?
- Does he download Streisand on his iPod?
- If you happen to be in a department store when the Muzak plays a Rodgers and Hammerstein tune, do you hear him muttering under his breath, ". . . and 6, 7, 8 -- kick -- 2, 3, 4"?
- When guests arrive at your house, does the professor greet them by saying, "Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome?"
". . . our favorite American group, Sophie Tucker." UPDATE: Welcome, Insty readers! Yes, the armchair psychologists like to accuse us Guys Who Like Show Tunes of overcompensating by swaggering displays of heterosexuality. Insty married Dr. Helen to quell those whispers in the faculty lounge, and I'm a happily married father of six kids who feels compelled to follow up his Chorus Boy camp routine by gratuitous babe-blogging. (Click that link, you sissies -- I dare you!)
UPDATE II: In the comments, the irrepressible Kathy Shaidle -- who's working her diminuitive self to exhaustion trying to get deported from Canada as a one-woman human rights violation -- informs us that Mark Steyn is all about the show tunes. Which may explain why he didn't appreciate the irony of this lame gag. Or worse yet, maybe he did appreciate it. (Foghorn Leghorn: "That's a joke, son! A joke, ah say!")
UPDATE III: Moe Lane manages to work in a sly Ghostbusters allusion. Yeah, he's thinking it's Oscar night, and Bill Murray got ripped that year -- not even nominated!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in Less Than a Year
- Phase 1: Get a Blogspot account.
- Phase 2: ?
- Phase 3: One million visitors!
The perceptive blog consumer will notice that posts here don't have all those little thingies (Digg, etc.) the way some other blogs do. This is not because I disdain such methods of traffic enhancement, but because I'm such a primitive Unfrozen Caveman Blogger I can't figure that stuff out. It's the same reason I'm still on a Blogspot platform, rather than switching to a custom-designed Wordpress format. Blogspot is so simple that even I can figure it out, and if they'd just offer a few more templates -- hey, guys, how about a template with variable-width sidebars on both sides? -- I might be able to fake that custom-designed elegance, too. I understand basic HTML, but Javascript no can do, and I'm too cheap to shell out the bucks for geek services.
Lacking advanced, sophisticated technological gee-whizzery, I have been forced to employ astonishingly crude Web 0.1 methods of traffic-enhancement, namely:
- Write stuff people might want to read; and
- Compulsively e-mail my posts to bloggers who might possibly consider linking me.
- 1. Shameless Blogwhoring.
However, the smart newcomer to the 'sphere doesn't just suck up to big-traffic bloggers who can throw him major traffic (although he does that with a single-minded fanaticism), he also sucks up sideways and downward, to bloggers who might not be able to throw 10,000 hits a day, but who are nonetheless valued contributors to the blogging community.
Little Miss Attila is my favorite example of the "valued contributors" category. Her best recent month was 24K visits in October, but she's been around the 'sphere a long time, is much beloved, and it is bad kharma not to link her. Every so often, while on the hunt for good stuff to blog about, I'll go over to LMA, find something good she's blogging about and link it. Why? Because, among various non-kharmic reasons, she has done the same for me, which brings me to Rule 2:
- 2. The Full Metal Jacket Reach-Around
Reciprocal linkage is the essential lubricant that makes the blogosphere purr with contentment. If somebody's throwing you traffic, you should either (a) give them a link-back update, or at a minimum (b) keep them in mind for future linkage. Because you don't want to end up on the wrong end of a kharmic unbalance in the 'sphere, where you're always taking and never giving.
Every beginning blogger confronts the Zero Hour. You've been blogging steadily for a week or two, sending around e-mails, trackbacking where you can, trying to develop some kind of regular traffic. And then, late one night, you think you might have finally composed your first Instalanche-worthy post and you e-mail it to Glenn Reynolds. You go to bed like a 7-year-old kid on Christmas Eve, then wake up at 4 a.m. and check your Site Meter to discover that your latest hourly traffic is . . . ZERO.
At which point, you want to swallow a handful of sedatives, wash it down with a quart of bleach, slit your wrists and stick your head in the oven. You are a complete and utter failure.
I've never forgotten the Zero Hour, and if I've become slightly less conscientious about reciprocal linkage since then, God forgive me, but I do try. In the midst of a traffic upswing, not all linkage is noticeable on Site Meter, so I check Technorati, which shows linkage regardless of traffic level. And thank you Dad29, thank you Joe Kristan, thank you, Andrea Shea King, thank you Jimmie Bise, thank you William Teach. Damn my lazy thoughtlessness, but please don't doubt my gratitude.
Now that we've scratched the surface of technique, let's address the tricky little subject of content with Rule 3:
- 3. Memeorandum
I especially like their "Featured Posts," sort of a random grab-bag of stuff that will occasionally feature some lefty shooting off his mouth in pure idiotic moonbat mode. Grab that sucker by the neck and give him the Mother Of All Fiskings, with enough vitriolic ad hominem to make sure he never forgets it. Because buddy, the lefties will turn right around and do it to you if you ever rate "Featured Post" status, and there's nothing like a vicious flame war to earn your spurs in the 'sphere. Which brings me to Rule 4:
- 4. Make Some Enemies
At the same time, however, don't confuse cyber-venom with real-world hate. Maybe Ace of Spades really would like to go upside Andrew Sullivan's head with a baseball bat, I don't know. But at some point you understand it's just blogging about politics, and you start wondering if maybe it shares a certain spectator-friendly quality with pro wrestling. For all we know, Ace is spending weekends at Sully's beach shack in Provincetown. (Next on Blogging Heads TV: Can "Bears" and Ewoks Be "Just Friends"?)
Some readers might remember when I first kicked Conor Friedersdorf in the knee for "insufficient cynicism." Conor is, in real life, a nice guy. But he's also (a) young, and (b) as earnest as John Boy Walton. So I got into a habit, when he was at Culture11, of kicking him in the knee with some regularity. It's the Fraternity Initiation Principle: Pledges must be abused by their elders, and learn to be properly respectful, or else one day the ambitious little monsters will strangle us in our sleep. (Cf., my suggestion that George Freaking Will should be air-dropped on Jalalabad from a C-130.)
A couple days ago, hunting around for a reason to link my friend Russ Smith's SpliceToday, I happened upon a column by Russ's young minion, Andrew Sargus Klein, offering a particularly insipid argument for federal arts funding. Now, having been born and raised a Democrat, and arguably having never outgrown my obnoxious youthful arrogance, I can actually relate to Klein's insipid argument. Stupid is as stupid does, and when I was 25, I might well have written something equally stupid. But the boy will never outgrow his stupidity unless he gets whomped on the head some.
Easy as it would have been to ignore Klein, I hit upon the delightfully fun idea of laying into him in Arkansas knife-fight mode: If you're going to cut a man, eviscerate him. So I quickly composed a hyperbolic ad hominem rant, with the thoughtfully civil title, "Andrew Sargus Klein is an arrogant elitist douchebag." I forward-dated the post for Friday morning, and sent Russ an e-mail to the effect of, "Hey, hope you don't mind me abusing your office help a little bit. Nothing like a flame-war to build traffic. Don't let on to Klein that I'm just funnin' around with him."
I'd hoped to bait Klein himself into a response. However, before that could happen -- as if intent on illustrating how to make a fool out of yourself by taking this stuff too seriously -- one of Klein's friends offered up a comment:
Andrew Klein may be arrogant and elitist but he could craft logical arguments around your bumbling hypocrisy all day and night.Of course I never bother "craft[ing] logical arguments," sweetheart. It's a freaking blog. If you want logic, subscribe to a magazine or buy a book. Pardon my double-entendre, Lola Wakefield, but people come here for the cheesecake. Logical arguments are a dime a dozen on the Internet, but sexy hotness . . . well, that reminds me of Rule 5:
- 5. Christina Hendricks
- A. Everybody loves a pretty girl -- It's not just guys who enjoy staring at pictures of hotties. If you've ever picked up Cosmo or Glamour, you realize that chicks enjoy looking at pretty girls, too. (NTTAWWT.) Maybe it's the vicious catty she-thinks-she's-all-that factor, or the schadenfreude of watching a human trainwreck like Britney Spears, but no one can argue that celebrity babes generate traffic. Over at Conservative Grapevine, the most popular links are always the bikini pictures. And try as I might to make "logical arguments" for tax cuts, wouldn't you rather watch Michelle Lee Muccio make those arguments?
- B. Mind the MEGO factor -- All politics all the time gets boring after a while. Observant readers will notice that the headlines at Hot Air often feature silly celebrity tabloid stuff and News Of The Weird. Even a stone political junkie cannot subsist on a 24/7 diet of politics. The occasional joke, the occasional hot babe, the occasional joke about a hot babe -- it's a safety valve to make sure we don't become humorless right-wing clones of those Democratic Underground moonbats.
- C. Sex sells -- Back when I was blogging to promote Donkey Cons (BUY TWO!), I accidentally discovered something via SiteMeter: Because the subtitle of the book is "Sex, Crime, and Corruption in the Democratic Party," we were getting traffic from people Googling "donkey+sex." You'd be surprised at the keyword combinations that bring traffic to a political blogger who understands this. Human nature being what it is, the lowest common denominator is always there, even if it's sublimated or reverse-projected as puritanical indignation, which brings us to . . .
- D. Feminism sucks -- You can never go wrong in the blogosphere by having a laugh at the expense of feminists. All sane people hate feminism, and no one hates feminism more than smart, successful, independent women who've made it on their own without all that idiotic "Sisterhood Is Powerful" groupthink crap. And if you are one of those fanatical weirdos who takes that Women's Studies stuff so seriously that you're offended by Stephen Green's sexist objectification of Christina Hendricks and her mighty bosom -- well, sweetheart, to paraphrase Rhett Butler: "You should be offended, and often, and by someone who knows how."
UPDATE: Probably special mention should be made of Kathy "Five Feet of Fury" Shaidle, who never heard of a fair fight. She's one of those people you don't want angry at you. A ninja blackbelt in Rule 4, when she goes at an antagonist, it's a knee in your groin and an elbow in your eye. However, she also keeps the customers satisfied with some naughty pinup hotness. (Rule 5!) That rare creature: A Canadian we like.
UPDATE II: Linked at Conservative Grapevine.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Thanks to the two Glenns
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
THE "STIMULUS" BILL: "A 40-year wish list."And here's Ace, with the same two items:
UPDATE: "Not a moment to spare." Because given enough time, people might wise up . . . .?
Obama's Spokesman Gibbs: We Just Don't Have the Time to Patrol the Stimulus for Wasteful SpendingYou see the possibilities here. It could be the great collaboration since George and Ira Gershwin.
We need to act. Now.
Do something, even if it's stupid as fuck. . . .
A Forty-Year Wish-List: Democrats are wasting no time wasting all the money they were prevented from wasting since Reagan.