Showing posts with label amethyst. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amethyst. Show all posts

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Crocus Earrings

More Amethyst!  These cabs I had the pleasure of hand picking.  I think I've told you before how much I love the very dark Amethyst, and boy are these ever dark purple!  I had a devil of a time capturing the fact that they are indeed purple.

 I decided to make these post earrings.  Beginning with that fabulous pop of purple and ending in a tail that reminds me a bit of the tail on a kite, not that I look at them...

 Here you can see the purple in the cabs pretty well...

 Each little square has been lightly textured on both sides and domed.  Attached are faceted Amethyst and hand cut peridot beads. 

I am so ready for Spring.  A sure fire sign that Spring is near is when the Crocus blooms in all it's purple and green glory. 

Available in my online shop!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sweet Dreams...

The other day I was at a local rock shop buying beads and cabs, and while perusing the wares, I overheard a conversation that had me giggling a little to myself.

There was this woman asking to see all the Amethyst that the shop had behind the counter.  And asking all kinds of questions.  I just thought, eh, newbie...and kept looking.

Then I heard her asking the salesperson to educate her on Amethyst.  The bead lady just gave her this weird look, while the customer continued to prattle on about the "powers" of Amethyst.

The whole time the bead lady is listening somewhat patiently, and when the customer doesn't seem to be getting the response she's looking for, she finally leans in and says "Did you know that these rocks just aren't pretty to look at?  Did you know that they have....powers?"

At this point I can't help the ear to ear grin spreading across my face, and I just about laughed right out loud when the bead lady says, " I know that there are people who believe they do. "

Now,  a comment like that would have shut me right up, but not this lady.  She kept going on and on.  Turned out she is having trouble sleeping, and her chiropractor recommended that she start sleeping with Amethyst.   Claims that he sleeps with several around him and sleeps really well.  So that sent this lady on the hunt for Amethyst.

And like I said, she kept going on and on.  She further embellished by telling the bead lady that she wasn't into "new age" stuff, that she was a Christian.  But since learning that Amethyst has such powers, she is starting to think that God didn't just give us gems to adorn ourselves with because of their beauty.  Maybe He gave them to us so we could benefit from their power.....


Now, I don't know if wearing these earrings will really give you Sweet Dreams or not, but it sure couldn't hurt.  And you'd look fabulous doing it!

Listed in my online store:

Monday, January 16, 2012

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Forever Blooming.....

Yes, I've changed my blog around again. And I haven't gotten a chance to add my name to the banner on the blog. I bought Adobe Photoshop Elements for Mac last week, but haven't found the time to mess around with it yet. I'm hoping it will allow me to add text to my photos, and other cool stuff. We'll see.

I am so darned excited to show off this necklace that I just couldn't wait.

I am THRILLED with the way it turned out. When I showed it to my husband, he looked at it for awhile and said "you're getting better aren't you?" Thanks. I think.......

The stones are Amethyst. The necklace measures 16" in length, but I've added an extender and it can be worn up to 18". The asymmetry of the stones on the chain is new for me. I'm usually the type that needs things to be symmetrical, but I really love how it looks on.

I've really been on a major floral kick recently. I think it must be the feeling that Spring is just around the corner.

Forever Blooming will be in the shop this evening!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Gemstone Rondelles!







My new beads just came in the mail today!!!! Faceted rondelles! My favorites. These stones are so gorgeous. I can't wait to work with them. I'm going to be keeping some for myself, and putting the surplus in my Ruby Mountain Bead shops on Etsy and ArtFire. Be looking for them soon!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sneaky Peaky

I've been practicing my self portraits again. I am unhappy to report that I am only getting slightly better at it! I was dying to share my latest project. I only have one earring finished, so this is just a little sneaky peaky at my new pretty purple posy earrings. It's hard to tell in the photo, but the stone is a deep purple amethyst. Beautiful!