Index: Govt policy
Information regarding government policies for torture. Included in this list are the secret memos by Administration lawyers finding ways around international protections against prisoner abuse and torture:
- 02-2006: Republicans in house committee vote down torture investigation
- 02-2006: CIA chief fired for opposing torture
- 12-2005: Bush sidesteps McCain amendment
- 10-2005: US senate approves prohibition of prisoner abuse
- 07-2005: Bush Administration opposes ban on "cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment" of detainees
- 06-2005: Death chamber planned for Guantanamo Bay
- 05-2005: Kharzai talks with Bush on troops, torture deaths
- 04-2005: US President reiterates commitment not to torture or outsource torture
- 11-2004: Gonzales nominated for United States Attorney General
- 06-2004: Media: 06 March 2003 memos published by Wall Street Journal
- 06-2004: Memo, Murry: Renditions to Uzbekistan
- 06-2004: Pentagon, think-tank screens Saddam torture videos
- 06-2004: Memo, Murry: Renditions to Uzbekistan
- 05-2004: Memo: "gitmoizing abu ghraib"
- 05-2004: FoIA document: leadership knew of prisoner abuse, alleged rape discussed
- 02-2004: Al Qaeda training manual: lie about torture
- 10-2003: Memo (Ricardo Sanchez): Interrogation techniques
- 09-2003: Memo (Ricardo Sanchez): Interrogation techniques, Sanchez later lies about them
- 03-2003: Memo: redefining torture
- 12-2002: Memo: Army lawyers working hard
- 12-2002: Media: stress and duress, renditions, abuse
- 08-2002: Memo, Bybee: a narrow definition of torture
- 06-2002: John Walker Lindh gagged by Michael Chertoff
- 02-2002: Memo: the law of reciprocity, but CIA requests exemption
- 02-2002: White House: Afghan prisoners taken in war are not Prisoners of War
- 01-2002: Memo, Powell: an argument for respecting the Geneva Conventions
- 01-2002: Memo, Yoo: Application of Treaties and Laws to al Qaeda and Taliban Detainees
- 01-2002: Memo, Gonzales: the quaint Geneva Conventions
- 01-2002: Rumsfeld: "unlawful combatants"
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