Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Year. Show all posts

Friday, January 2, 2009


On Christmas Eve, Hailey and I decorated a gingerbread house together. This was Hailey's first experience with something like this, and I have to say that I think she enjoyed eating the candy more than she did putting it on the house! :) Oh well, that's a two year old for you!

We had Ryan's parents over for dinner on Christmas Eve. It was so nice to be with them for the holiday. After dinner, we talked about the Nativity story, and then opened up our Christmas jammies. This is a tradition we started on Hailey's first Christmas.

Then we drove around for a couple of hours to see Christmas lights. This was a tradition that I grew up with. We would always have a Christmas Eve program/get together at my grandparents house, then we'd drive around Farmington and see all the lights. When I was younger, Farmington used to have a Christmas light contest that was sponsered by the city. I'm not sure if they have it anymore, but the lights are still fun to look at. Its fun to see all the people that get so into the Clark Griswold-like spirit of decorating!

Christmas morning was so much fun with Hailey this year. Since she's well over 2, she totally "got" it. She loved ripping open her presents and helping other people rip theirs open too. It was so much more satisfying to see her eyes light up when she unwrapped the toy that she'd been wanting.

The tree on Christmas morning!

Hailey's present from Santa

Daddy & Mommy's stockings

Hailey, very excited for Christmas morning...

Santa came!!

Hailey opening her stocking!

We were pretty spoiled this year. Hailey received a doll house (from Santa), an art easel, a hobby horse, a Cabbage Patch doll, a Mr. Potato Head, My Little Ponies, books, and clothes among other things. Her big gift this year though was a BIG GIRL BED and BEDDING. This was made possible by her wonderful grandparents!! My parents chipped in for the bed, and Ryan's parents bought her the bedding. She LOVES her new bed and the transition wasn't nearly as awful as I had feared. She has done very well, aside from the early mornings (earlier than I am used to), and shorter naps.

Ryan and I were spoiled as well! Ryan got me a WiiFit! I was so excited! I really didn't want to pay over retail for it, and I knew that Ryan, with as cheap as he is [ :) ] didn't want to either, so I just figured we would wait a while until the demand went down. I was SO surprised when I opened my present and there was a WiiFit sitting in my lap! Ryan got a new game for the Wii and a new MP3 player, which I'm pretty sure he likes. We also got tickets to the Jazz vs. the Cavs at the end of January and to WICKED!!! SOOOOOOOOO EXCITED for that show!!

WE had a wonderful Christmas and a fun New Year and hope you all did too!