Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Sunday, January 01, 2012



Monday, October 03, 2011

Rejoice despite the fact this world will tear you to shreds

Holy Crap a Post!!! You must be shaking with glee right now! I know I would be if I were in your shoes.

This past weekend Ann and I showed at APE up in San Francisco! It was amazing! I had a great time, met a lot of amazing people and actually sold some of my work!

This is what our booth looked like. Magical?! I know, right!

These are the two zines I was selling.

Here are a couple illustrations from inside them.

Can't wait till next year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Now Presenting Sir Oliver Snugglemuffin Danger!!!!

To distract you from the fact that I don't have any new art to show, here is a picture of a puppy!!!

Yay puppies!!!

This is Oliver, mine and Ann's new puppy! He is 4 months old and likes sniffing stuff, licking stuff, chewing stuff, chasing stuff, and harassing Lucy. He hates leashes, wearing clothing, bedtime, veterinarians, and eating his own food. He is looking forward to meeting you all.

Monday, July 07, 2008

To be where little cable cars climb halfway to the stars

Ann and I got back last night from our trip up to San Francisco to visit my brand new baby niece. She's pretty damn adorable, as tiny versions of big things tend to be. Not quite as fun as her older brother yet, but I'm sure after she learns how to hold up her own head she'll get there in no time. While up in the bay area we visited with family, sat in traffic, frolicked around the city, sat in traffic, ate massive amounts of food, visited a pirate supply store, and... sat in traffic. So yeah it was a blast.

On the way back to LA we stopped by the Monterey Bay Aquarium and it was pretty much amazing. My favorite part was the jellyfish living art exhibit. It's kind of crazy how diverse the life on this planet is! After the aquarium we slowly headed home as we sat in massive amounts of traffic. Wooo California!

(Photographs by Ann)

While in San Francisco I got a tiny sketch book that I'm going to try to do a finished drawing in each day. I figure it's little and I should be able to do a quick Illustration in under an hour or so. In the past I have been notorious for starting a billion things but never finishing anything (just ask Ann). So I'm hoping this will be a good way for me to learn how to finish things. Let's see how long this lasts. Anyway here are my first two.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

We finally got a piece of the pie

Ok, Ok, Ok I get the picture Missywah, this thing isn't updated enough. Duly noted! I will look into it and fire whoever is responsible. Hopefully the next person I put in charge will be a little more on top of things.

So I guess everyone's next question is "Where's the damn film already!?!" Geez you people are harsh today! The film isn't ready yet. I'm going to look at where I am today and hopefully realize it will only take like 20 minutes to finish and then get it up and done with. From what I'm told Tanya is going to be holding my soon-to-be newborn niece hostage until she gets to see it. So I have some pretty hefty motivation to get it done.

Ok next question. Yes you sir in the blue fisherman's hat. What have I been doing with my summer? Good question. Since finishing up the semester at Calarts I have happily been spending much more time with Ann, doing a little work for Chris on the side to pay my bills, but mainly I have been trying to really focus and work on my art skills. I've mostly been studying anatomy so far, but I hope to also examine some of the old masters works and hopefully learn quite a bit that I can apply to my own art. I started off strong in the beginning of the summer but after a week or so my productivity started to decrease as my movie watching started to increase (ironman rules, indiana not so much), but I think I'm starting to turn around again and will finish off the summer strong. So hopefully I will have a few things to put up here in the not to distant future. On that note I went to the zoo today wanting to sketch the elephant there but s/he wasn't being very cooperative, so I moved on and drew some of the other animals instead. Most of what I did was less then impressive but I was able to draw a rhino that I was happy about.

(click on image to enlarge)