Showing posts with label Article on Sarah Palin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Article on Sarah Palin. Show all posts

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Sarah Palin and the Blazing Media Bias of Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican firebrand Sarah Palin invaded the city she loves to hate on Saturday and rubbed shoulders with the herd of journalists she usually holds in disdain.

The above headline penned by Reuters news agency says more about them than it does Sarah Palin.  It is another example of liberal media bias on steroids. 

The intro has four highly emotive words with negative connotations.  In one sentence Reuters describes Palin as an "invader," a "hater," some kind of fanatic (a "firebrand") who "loves to hate" and who holds people in contempt, i.e. she disdains them.  You can also infer from the comment that she is also a hypocrite, as she is now "rubbing shoulders" with the persons disdained.

Disgusting.  See it for yourself here.

Webster's definitions: 
firebrand:  one that creates unrest or strife (as in aggressively promoting a cause) : agitator
invader:  1 : to enter for conquest or plunder  2 : to encroach upon : infringe
disdains:  a feeling of contempt for someone or something regarded as unworthy or inferior : scorn

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pamela Geller on the Sarah Palin Haters

Pamela Geller has just posted an excellent article on the lunatic left's rabid hatred of Sarah Palin, most recently expressed in hateful, Photoshopped pictures of Palin's infant son, Trig Palin.
The terrible argument the lefties are using to justify their disgraceful behavior is to say that Palin made Trig "fair game" by bringing him on stage at the Republican National Convention. They say she herself made Trig a tool of political propaganda and can't now complain about the Photoshops. Liberals are very good at making up ridiculous arguments on the fly to support their grossly immoral, anti-human and anti-American behavior.

Geller points out, however, that Barack Obama brought his two young daughers on stage at the Democratic Convention. Does that make the little girls "fair game" for slander and ridicule?

Don't worry, those little girls are safe. We on the Right represent civilization; it is the Left that represents barbarism, nihilism and rabid hatred -- to the point of attacking infant children with disabilities.

Why does the Left hate Sarah Palin with such wild abandon? Because Sarah Palin is pretty, useful, wholesome and NORMAL. And they're not.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Left Still Obsessed With Hating Sarah Palin

Fox News has a story on the continuing Leftist obsession with Sarah Palin. She ran for office and her ticket lost and that would seem the end of the story. But the Left can't stop bashing her and saying stupid things about her. They just can't quit hating her.

Why do they hate her? Because she's normal and they're not. Because she's right in her politics and they're wrong and they secretly know it. Because she's patriotic and wholesome and religious and they're closet-traitors who are unwholesome slobs fettered with facial studs and green hair and B.O. and whose only religion is militant Islam.

And because she's popular with a large segment of the American populace and will be back to fight future political wars.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Sarah Palin Debates Joe Biden: My Take

I watched the Sarah Palin - Joe Biden vice presidential debate tonight. Sarah Palin did just fine. I was pleased by her performance.

Sarah was informed and knowledgeable on the questions presented to her by Gwen Ifill, an Obama supporter and moderator of the debate. In spite of GOP concerns about Ifill skewing the questions in Biden's favor, she was professional and maintained an air of impartiality. I think she did much better than most moderators of prior debates, almost all of whom seemed pro-Democrat to me.

Who won the debate? Who cares? The fact is, Palin came across as warm, sincere and real. She certainly helped the McCain ticket tonight. Will this translate into a large pro-McCain bounce in the polls? I doubt it. Maybe 1 or 2 points if we're lucky.

I liked how she was cordial and respectful to Biden even while disagreeing with him and sometimes taking him to task, particularly over comments he made in support of McCain and against Obama before Obama selected him as his VP running mate.

Joe Biden also did a good job and raised himself in my esteem. He never got really mean. He launched no personal attacks. He was a good soldier for Obama, a good lieutenant to his commander, and argued well for Obama; however, he seemed a bit like the lawyer he is, a man trained to argue positions he may not actually support in his own mind.

The truth, I think, is that Palin won Biden over along with many other people. She paid him sincere compliments, about his son serving in Iraq, about his wife's 30 years as a teacher. At the end of the debate Palin and Biden stood smiling at one another, shaking hands and exchanging private conversation. Whatever Biden's beliefs about politics, he did not seem to dislike Sarah Palin; just the opposite.

Which just goes to prove how good she will be as the next Vice President of the United States.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Andrew Sullivan's Admiration for Sarah Palin

Powerline Blog has a YouTube video of Sarah Palin playing the flute in the talent competition of the Miss Alaska beauty pageant of 1984. Go here to view it.

Powerline notes that the video was unearthed from the dusty storage chest of history by Andrew Sullivan, who seems to think that these videos of the 19 year old Palin in a beauty pageant is the most demeaning possible disclosure of her life.

Andrew Sullivan, as I've mentioned before, is a rabid Sarah Palin hating gay Brit who imagines that he is terribly knowledgeable and sophisticated. But we do have to give him some credit here. He is obviously struck by something he has in common with Sarah Palin, and it has moved him: they both play the flute.

She plays a silver flute. Sullivan plays the skin flute.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The New York Times Hit Piece on Sarah Palin

Tomorrow, Sunday, the New York Times will publish a hit piece on Sarah Palin. It begins:
Throughout her political career, she has pursued vendettas, fired officials who crossed her and sometimes blurred the line between government and personal grievance, according to a review of public records and interviews with 60 Republican and Democratic legislators and local officials.
The article that follows, however, fails to support the opening paragraph with other than the thinnest of argumentation. The Times admits that Sarah Palin, as Governor, was both effective and accessible.

So she fired some people and stepped on their toes: that's what we like about her! Get rid of the dead wood, the leeches and the incompetent. Do we expect them so say nice things about her now? No. So she hired "friends," otherwise known as loyal people whose work and character she knows and trusts. GOOD LORD, stop the presses!

The Times, it should be remembered, is a Democrat newspaper that has steadfastly failed to do any analysis on Barack Obama and his radical associations. Hit pieces are reserved for Republicans. Maybe that's why the New York Times' fortunes are in the descent, with loss of advertising revenues and layoffs. We're onto you, Times.

Read the whole story at Commentary Magazine. Hat tip to Mark Hemingway at the Corner.

Hemingway comments:

But again, the whole thing is just appalling. The New York Times hasn't begun to investigate Obama's deeply problematic background, nor have they run anything about him that has such an obvious and cringe inducing negative slant. Alas, it's just par for the course at the Times.

Yeah, until the Times goes bankrupt. I can hardly wait.