Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jayzoo Cree, as the French Say: the Hijinks of Obama and Hillary

I am appalled at our Democrats-in-power.  Barack Obama entertaining the notion of raising taxes by Executive Order.  Obama trying to hatch a secret deal with the Iranians, which some say will grease the skids to their nuclear bomb -- and without the advice and consent of Congress.

Now Hillary has been called on the carpet for running her own email server and doing state business on it rather than on the official email server.  That's against the law, so why did  she do it?

She claims that she would have to have two iPhones or Blackberries to use two different email addresses, and opted for using just one, for convenience sake.  Horse puckey.  You can put several email addresses on a single iPhone, so that explanation is lame and doesn't wash.

The truth, I suspect, is that she was doing unethical things with Obama, things related to Benghazi and other scandals.  Her and Barack's plot to lie about the terrorist attack on Benghazi and pretend it was just a protest against an inflammatory video that got out of hand.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It certainly wasn't because Obama and Hillary are incompetent boobs who didn't take security threats seriously -- especially with Obama up for reelection.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Has Fascism Come to America? Part One: Benghazi

Let's see...the President has been campaigning with the slogan "Osama is dead and GM is alive!"  He has been touting the benefits of the "Arab Spring," proof that all the Middle East really needed was a President who apologizes for past American hubris and above all else, wasn't George Bush -- and now those same Arabs are overthrowing dictators and installing "democratic" governments.

Suddenly an American embassy in Libya comes under Islamic attack two months before a presidential election.  Does the President worry about the safety of embassy personnel?  Does he dispatch the military to disperse the radicals and save the embassy staff?  But wait...if he does that, won't his Middle East Peace In Our Time meme be disproved?  Might it hurt his chances of re-election?  Hell, embassy staff are expendable.  He orders the military to "stand down" and not fire on the radicals.

Once the embassy has been burned to the ground and the American bodies collected for burial, there is the problem of spinning it all to the American people.  Let's see...that's it!  Recast this latest terrorist attack as a demonstration that just got out of hand.  It wasn't a planned attack...Middle East Peace In Our Time is still a viable meme for the we just need something or someone to blame for the "demonstration."  Ah ha!  Here's an unknown video on YouTube about the actual history of Mohammed -- let's blame it on that film and its filmmaker!  There won't be a problem with the press...they'll play along like they always do.

So as dirt is shoveled in the faces of four dead Americans, the Prez and his Secretary of State go on Arab television to apologize to the terrorists for having had to murder them in the first place.

Friday, November 02, 2012

Obama More Than Incompetent, May Be Treasonous as Well

As the details of Benghazi continue to emerge, it is more and more obvious that Barack Obama deliberately left Americans to die when they could have been saved.  An article in the American Thinker makes this clear.

The former Navy Seals who died on a roof were killed by terrorist mortar fire.  They gave up their position to the jihadis by laser-painting a target on the mortar nest, expected that their targeting it would be swiftly followed by a US air attack that never came.

The facts about Benghazi are these:

1.  Obama knew of Jihadi activity in the region thirty days before the attack.  He took no precautions and did nothing to improve security.

2.  Obama knew the nature of the jihadi attack in real time as it unfolded but took no action nor gave any orders to the military to take any action to save the embassy staff.  In fact, he ordered the CIA to "stand down," meaning, "do nothing."  This, in spite of the fact that two drones and a helicopter gun ship were overhead.

3.  Obama apparently failed to act on behalf of the embassy staff for ideological and political reasons.  Karen McQuillan, writing at the American Thinker writes:
Obama does not believe in using the military to defend our national security, which he sees as aggressive, Republican, and cowboy. This was Obama's 9/11, not Bush's. He did not see the attack on our embassy as a jihadi attack on American soil. He saw a group of aggrieved Muslim citizens, with good reason to be angry -- the spontaneous mob enraged by an offensive video. He would follow a Democrat policy of promoting peace, not war, in which avoiding civilian casualties is the paramount goal.

The other answer is directly political. It would be damaging for Obama's already weak record to admit that there was a 9/11 attack by al-Qaeda in one of the supposed successes of the Arab Spring. Responding militarily would have made the weaknesses of Obama's foreign policy all too evident. An American military response would have undercut one of Obama's main campaign slogans: "GM is alive and Osama is dead."
In other words, Barack Obama was willing to sacrifice the lives of 37 embassy personnel through inaction and gross negligence, in pursuit of a leftist ideology.  (Due to CIA Agent Tyrone Woods disobeying orders to "stand down," only four were killed -- including Woods.)  If the truth were known, the American people would ride Obama's worthless butt out of DC on a rail.  The mainstream media, of course, will not allow that to happen.

Read the entire article, Why Obama Chose to Let Them Die in Benghazi.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thomas Sowell Explains Obama's Strategy in Defusing Benghazi-Gate

Thomas Sowell has described a new political stratagem employed by the Democrats to take the steam out of controversies like Benghazi.  He calls it "cooling out" the voters.  Scam artists use the same technique on those that they defraud.  It involves creating plausible deniability, blurring the facts to confuse the victim as to whether he has been defrauded, thus delaying him from going to the police.  The delay is important, as it allows the fraudster to escape before any action can be taken.

Obama used the "cooling out" strategy in defusing public outrage over Benghazi.  Obama offered a plausible (but knowingly false) scenario to deflect deserved blame away from himself.  That scenario was to miscast the terrorist attack on our embassy to be a spontaneous protest over a YouTube video that just got out of hand.  Then allow the truth to come out slowly, when it will have a lesser impact on public opinion.

Clever, these Democrats.  They have transformed unethical and dishonest behavior into a fine art form.

Read it all here.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Very Short But Accurate Description of the Benghazi Affair

We've all heard of the attack on our embassy in Benghazi, Libya.  What happened, and what is the controversy all about?  Here it is in eight simple steps.

1.  Islamic extremists plotted to attack our embassy in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, the anniversary of Bin Laden's attack on New York in 2001.

2.  The terrorists attacked, killing our defenseless ambassador and two Navy Seals who tried to protect him.  During the attack, the Embassy personnel requested military assistance from the Obama administration, who refused the request.  Reasons for the refusal are unknown, but may be due to (1) gross incompetence of the Obama team, or (2) due to political considerations, e.g., if the military went in to save the embassy, it might make the "Arab Spring" and Obama's support of it look bad.  CIA ordered the Navy Seals to "stand down" during the attack and do nothing to assist the embassy.  They disobeyed orders and were killed defending it.

3.  After the embassy was burned to the ground and our ambassador murdered, Obama realized that the situation would make him look bad in an election year.  Somehow he had to hide his lack of foresight, lack of precaution, his gross negligence in refusing greater security and military assistance that the embassy had asked for.

4.  Obama decided to hide his culpability for our embassy dead by pretending that the onslaught was a spontaneous protest against an anti-Islam video on YouTube.  Now this is something he could not foresee or be blamed for; it deflected public attention away from Obama's security blunders, and gave him a plausible excuse for avoiding blame.

5.  Obama, with the help of Hillary Clinton, spreads the "spontaneous video protest" meme far and wide, even to the United Nations.

6.  Finally, CIA and other security personnel come forth to say that the attack was a planned act of terror, and had nothing to do with the YouTube video.  Emails are presented, proving that Obama knew the nature of the attack within a half hour of its beginning.

7.  Much of the public now realizes that the embassy attack happened due to the gross negligence of Barack Obama, and that he lied and attempted to cover up the real facts to protect his political hide.

8.  Final step, yet to happen:  On November 6, the American electorate kicks the lying cover-up king out on his butt, in part because of the Benghazi controversy.

Udate:  Lawrence Auster has a similar timeline that is worth your attention, here.