Showing posts with label Illuminati Pictures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illuminati Pictures. Show all posts

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The October Surprise: Obama Refuses to Prove His U.S. Birth: YouTube Video

My good blogging buddy Carol at No Sheeples Here hit it out of the park today when she posted a new video from YouTube by Illuminati Pictures, "The October Surprise." The video is about a lawsuit filed against Obama by Philadelphia lawyer and Democrat Philip J. Berg, demanding to see proof of Obama's U.S. birth. Rather than produce a certified birth certificate, Obama and the DNC have asked the court to dismiss the case, alleging that Berg doesn't have the legal standing to bring such a suit. Berg says that if the court does dismiss, he will file an an appeal with the US District Court or the United States Supreme Court.

Berg gives evidence that Obama was born in Kenya, by quoting one of his relatives, an aunt, who said she waited for his birth in the hospital -- in Kenya. Obama's father was a citizen of Kenya and his stepfather was a citizen of Indonesia; both were Muslims.

It's obvious that if Obama has nothing to hide, the quickest and cheapest way to end this controversy and lawsuit would be to produce a valid birth certificate proving that he is a natural born citizen of the United States. Why doesn't he? Maybe the reason is that Obama is, in fact, a natural born citizen of Kenya and therefore Constitutionally barred from being President of the United States.

Thomas Lifton at the American Thinker has also posted the video and commented on it, saying it coud be "a Game Changer" if the video goes viral. See his comments here.