Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic Terrorism. Show all posts

Monday, October 02, 2017

Evil In Las Vegas: 58 Dead In Shooting Massacre, 500+ Wounded

Another monstrous psychopath has mass murdered a large number of people, this time in Las Vegas.  A man in the Mandalay Bay Hotel broke out two windows in his suite, stuck a rifle out the window and opened fire on a large crowd of people.  The people were attending a country music concert, and easy targets from the shooter's elevated perch.

ISIS, the Muslim terrorist group who specializes in murder of innocents, has stated that the shooter was a recent convert to Islam.  However, this has not been verified at this point.

The biggest question in my mind is this:  how long before the Democrats begin making political hay out of the tragedy?  I expect they will call for banning of guns, one of their favorite goals, and will find a way to blame the tragedy on Trump.

If it is found that Islam and Muslims were a factor, expect nothing to be done about it.  Guns may be banned, but Muslims will not be.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Another One Bites the Dust: Paris Terror Mastermind Killed (#ISIS #Islam #Terror)

Another Muslim low-life has been removed from the Earth.  Charaffe al Mouadan, who was tied to the recent Paris terrorist attack, has been killed by a military airstrike.

Sweet dreams, scumbag.

Friday, January 09, 2015

Why We MUST Blasphemy Islam: Russ Douthat of NY Times Tells Why #CharlieHedbo #jesuischarlie

Russ Douthat's essay in the New York Times, "The Blasphemy We Need," is a must-read article.  It clarifies better than any other why "blasphemy" is sometimes a courageous act that serves a free society's greater good.  He writes:
...some of the images (anti-Islamic and otherwise) Charlie Hebdo engaged in had deadly consequences, as everyone knew it could … and that kind of blasphemy is precisely the kind that needs to be defended, because it’s the kind that clearly serves a free society’s greater good. If a large enough group of someones is willing to kill you for saying something, then it’s something that almost certainly needs to be said, because otherwise the violent have veto power over liberal civilization, and when that scenario obtains it isn’t really a liberal civilization any more. Again, liberalism doesn’t depend on everyone offending everyone else all the time, and it’s okay to prefer a society where offense for its own sake is limited rather than pervasive. But when offenses are policed by murder, that’s when we need more of them, not less, because the murderers cannot be allowed for a single moment to think that their strategy can succeed.
Read it all here.

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

I Am Charlie Hedbo #JeSuisCharlie

The above caption is being exhibited throughout Paris and France today.  It means "I Am Charlie."  We infidels are all Charlie Hedbo.  We are all the victims of 911, of London, Madrid, Beslan, Mumbai, Fort Hood, Boston, Benghazi, Nairobi and now Paris.

However, slogans and solidarity with victims and candlelight vigils are all well and good, but not nearly enough.  To prevent Islamic mass murder, we must isolate ourselves from this despicable religion, by ending their immigration into the west, and by banning Islam for the violent and seditious force that it is.


The Depiction of Muhammad That
Resulted in Mass Murder by Muslims
Muslim gunmen have attacked the Paris offices of Charlie Hedbo and murdered twelve people there.  This was in revenge for Hedbo's satirical depiction of the false prophet in its magazine in the fall of 2011 (see picture at left).  I printed the cover of Charlie Hedbo then and urged solidarity with its editors and writers, in defense of freedom of speech and freedom from Muslim mass murder.  See it here.

The leaders of western Europe have had their heads up their asses for years, allowing millions of these murderous barbarians to immigrate.  The slow and steady erosion of western freedoms has been the result, along with the occasional terrorist attack and murder of the host country's citizens.  Today's murder of twelve French citizens is just another one in a long line of atrocities.

Whatever idiocy led these leaders to adopt such immigration policies, it is way past time to call a halt.  Islam in Europe must be banned, because ISLAM IS TERRORISM,   ISLAM IS MASS MURDER.  It brings much harm and little if any good to the nations it infests.

This week illustrates the idiocy of allowing Muslim immigration.  The moronic leader of Germany, Angela Merkel, chastised a growing group of German citizens who have been marching and protesting the Islamization of their country.  Resistance groups are also active in the U.K. and France, though heavily censored and harassed by the establishment.  Incidents like this latest murder will cause such movements to grow.  We need to welcome and support these resistance groups, both spiritually and financially.  With regard to Islamization of YOUR country, I have one word of advice:  RESIST.

Some observations and opinions:
  • Every time Muslim immigrants murder citizens of western nations, the leaders of those nations are as guilty as the gunmen.  This is especially true for traitors like Angela Merkel, David Cameron, and François Hollande, the leaders of Germany, the U.K. and France, respectively.
  • Every time a Muslim atrocity occurs against the citizens of a western nation, one mosque should be bulldozed in return.  
  • Muslim perpetrators of these atrocities should be hanged, and their corpses incinerated.  They should not be allowed any religious rites nor buried according to Islamic traditions.
The solution to this immigration insanity is what Dutch politician Geert Wilders had been advocating for some time:  all Muslim immigration into the west must be stopped, and those Muslims already here encouraged to leave.  Building of mosques should be prohibited.  To that I would add, any and all tax advantages for being a "religion" should be ended at once.

Post the Hedbo depiction of the FALSE PROPHET (above) on your blog now to show solidarity with the murdered Hedbo staff and AGAINST Islam. 

The time for rationalizing this deadly ideology is over.  The time for liberal posing and posturing in defense of monstrous barbarians is finished.  ISLAM MUST BE BANNED in the western nations.  Let the deportations begin! 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Incredible Denial of Apologists for Islam

As Islamic terrorism, murder and violence continues to accelerate across the globe, more and more of the naive among us apologize for -- that is, attempt to explain away -- Muslim violence.  Some retired teacher wrote a guest piece in the Hollister newspaper last week, claiming to have "researched" Islam.  His conclusions:  Americans have nothing to fear from Islam or Muslims.  Dhimmis were a protected class of people (actually, they are and were an expendable third-class, reviled caste, and dhimmitude a form of slavery).  This retired teacher also claimed that the Koran was a beautiful book of verses similar to Psalms (obviously overlooking the 109 verses that call for murder and violence against non-believers).  Women are not mistreated in Islam, and their absence in schools is more a factor of poverty than ideology.  The writer's wishful thinking and self-delusion are striking.

There are, in fact, many Americans who no longer need to fear Islam.  They are dead, killed by Muslims for religious reasons.  Islam is a religion that practices a form of human sacrifice:  if you aren't a Muslim, it is perfectly honorable, moral and pious to kill you.

The invaluable website "The Religion of Peace" has compiled a list of Americans killed and injured by Muslims in America. The list goes back to 1972 and extends through the Boston atrocity.  The total number of Americans murdered by Muslims (in America) since 1972 is 3,085 and the number injured is 1,592.  These figures include 911.

If we subtract the casualties of 911, there have been 109 Americans murdered by Muslims and 1,288 injured since 1972.

If we count only the casualties since 911 (2001 - 2013) there have been 64 killed and 228 injured.

So we have nothing to fear from Islam and Muslims?  The percentage of the total population represented by the above figures is fairly low.  However, those tallies only include successful Muslim murders.  They do not include the many plots discovered and stopped, or those that failed.  There were at least 29 failed and foiled Muslim plots to murder Americans since 911.  They are listed here, but the list does not appear complete.

Update:  Here's a film about Sharia, Islamic law that Muslims hope to substitute for the Constitution.  Hat tip to "Sharia Unveiled."

Monday, April 22, 2013

Religious Motive Cited in Boston Bombings: What Did I Tell You?

What did I tell you in my last post?

Actually, it was a no-brainer except for the millions of Americans who are in denial as to the irredeemably violent nature of Islam

Read it here.

Friday, April 19, 2013

This Is Your Brain On Islam: Alcohol Forbidden, Mass Murder Okay

Drudge quotes the dead terrorist:
Tamerlan says he doesn't drink or smoke anymore: "God said no alcohol." A muslim, he says: "There are no values anymore," and worries that "people can't control themselves."
God says no alcohol, but mass murder is okay.

This is your brain on Islam.

UPDATE:  Second perp ("white hat" guy) captured and in custody.  He was hiding in a boat stored in a citizen's backyard.  He appears seriously injured and was taken to a hospital.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Bombing: Who Did It?

Whenever an atrocity occurs, like the bombing of the Boston Marathon yesterday, the left immediately blames it on the "far right" or on budget cuts, or something equally self-serving.  The right immediately suspects Muslim terrorists.  I am in the latter category, of course.

Nevertheless, nothing is definite without evidence and facts, and we should try to withhold judgment until we have some.  John Douglas, the FBI profiler whose books have recently caught my attention, talks about erroneous investigations and convictions.  These are generally caused by jumping to conclusions, developing a theory, and selectively looking for facts to fit that theory.  Douglas says that in any crime, you must step back, view the whole picture, and determine what is known and what is not known.  You first examine the facts and the evidence and formulate a theory based on those.

What we now know is this:
1.  Person or persons unknown planted makeshift bombs made from pressure cookers at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, and timed those bombs to explode when and where the crowd would be thickest.  This appears a deliberate attempt to kill and injure as many people as possible.

2. Recent events in the past decade have shown Muslim terrorists planting bombs (in London and Madrid) with the intention of killing or wounding civilians.  Such crimes seem to have no purpose other than murder for the sake of murder, or in the case of radical Muslims, for the sake of their violent ideology.  Douglas calls this type of crime a "group cause" crime, carried out for ideological or political reasons.  The Islamic reason is merely to follow the command of their prophet, i.e. to kill infidels and unbelievers.  It is a well-established fact, based on 14 centuries of experience, that Islam is a religion of mass murder that intends to spread itself through terror.

3.  A recent Al Qaeda magazine described how Muslim terrorists could make bombs out of pressure cookers, filled with shrapnel and a flammable liquid.  The article advised:
“The pressurized cooker is the most effective method,” the article said. “Glue shrapnel to the inside of the pressurized cooker then fill the cooker with inflammable material.” A small light bulb can be used as a detonator, it said.

“Place the device in a crowded area,” the article said. “Camouflage the device with something that would not hinder the shrapnel such as cardboard.”
It would appear a reasonable theory that the world's most violent and hateful religion has probably carried out yet another crime against humanity.  However, I will withhold conclusive judgment until more facts are in.  There is always the possibility that the crime was perpetrated by some extremist like Timothy McVeigh or some lunatic like Ted Kaczynski.  However, the odds are in favor of a Muslim perpetrator.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Murder Aboard HMS Nuclear Submarine Astute: Was the Shooter a Muslim?

HMS Astute 
A British sailor and armed sentry aboard HMS Astute, a Nuclear Submarine docked at Southampton, shot two of his officers today.  The shooting happened as the sentries were being changed at midday.  One of the victims has died.  The other is in critical condition.  The shooter is in custody.

The British Navy has stated that the shooting was "not terrorist related."  However, they have not released the name of the shooter.  The question is obvious:  was he a Muslim, in a country where doubting Muslim loyalty is a crime?  Were the shootings another example of tragedy wrought by the insanity of non-discrimination in immigration policy?

Not all political/military murderers are Muslims -- Jared Loughner, the demented shooter of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was not.    Nevertheless, I would be very interested in knowing the identity of the U.K. shooter.

Was he a Muslim or not?

Update:  Media identifies shooter as 22 year old Ryan Donovan.  The name is not Arabic and the shooter does not appear to be Muslim, based on that.

Update 2:  Investigators are speculating that Donovan was dreading another planned month at sea and angry for being refused shore leave.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Another (Muslim?) Terrorist Plots Mass Murder in Virginia (Yawn)

From the Washington Times yesterday, we learn that a man with an Arabic sounding name plotted to place pipe bombs on trains and in sewers "to produce the greatest number of casualties." The article doesn't mention the suspect's religious affiliations, but I am willing to bet my shorts that the man was a Muslim, attempting to carry out Mohammed's commandments to commit ongoing, violent jihad against us "infidels."

What's up with this insane form of political correctness, that the nature of a growing threat against American lives cannot be named or sourced? Do these fools in the media and in government believe that if we just don't mention Islam, the threat will somehow go away? We must face the facts, that Islam is a deadly ideology that has no place in the 21st century or in America.

Islam is murder. All Islamic immigration into the US must cease and Muslims already here invited to leave. That and that alone will stop the threat from violent jihadis. (Hat tip: Lawrence Auster of View From the Right.)

Excerpt from the Washington Times:
An Arlington man is accused of threatening to set off bombs around D.C., including in the Metro system, but was caught through messages he sent on Facebook before a plot was developed.

Younis, who was born in Afghanistan, used Facebook to threaten to set off explosives, according to an affidavit for his arrest by Joseph Lesinski, a special agent with the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force.

The documents say Younis described how to build a pipe bomb and advocated placing bombs on the third and fifth cars of Metro trains because they "had the highest number of commuters on them and he could place pipe bombs in these locations and would not be noticed."

Younis also said he could put a bomb under a sewer head in Georgetown at rush hour "to produce the greatest number of casualties," the affidavit says.
Read it all here.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

An Islamic Christmas Tree, an Islamic Christmas Wish (Photoshop)

A Somali (read:  Muslim) teen, who is a naturalized citizen of the United States, attempted to bomb a Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Portland, Oregon.  Ah, the spirit of the season!  Brotherly love, peace on earth, goodwill towards men!  Or not.

To capture the perpetrator's sentiments, I included his mug shot in the Photoshop below, complete with an Islamic Christmas tree symbolizing the wishes of so many Muslims worldwide on this festive season of the year.

Read all about it here.
An Islamic Tree Lighting Ceremony?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Would-Be Muslim Terrorist Attempts Bombing of Wrigley Field

Another disciple of Islam arrested in Chicago bomb plot:
A 22-year-old man who allegedly spoke of wanting to assassinate Chicago’s mayor was charged by federal prosecutors with plotting to detonate a bomb near Wrigley Field, home to the Chicago Cubs baseball team.

Sami Samir Hassoun blamed Richard M. Daley for “weakening” the city’s security and planned to use the attack to drive him from office, according to the complaint against him. He was arrested Sept. 19 by members of the Chicago-area Joint Terrorism Task Force.

“He wanted to transform the City of Chicago. He wanted to make a statement,” Robert Grant, special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Chicago office, told reporters after Hassoun appeared before a federal magistrate yesterday. He intended to “kill as many people as he could” by planting the explosive in a neighborhood full of bars, clubs and restaurants, Grant said.

Hassoun, who is identified in an FBI statement as a Lebanese citizen living legally in Chicago, is charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction and with trying to destroy real property using an explosive.
Read it all here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New Muslim Terrorist Attacks Expected in America and Europe

Intelligence officials are saying that there is a heightened chance of another significant terrorist attack here in the United States. The ABC report avoids the use of the word "Muslim" but it is clear that Muslim terrorists are the ones now feared. They cite recent attempted terrorist attacks here.
The attacks cited included:

The disruption of a plot to bomb the New York City subway by Najibullah Zazi, a naturalized U.S. citizen, last September.

The attack at Ft Hood Texas by gunman Army Maj. Nidal Hassan which resulted in 13 people killed and over 30 wounded.

The attempted Christmas Day bombing of Northwest Airlines flight 253 by alleged al Qaeda operative Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab.

The averted May 1 bombing in Times Square by Faisal Shahzad.
Read it all here.

Europe is now on high alert for a threatened Muslim attack on transportation hubs.  ADN Kronos has the story:
The commander of French police and security services Frederic Pechenard said on radio Wednesday they had "serious evidence coming from reliable intelligence sources telling us there is a risk of a major attack."

Al-Qaida in North Africa was targeting France in particular, he said.

The threat included "the assassination of an important figure or an attempted mass casualty attack on a crowded public area like a metro train or department store," Pechenard said.

One of the main prospective targets for the suicide bombings is reportedly the Gare du Nord station in Paris, where trains depart for London and cities in Italy, Belgium and Switzerland.
Read it all here.

The Islamic threat has replaced the old Communism threat and appears even more dangerous.  After all, we didn't allow millions of Communists to immigrate and conduct sedition.

Ah, the wonders of multiculturalism! Our diversity is our most important strength!

Islam is the enemy.  Do we have the will to admit this truth and do something to stop the threat?  Personally, I doubt it.  Western civilization is in the full course of committing suicide.

The old paradigms do not work.  If we are to survive Islam, more effective and even radically new strategies will have to be implemented.  Gone is the notion of America "the melting pot," where any and all cultures may immigrate and seamlessly blend.  We need to rid ourselves of the notion that, once here, a hostile alien culture cannot be removed.

Monday, August 30, 2010

I'm Not the Only Islamophobe: Blogmocracy Wants to End Islamic Immigration Too

The Blogmocracy has a post about two Muslims in Dearborn being arrested for a planned terrorist attack. Rodan writes, while I applaud:
Our elites have given preferences to Immigrants from Islamic countries. Dearborn Michigan has become an enclaves of AL-Qaeda, Hizballah and Muslims Brotherhood supporters. This is not Immigration, it’s Colonialism and the goal is to establish an Islamic state in America. No matter how we appease, they seek to carry out acts of aggression. In the latest episode of Islamic Imperialism, 2 men identified as Ahmed Mohamed Nasser al Soofiand Hezem al Murisi from the Deaborn area have been arrested on Terror charges.

Two men taken off a Chicago-to-Amsterdam United Airlines flight in the Netherlands have been charged by Dutch police with “preparation of a terrorist attack,” U.S. law enforcement officials tell ABC News.
Rodan concludes his post with this:
It is time to end Islamic Immigration. This is just latest case of Islamic Colonialists using America to prepare acts of aggression. The time for tolerance of Islamic Imperialism must end.
Yes, it is time. When will the fools in power listen? Perhaps after a dirty bomb is set off in a major city.

Saturday, June 05, 2010

The Ship Rachel Corrie Captured!

It looks like they have moonbats in Belfast too.   A collection of Jew-haters there bought an old commercial ship and named it "The Rachel Corrie," after a rabid leftist from Washington state.  This old boat is the latest to be stopped by the Israeli blockade of Gaza.  It is telling that the operators of the ship named it after an anti-Israel radical.

Rachel Corrie was best depicted by photos of her with face contorted by hate, gritting her teeth or yelling in anger as she burned an American flag.  Corrie decided to support terrorism in Gaza by trying to prevent Israeli bulldozers from razing houses used as depots for smuggler tunnels.  The tunnels, of course, were used to smuggle in weapons and explosives to kill Israelis.

In 2003, Corrie made herself a human shield against an Israeli bulldozer that was in the process of demolishing a terrorist house in Gaza.  The bulldozer driver didn't see her and she died, either from falling debris from the house or by being crushed by the bulldozer (there are conflicting claims as to what killed her).

In any case, the name "Rachel Corrie" will long be a name precious to Jew-haters, radical leftists and supporters of Muslim terrorism.  Personally, for me, the name will forever be associated with the mindless, ranting left, the support of hatred, totalitarianism and mass murder.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

T Shirt Vendor Saves Times Square From Terrorist Bomb

Another common man steps out of the crowd to save the day (hat tip:  Theodore's World).  The New York Daily News reports:
The T-shirt vendor - a Vietnam vet - told Officer Wayne Rhatigan there was smoke coming from a Nissan SUV on the southwest corner of 45th St. and Broadway about 7 p.m., sources said.
Rhatigan approached the car, saw the smoke, and sprang into action.
"I did a lap around the vehicle. The inside was smoking," Rhatigan told the Daily News Saturday night. "I smelled gunpowder and knew it might blow. I thought it might blow any second."
He grabbed two rookie female cops patrolling the area. Together, they pushed hundreds of people away from the scene as they called for backup, he said.
The Fire Department and bomb squad rushed to the scene.
What they found was an SUV with two jugs of gasoline and three canisters of propane wired up to a gunpowder charge. The would-be terrorist started the contraption, but it did not explode, only started smoking.  He fled the scene as police arrived and is still at large.

Mark Steyn at the Corner notes that the U.K. Telegraph was the first publication to note the parking place of the SUV:
The dark green Nissan Pathfinder with tinted windows was parked near the junction of 45th Street and Broadway.
The location is also adjacent to the Viacom building, fuelling speculation that it might be linked to the company's controversial South Park cartoon which recently depicted Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit.
So was this latest act of terrorism Islamic in nature? We won't know for sure until the police gather more evidence.  If the perpetrator turns out to be a Muslim, then we will have survived another of many attempts by Muslims to commit domestic terrorism since 9/11.  What should we do about it?

I for one subscribe to the Laurence Auster solution:  stop all Islamic immigration into the west and encourage those already here to leave.

Meanwhile, readers continue to send me their depictions of Islam's bloody prophet, and they will be published en masse on May 20 as planned.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Islam, a Terrorist Ideology and the West's Slow Awakening

In light of the terrorist attempt to bomb a plane on Christmas day, more people are waking up to the Islamic threat.  No, Islam is not a religion of peace.  It is, and always has been, a religion of war, aggression and imperialism.

There are a couple of news items today that support my statement above.

Ralph Peters in the New York Post writes that we are lying to ourselves about Islam.  He writes:
Despite vast databases crammed with evidence, our leaders -- of both parties -- still refuse to connect Islamist terrorism with Islam.  Our insistence that "Islam's a religion of peace" would have been cold comfort to the family members of those passengers had the bomb detonated as planned.
The U.K. Telegraph ran an editorial, a murderous ideology tolerated for too long.  The editorial says 
Jihadist Islamism is also a murderous ideology, comparable to Nazism in many respects. The British public realises this; so do the intelligence services. Yet because it arises out of a worldwide religion – most of whose followers are peaceful – politicians and the public sector shrink from treating its ideologues as criminal supporters of violence. Instead, the Government throws vast sums of money at the Muslim community in order to ensure that what is effectively a civil war between extremists and moderates is won by the latter. This policy – supported by all the main political parties – does not seem to be working. 
Meanwhile, the American mainstream press are trying to engender sympathy for the terrorist of Flight 253, saying that he "was lonely and depressed."  (Awwwwww!)  So it is loneliness and depression that leads to Islamic terror!  At last, we have the key connection!  Terrorists are people who just need a hug!  Idiots!

Lorne Gunter of the Edmonton Journal adds more common sense to the discussion.  He writes that, because of the attempt on the Detroit bound flight, the airlines will devise more passenger tests and taboos to "prevent" terrorism, but it is mostly for show.  With each new ban -- from box cutters to sports drinks, terrorists will simply invent new ways to carry and hide explosives.  Gunter notes that the west will continually engage the PC fiction that all passengers are equal in their potential as terrorists, instead of profiling young Muslim males, who are by far the most likely terrorists.  Profiling would greatly improve security and reduce the risks of a serious terrorist attack.

Read it all at the link above.  (Hat tip:  American Power)