Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marxism. Show all posts

Sunday, January 02, 2022

American Marxism

After hearing Mark Levin talk about his book “American Marxism,” I ordered the book.

Levin says we are in real danger of losing America to a failed foreign ideology.  I believe him.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

The American University: a Marxist Cesspool of Intellectual Repression

There is a part of America that is solidly under Marxist control, where the populace is brainwashed, freedom of inquiry shut off, and competing ideas eradicated. That part of America is the American University.  In Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, David Horowitz writes:
Graduation ceremonies on America's college campuses have become occasions to reflect on the near total domination of the left over the institutions of higher learning, a politicization of academic life unprecedented in the history of our democracy.
This deplorable situation did not happen by accident. It is the result of a McCarthyism operating inside these academic institutions, fueled by the atmosphere of "political correctness" that has enveloped the academy since the ascension of the tenured left. The hegemony of this left has resulted in politicized hiring practices, systematic exclusion of dissenting voices, and an atmosphere of political intimidation to a degree seen only in countries ruled by communist or fascist or theocratic dictatorships.
College administrators regularly invite far left extremists to speak at graduation ceremonies, but conservatives are generally excluded.   Faculties are almost entirely comprised of Democrats, Marxists and other species of leftists.  The University of Colorado, for example, had a ratio of 30 to 1 in favor of Democrat professors over Republican ones.  There was not a single Republican or conservative in the English, psychology, journalism, philosophy, women's studies, ethnic studies, and lesbian and gay studies departments.  One college professor was eventually outed as a Republican, and was told by a department colleague "we would never have hired you if we'd known you were a Republican."

The university is an intellectual bubble where diversity of thought and opinion is heavily repressed through social pressure, politicized hiring, and the need for students to "go along" to get good grades.  In summary, the left has turned the University into a cesspool of Marxist, totalitarian brainwashing through the following means:
1.  Hiring only leftist, Marxist and Democrat faculty, though a heavily politicized hiring process;
2.  Inviting only leftists, liberals or radicals to be guest speakers or commencement speakers;
3.  Exerting strong social pressure on students and faculty to conform to, and support, the leftist agenda.

David Horowitz concludes:
The politicization of the university and the debasement of scholarship are a national tragedy of incalculable dimensions. If the situation is to be remedied, it can only be by a restoration of the integrity of these institutions parallel in magnitude and scope.
Source:  Horowitz, David (1999-09-01). Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes (Kindle Locations 1807-1808). Spence Publishing Company. Kindle Edition.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Photo of the Day: "Oh Look, I'm An Idiot!"

Her real message:  Oh looky, I am so broad-minded!  I am so socially aware!  Admire me!  Praise me!  Acknowledge my pathetic existence so my life will have meaning!

Okay, we are acknowledging your pathetic existence, unknown self-described rich girl.  You are our IDIOT OF THE DAY.

P.S.  If you're really serious about "redistribution," feel free to write checks to the burn-outs and freeloaders there with  you.  You certainly don't need the government to do it for you.

Monday, November 02, 2009

Obama's Pastor Jeremiah Wright Praises Marxism in New Video

Accuracy In Media has uncovered a new, controversial video of Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright.  AIM writes:
A new video of Jeremiah Wright has surfaced [created on Sept 17, 2009], showing Barack Obama's pastor of 20 years praising Marxism and discussing his ties to communists in El Salvador and Nicaragua and the Libyan government. 
The occasion of Wright's speech was the anniversary celebration of a socialist magazine, Monthly Review.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Is Barack Obama a Marxist?

The nutroots are outraged because Tom Delay called Barack Obama "a Marxist" today. Delay was partially correct - from what we know about Obama, he is a member of the far left, but Marxism is probably not the correct category.

Marxism is totalitarianism where the entire means of production (the economy) is owned and directed by the state. It calls for armed revolution against the non-communist ruling class. Revolution is usually followed by widespread execution of capitalists, business owners and large farm owners. Does Obama believe that? Perhaps, but I haven't seen any evidence of that.

What Obama is, clearly, is a fascist. The most honest spin one could put on Obama's political leanings is that he is a democratic fascist. That's different than historical fascism, where the state is ruled by a single dictator. Democratic fascism would be ruled by a single political party, to the extent possible.

Traditionally, democratic fascism is made possible by major media who are in that party's hip pocket and who are the gatekeepers as to what news is heard and which is not, and the spin and intepretation put on that news. Expect Obama to reinstate the fairness doctrine, where conservative talk radio would cease to exist. Expect also a massive gerrymandering of congressional districts to create safe enclaves for Democrats. In those rare times when Democratic legislation is defeated, expect more Democrat "living constitution" judges who will legislate from the bench.

The Democrats may try to expand their constituency by giving citizenship to illegal aliens, and the vote to illegals by suppressing voter identification legislation. Finally, control of the ballot box will allow dead people to vote Democratic, as they have several times in the past. When all else fails, the Democrats can appoint special judges to persecute and prosecute Republicans, as they have done to Tom Delay and Scooter Libby.

There are many ways to compromise a representative democracy and Democrats are well schooled in all of them.

Fascism in its mildest form is still collectivist and socialist, but the state does not own the entire means of production. Many businesses are left in the hands of private owners, as long as they support the objectives of the fascist state. Nevertheless, historic fascism did nationalize certain key industries. Obama would probably nationalize the medical industry, as Hillary tried to do, but I know of no others. Of course, outright ownership of the means of productions isn't necessary to control industry. Industry can be intimidated and/or bribed to fall into line. The power to tax and regulate is the power to destroy, and very high taxes would be a hallmark of the Obama administration. Repeated IRS audits of conservative organizations, common during Bill Clinton's administration, provides great intimidation to those businesses who don't embrace "the program." For those who do support it, there are tax credits, corporate welfare and pork projects, paid for by the taxpayers.

No, Obama is a fascist within the correct historical definition of the term. See my post on Jonah Goldberg's book "Liberal Fascsim" for details.