Showing posts with label Muslim Immigration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslim Immigration. Show all posts

Monday, December 07, 2015

Trump Gets It Right on Muslim Immigration: Stop It Completely

Donald Trump stated his planned policy on Muslim immigrants today.  He said:

"Until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad, and have no sense of reason or respect for human life."

He further explanined:
"there is great hatred towards Americans by large segments of the Muslim population."

His planned policy is the only one that makes sense.  I have been advocating this policy since 9/11/2001.  The late Lawrence Auster advocated this policy.  Inviting in millions of believers in a murder/suicide death cult is an asinine, insane idea.  Yet some of the political "leaders" on both sides of the aisle are savaging Trump for wanting to do the obvious.

Republicans who oppose Trump's stand include Ben Carson, Chris Christie, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, and Carly Fiorina.  Needless to say, Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are dead set against it.

That settles it for me.  I am voting for Donald Trump.

Read more about it here.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

The Muslim Invasion of Europe (or "Refugees" for the Naive)

Muslim "Refugees" Invade Europe
There are tens of thousands of Muslim refugees flooding into Europe from Syria and elsewhere, allegedly to escape war and violence.  Apparently, Muslims, like Socialists, like to flee the hell-holes that their ideologies create.  However, whenever they have escaped to more enlightened locales, they then begin re-establishing the ideology from which they fled.

Some say the "refugees" look more like invaders than the poor, down trodden wretches we generally associate with the the term.  Invasion by immigration, and conquest by population replacement, are in the offing.  What we are witnessing is a successful strategy for Islam to conquer the west, by a slow and patient kind of subversion.  They are aided in this by liberal politicians who strike poses "welcoming the immigrants," because the highest point of enlightenment is to sacrifice one's own culture, language, customs and religions for decidedly inferior ones.  Let our grandchildren grow up in totalitarian hell-holes of poverty and oppression!  Their sacrifice is worth the opportunity to strike poses in the here and now, for fellow "enlightened" self-hating leftists, and the ecstasy that moral vanity brings.

The "refugees" should be turned back.  Let them enjoy the fruits of their sacred culture.  They have spent centuries building it, now let them enjoy it to the fullest.  We do not need this disruptive, violent and hostile culture in our midst.  See it for what it is, an invasion by hostiles, who come not to assimilate into our culture, but to replace it with theirs. It is a process known as stealth jihad.

Sunday, January 04, 2015

The Islamization of Europe

A very disturbing disaster-in-the-making is the ongoing Islamization of Europe. By Islamization, I mean:
  1. Allowing millions of Muslims to immigrate into European countries;
  2. Providing public subsidies of Mosque building therein;
  3. Providing public support (welfare) for many of those Mulsim immigrants;
  4. Forcing majority acceptance of unsavory Muslim practices, such as polygamy, wife-beating, Sharia law, burquas and veils, Halal slaughter and Muslim enclaves (no-go zones);
  5. Appeasement of the Muslim immigrants by suppressing crosses, piggy banks, beer and wine, music stores, dogs and signs about bacon;
  6. Restrictions on free speech, where Brits, French citizens, Italian citizens, Swedes and Danish citizens are fined or imprisoned (or both) for critically speaking about, writing about, tweeting about, blogging about, or otherwise objecting to Islamic practices and immigrant behavior.
Note that in these countries, truth is not a defense in voicing criticisms or concerns.  Some recent examples of European (and American) support for Islamization:
  • French citizens are heavily fined for objecting to Islamization.  See Moonbattery's listing of details.
  • German Journalist Michael Stürzenberger Fined 1200 Euros for Criticizing Islam.  See here for details.
  • Danish Woman Guilty of Racism for Criticizing Islam -- See this link.
  • Germany’s Silencing of Islam Critics --  See this link.
  • Censorship, "Mental Illness" Overrun France -- See this link.
  • And, even in America:  MAINE FINES GROUP FOR CRITICIZING ISLAM -- See this link.
Western Civilization appears intent on committing cultural suicide.  The mass importation of a barbaric, intolerant, hostile and unassimilable culture, while protecting it from criticism by Draconian means, is truly disturbing.  The question is, how do we fight this Islamization?  How do we reverse it?

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Enemy Among Us: Muslims Attack Jews In Europe

Mark Stein explained (in "America Alone," I think) why leftist leaders in Europe have allowed millions of Muslims to immigrate there.  The traditional white populations are committing demographic suicide, not having babies, and slowly dying out.  Meanwhile, the huge social services, like pensions, promised to the older generations, depend on an increasing number of workers.  Like Social Security, the left has for years been running a huge Ponzi scheme, paying current beneficiaries with the contributions of the younger generation.  Since their populations are no longer expanding, the Ponzi schemes will eventually collapse, when pay-outs become greater than what is paid in, and the system becomes insolvent.

In order to get new workers to shore up increasingly bankrupt social benefit programs, European leaders have invited millions of Muslim immigrants in.  Now those immigrants are reaching critical mass, attacking Jews and other infidels in increasing numbers.  This week, in Paris, Jews were trapped inside their synagogue by Muslim rioters screaming "Death to the Jews."  Apparently, these Muslims are upset that Israel is giving the so-called murderous "Palestinians" a well-deserved butt-kicking.

This massive Muslim immigration into the west will eventually destroy western civilization, as Muslim birthrates create an alien majority in European countries.  White, Christian and Jewish European majorities are being replaced by a barbaric, hostile and unassimable culture.  Such immigration may help leftist leaders balance the books in the short run, but in the long run, it will prove fatal.  The signs are already there.

In the United States, our population is being replaced with Hispanics, who at least don't cut off people's heads or set off bombs.  Nevertheless, the fact of our replacement and demise is indisputable.  We can give into despair and watch the unfolding disaster helplessly from the sidelines, or we can devise a long-term strategy to stop and reverse it.  The very first step, however, is to elect politicians who understand the problem and are willing to confront it.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Hodgepodge: All the News That I Found Interesting This Week

There were a lot of weird and interesting events this past week. Here are some of them:

1. The Geert Wilders trial in the Netherlands took a strange twist when the prosecutors of Wilders advised the judges in the trial that Wilders was innocent and that the charges should be dropped. The judges did not drop the charges and were replaced with new judges. The Farce trial of Geert Wilders, who is charged with inciting hatred against Muslims (for telling the truth about them), goes on towards an uncertain resolution. Some observers are stating that they expect the charges to be dropped and Wilders to be freed.

2. A female version of Geert Wilders has emerged, one Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, a Vienna housewife, who must stand trial for "hate speech." The lady held seminars in Vienna to discuss the dangers of Islamization and the violent nature of Islam. VFR has the story here.

Europe has become a very disgusting place. Not only are they failing to address the Islamic threat, they openly support it with the most extreme form of political correctness. No one is allowed to tell the truth about Islam lest they be tried for "hate speech." If you take the most left wing college campus in America and expand it several hundred times, you have the new and modern Europe.

3. Juan Williams, a liberal black man, was fired from National Public Radio for telling the truth about his anxieties over Muslims on airplanes. Williams quoted the Times Square failed bomber at his sentencing, stating that "America's war with Islam was just beginning." Williams went on to say that because of this, the presence of Muslims in Islamic garb on commercial aircraft make him feel anxious. For that he was summarily fired from NPR, demonstrating once again the psychotic nature of liberalism.  NPR's stunt backfired on them badly, causing a tidal wave of public anger over the firing.  Most Americans have had their fill of speech codes and political correctness.

4. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, informed German citizens that Germany was well on the way to becoming an Islamic state (thanks to massive, Muslim immigration). She also stated that in Germany, "multiculturalism has failed." Not only has it failed, she said, it has failed utterly. Merkel went on to say that it is folly to believe that disparate cultures living side by side without assimilating is somehow a good thing. She also stated that Germany is losing its Christian nature and more people are leaving Germany than are entering. Will we learn from Europe's countless mistakes on Islamic immigration, socialized medicine and other follies? Don't count on it.

4. GOP Avalanche predicted for November 2nd. Many are saying that the only thing in question for November 2nd is the size of the Republican tidal wave. Let's hope so, but get to the polls and vote. Take nothing for granted.  We have waited two long, painful years of Obama rule, and now is our chance to strike back!

Monday, September 20, 2010

"Far Right" Anti-Immigration Party Wins Seats In Swedish Parliament

A conservative political party in Sweden has won seats in Parliament for the first time.  The U.K. Telegraph whines:
When Swedes vote on Sunday Mr Åkesson's anti-immigrant party will almost certainly win its first seats at a general election - and has even been predicted to come third with 7.5 per cent of the vote, according to one poll.

That would be enough to give them 28 seats out of a total of 349 in the Riksdag, Stockholm's parliament, ahead of five more established parties, and hold the balance of power.

It is the sort of far Right success that has been seen several times across Europe this year, and a prospect has struck fear in the hearts of Sweden's usually moderate voters who never thought they would see extremists get anywhere near power.
The Sweden Democrat Party is opposed to Islamic immigration into Sweden. The party's leader, one Jimmie Akesson, has called Islam "the biggest threat to Sweden since the Second World War." Akesson has also charged that immigrant Muslims are responsible for an increase in rapes in Sweden, and for draining public benefits away from Swedish pensioners.

In short, Akesson has merely observed the same results as other European nations who have opened the doors to Muslim immigration. For being straight and direct about the problem, he and his party have been labeled as "Far Right" and "extremist." However Muslims, practitioners of a hostile and violent ideology, are treated as a sacred tribe of Dalai Lamas, to whom are owed great deference and respect, and for whom any hint of criticism or disapproval is strictly forbidden. Never, never, never criticize, ban or oppose "the other," even if that "other" wants to subvert your laws, culture and physical safety.

The liberal brain is hard-wired for self destruction. Liberals always insist that any survival instinct among the populace be immediately and ruthlessly stamped out. The problem, however is not intolerance of the merely different, but the rejection of an unassimilable and antagonistic alien culture. 21st century western mores and 7th century Bedouin mores cannot live peacefully side by side; they are fundamentally opposed to one another. Therefore, halting or severely limiting Muslim immigration into western democracies is not an act of "extremism" or bigotry, but one of legitimate self interest.

Read the article at this link.

Hat tip: View From the Right

Update:  Found this video at Blogmocracy about the Swedish Democrats:
Also see Blogmocracy's post on the Swedish Democrats and whether or not they are "Neo-Nazis."


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rick Darby's Take on Muslims in the USA

I learned of this blogger from View From the Right.  He is Rick Darby and writes very well with excellent insight and common sense.  Here's his take on "moderate" Muslims:
For the umpteenth time: I don't want to root around like a truffle hound looking for "moderate" Islam. I don't want to reform Islam. I have no time for converting Muslims, updating their politico-religious system, winning their hearts and minds. They're welcome to believe their beliefs and practice their practices, in their own historical turf, even territory that they took by military force. But they must not be allowed to colonize the United States and gradually expand their influence and pressure, culminating in sharia law, as is happening in Britain.

We should put an end to these idiotic arguments about mosques, prayer mats, foot baths, dogs in taxicabs, halal meals for "American" soldiers, and all the rest. The only way to do that is to end Muslim immigration and convince the Muslims already here to leave, even if we have to pay them.
Amen brother.

Read Rick Darby's blog here.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Only a Fascist Would Oppose Nazi Immigration

I was too occupied being occupied this past week, so neglected to comment on Glenn Beck's comment about Geert Wilders.  Beck called Wilders a "fascist" for opposing all Islamic immigration into the Netherlands.  After all, not all Muslims are terrorists.   I believe Charles Krauthammer also voiced some similar naive nonsense.

That about does it for me with regards to Beck.  What a schmuck.  Wilders opposes Muslim immigration because of their core ideology of violence, hatred and subversion.  True, some are less enthusiastic about practicing it than others.  Heck, I even know a few Mormons who like to drink.  There's hope for everyone.

But facts are facts.  A lukewarm Muslim may see the light and become a zealot.  Many of them do.  Or their kids do.  They have this nasty little book called the Qur'an.  It tells them to ambush infidels, chop off their heads, rape their women, steal their booty, etc.  Apparently, there are some people who think all religion is good, even when it preaches and practices evil.

Would we hold the same immigration standard for millions of practicing Communists?  How about practicing cannibals?  Head hunters?  Practitioners of human sacrifice?  Practicing Nazis?  After all, not all of them were members of the SS.

No, of course not.

Should these nasty folk wish to come to America (or the Netherlands) and kill us, they will first need to establish their ideology as a religion.  Then it will be okay and even tax-exempt.  Just ask Glenn Beck.

See also:  Carol's excellent essay on the controversy.