Powerline has a great article on anti-South frenzy now being driven by the Democrats: "Democrats Get Their Crazy On."
Rush Limbaugh is quoted, and Rush makes some insightful remarks on the controversy. The left hates the South, because it is the most patriotic section of the country.
Read it here.
Showing posts with label Powerline. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Powerline. Show all posts
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Thanks, College Kids! We Old White Folks Will Live High Off the Hog and You Voted to Pay For It!
Thanks to Powerline, my perspective on the recent presidential election has changed.
The younger voters assumed crushing debt on my behalf. Now I and my wife can live a comfy retirement and the majority who elected Obama get to pay for it.
Thanks, suckers!
Read the Powerline article and feel much better: One Generation Got Old, Another Generation Got Sold.
The younger voters assumed crushing debt on my behalf. Now I and my wife can live a comfy retirement and the majority who elected Obama get to pay for it.
Thanks, suckers!
Read the Powerline article and feel much better: One Generation Got Old, Another Generation Got Sold.
Saturday, September 08, 2012
Has America Passed the Point of No Return? Have Progressives Finally Won the Future?
John Hinderaker at Powerline has a rather sobering post today: Why Is This Election Close?
John believes that the country may have passed a point of no return. He writes:
If we do indeed lose the nation to another four years of progressive destruction, it may be time to consider some radical alternatives, e.g. a new political party, state nullification of unconstitutional laws, and even secession.
Read Hinderaker's article here.
Read McCarthy's article here.
John believes that the country may have passed a point of no return. He writes:
On paper, given Obama’s record, this election should be a cakewalk for the Republicans. Why isn’t it? I am afraid the answer may be that the country is closer to the point of no return than most of us believed. With over 100 million Americans receiving federal welfare benefits, millions more going on Social Security disability, and many millions on top of that living on entitlement programs–not to mention enormous numbers of public employees–we may have gotten to the point where the government economy is more important, in the short term, than the real economy. My father, the least cynical of men, used to quote a political philosopher to the effect that democracy will work until people figure out they can vote themselves money. I fear that time may have come.Hinderaker quotes Andy McCarthy at National Review, who implicitly believes that the Gramsci vision has been realized, that the "long march through the institutions" has been accomplished, and that a large part of our country's culture and institutions, namely the media and academia, are in the firm control of the Left. What's worse, is that the Republican establishment cannot fight them because it has accepted the Progressive framework, not arguing for its abolishment, but only that it be better executed. McCarthy writes:
It has always been possible to run against elite opinion and win — if you make a compelling counter-case...Today’s Republicans do not. Indeed, they cannot, because they have accepted the progressive framework. Their argument is not that the welfare state, deficit spending, federalized education, sharia-democracy promotion, and the rest are bad policies. Their argument is not that Washington needs to be dramatically downsized. It is that progressive governance is fine but needs to be better executed.My friend Lawrence Auster at View From the Right has long argued the same thing -- that the Republican establishment seeks a slightly different approach to liberalism, but not its defeat. This is a very pessimistic view, but no doubt it contains a lot of truth.
If we do indeed lose the nation to another four years of progressive destruction, it may be time to consider some radical alternatives, e.g. a new political party, state nullification of unconstitutional laws, and even secession.
Read Hinderaker's article here.
Read McCarthy's article here.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Are the Libertarians Right About Abraham Lincoln?
Lincoln Prepares for Office |
Powerline's question was stupid and it irked me. Paul is a Republican because it is the lesser of two evils. No doubt Paul feels he can find more allies for common cause in the Republican Party than he ever could in the Democratic. What other choice does he have? I assume Powerline is aware that the current Republican Party is not invading sovereign states, shutting down newspapers, arresting entire state legislatures, deporting federal congressmen who disagree, suspending habeas corpus, imprisoning thousands without charges or trial, and attempting to arrest the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court for ruling against them.
Of course, if any president were doing this today he would be run out of town on a rail, tarred and feathered and speedily impeached. However, when you are a martyr from assassination and live safely in the distant past, one is more likely to discount your crimes and even celebrate them and hold them up as an example of heroic behavior.
Most people are just unaware of Lincoln's actual legacy. He has been beatified, apotheosized, his face made into an icon and submerged into our consciences from kindergarten on. His stern visage is displayed along side that of Washington, is carved on Mt. Rushmore and printed on the five dollar bill. His mythology has been made into an unquestioned article of faith, and anyone who questions it guilty of apostasy. He was the Great Emancipator, the rail-splitter, the young man who studied law by his fireplace in a log cabin, using charcoal sticks to write his lessons on the back of a shovel. A shovel, it seems, is exactly what is needed to shed a more accurate light on this man's career and character.
In any case, I responded to Powerline's really dumb question by informing them that Lincoln's crimes against the Constitution were well known and easily listed, and I listed some of them as proof. This brought some angry responses from some of the Powerline readers, one of whom was really vicious. People who revere Abraham Lincoln do not like having holes poked in their fantasies, and it showed. I am neither a libertarian nor a supporter of Ron Paul (I have attacked him far more in this blog than I have supported him, and you can look it up). However, I am a Confederate descendant, and when it was your ancestors that bore the brunt of this president's total war against states and civilians, you tend not to be so mesmerized by the man's shining myth.
I started looking for material on Lincoln, and found a similar thread at Free Republic, where the pro-Lincoln commenters were even more vicious than those at Powerline. (I was banned from Free Republic several years ago for defending the South.)
Well my search for material on Lincoln's crimes yielded fruit, and at some time in the future I will list those crimes and why they are important to acknowledge in the here and now. In short, Lincoln assumed the role of a dictator during the Civil War and swept away all Constitutional safeguards in pursuit of empire. He did not save the Union, he destroyed it, replacing it with something else, a consolidated republic wherein the individual (and formerly sovereign) states are little more than postal zones.
I don't agree with the libertarians much at all when it comes to foreign policy, but when it comes to Abraham Lincoln, they got it right. The man was a disaster.
Here is one of my resources; an online book you can read for free. It's called "America's Caesar," by Greg Loren Durand. Read it at this link.
Abraham Lincoln,
American history,
Ron Paul
Monday, August 23, 2010
Islamophobic Americans
Powerline tries to answer the question: Are Americans Islamophobic? There seems to be snide insinuations in the mainstream media that we are, and that it is a bad thing. Omigod! You mean most Americans have a problem with an ideology that promotes head chopping, bomb-throwing, women-beating, gay-executing barbarianism? One could only hope.
Powerline puts it into perspective:
Powerline puts it into perspective:
In the end, of course, the question comes down to how one defines Islamophobia. If it means disliking American Muslims because of their religion, then I don't think the charge sticks. If it means disliking a good deal of what many Muslims are doing in the wider world, and seeing some sort of a connection between that conduct and the religion of Islam, then Americans may well be Islamophobic. But we would be fools if we weren't. [emphasis added]Am I an Islamophobe? On steroids.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Paul of Powerline is WRONG: The Right Proclamation in Virginia
Paul of Powerline is a Lincolnophile, who chooses to believe the false and flattering myths about our most overrated president, one Abraham Lincoln. Okay, so he loves a white supremacist who ended the consent of the governed, greatly increased the power of the federal government and started a war that killed 640,000 Americans and made war on women, children and civilians. (And that was when he wasn't busy killing American Indians.)
Paul now objects to the Governor of Virginia issuing a proclamation to honor Confederate history by making April "Confederate history month." It seems the Governor removed the anti-slavery language from the proclamation that had been tacked on it before. That was absolutely the right thing to do. The war wasn't about ending slavery and the North largely hated blacks; didn't want them in the new territories, not because they opposed slavery but because they opposed the presence of blacks and the additional political clout that might accrue to the South, enabling it to better resist Northern tariffs.
Paul says Confederate soldiers were "honorable" even though they fought for the wrong side. Horseshit, Paul. They fought for the right side, but the right side doesn't always win. And when they lose, they have to endure many decades of slander, myth and outright lies.
It is a shame that liberals (and Northern myth zealots like Paul) have politicized history by rewriting it for the purpose of advancing modern political issues. So Confederate descendants must now apologize for their ancestors at every turn, in order to tacitly approve and confirm the Northern myth, i.e. that the North didn't (illegally and immorally) invade the South for conquest, territory and taxes, but did so because they were morally outraged about slavery, filled with glorious self-righteousness and dedicated to the equality of man, no matter what the price in blood and treasure. Yeah, right.
I'll tell you what I think, Paul. The next time any Northern states want to honor Yankees, they should do so, but only with language that denounces Indian genocide, war crimes against civilians, Northern racism, arson and theft, and imperialism against other states and territories (ask the Hawaiians about the latter).
Paul now objects to the Governor of Virginia issuing a proclamation to honor Confederate history by making April "Confederate history month." It seems the Governor removed the anti-slavery language from the proclamation that had been tacked on it before. That was absolutely the right thing to do. The war wasn't about ending slavery and the North largely hated blacks; didn't want them in the new territories, not because they opposed slavery but because they opposed the presence of blacks and the additional political clout that might accrue to the South, enabling it to better resist Northern tariffs.
Paul says Confederate soldiers were "honorable" even though they fought for the wrong side. Horseshit, Paul. They fought for the right side, but the right side doesn't always win. And when they lose, they have to endure many decades of slander, myth and outright lies.
It is a shame that liberals (and Northern myth zealots like Paul) have politicized history by rewriting it for the purpose of advancing modern political issues. So Confederate descendants must now apologize for their ancestors at every turn, in order to tacitly approve and confirm the Northern myth, i.e. that the North didn't (illegally and immorally) invade the South for conquest, territory and taxes, but did so because they were morally outraged about slavery, filled with glorious self-righteousness and dedicated to the equality of man, no matter what the price in blood and treasure. Yeah, right.
I'll tell you what I think, Paul. The next time any Northern states want to honor Yankees, they should do so, but only with language that denounces Indian genocide, war crimes against civilians, Northern racism, arson and theft, and imperialism against other states and territories (ask the Hawaiians about the latter).
Civil War,
Paul of Powerline,
Friday, September 18, 2009
How to Tell If You're a Racist
Friday, April 03, 2009
Conservative Cartoonist Hits the Big Time: "Diversity Lane" on Powerline
Check out Powerline's "Cartoon of the Day." It is a Diversity Lane cartoon by our friend Zack Rawsthorne. I linked to his website when he was first starting out. In spite of that, he's really beginning to get noticed.
Powerline, one of the most successful conservative blogs in the country, featured one of Zack's most recent cartoons, called "Film Noir." See it at the link above.
Indeed, "Film Noir" is one of Zack's best! Congratulations, Zack!
Powerline, one of the most successful conservative blogs in the country, featured one of Zack's most recent cartoons, called "Film Noir." See it at the link above.
Indeed, "Film Noir" is one of Zack's best! Congratulations, Zack!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
AIG Exec Resignation Letter Published by the NY Times
The New York Times has published AIG executive Jake DeSantis's resignation letter to AIG.
DeSantis was one of the AIG executives who received one of the bonuses that the mindless mob is now screaming about. However, DeSantis's resignation letter makes important facts clear that the clamoring airheads don't know or even care about. Some of those facts are as follows:
1. Neither DeSantis nor any of the other execs receiving the bonuses had anything to do with AIG's insolvency, which was the result of the credit-default swaps business. They were members of the Financial Products Division, which was profitable.
2. DeSantis reports working 10 to 14 hours a day while receiving a token salary of $1 per year duing the financial crisis; that he and other execs working long hours away from their families were promised those bonuses as a result of their hard work; and now they have been thrown under the bus by the leaders of AIG. DeSantis writes:
Now don't you libbies feel like complete morons? You should.
Powerline has a great article entitled When They Came For AIG. Read it.
DeSantis was one of the AIG executives who received one of the bonuses that the mindless mob is now screaming about. However, DeSantis's resignation letter makes important facts clear that the clamoring airheads don't know or even care about. Some of those facts are as follows:
1. Neither DeSantis nor any of the other execs receiving the bonuses had anything to do with AIG's insolvency, which was the result of the credit-default swaps business. They were members of the Financial Products Division, which was profitable.
2. DeSantis reports working 10 to 14 hours a day while receiving a token salary of $1 per year duing the financial crisis; that he and other execs working long hours away from their families were promised those bonuses as a result of their hard work; and now they have been thrown under the bus by the leaders of AIG. DeSantis writes:
The profitability of the businesses with which I was associated clearlyDeSantis's comments and the facts he presents makes it clear how shallow and irrational the reaction of so many members of the press and public. According to many, these execs were supposed to work long hours for many months for nothing, even though their lines of business were profitable and they had nothing to do with that portion of the business that was hemorrhaging money.
supported my compensation. I never received any pay resulting from the credit
default swaps that are now losing so much money. I did, however, like many
others here, lose a significant portion of my life savings in the form of
deferred compensation invested in the capital of A.I.G.-F.P. because of those
losses. In this way I have personally suffered from this controversial activity
— directly as well as indirectly with the rest of the taxpayers.
Now don't you libbies feel like complete morons? You should.
Powerline has a great article entitled When They Came For AIG. Read it.
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