Showing posts with label Sexual Harassment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexual Harassment. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Bill O'Reilly Blows It; The Wisdom of Keeping It Zipped

Bill O'Reilly, Former Fox Employee
Bill O'Reilly, the most successful and popular television pundit at Fox News, has been let go.  This is a major coup for the left, who love shutting down powerful voices of reason and right. However, Bill apparently helped them by his own really stupid behavior.

The New York Times, a major publication of the fascist left, found the dirt that did the downfall.  Fox, they learned, had paid out a few million dollars to several women employees of Fox.  The payments were necessitated by O'Reilly's alleged sexual harassment of the women.  Powerful men in prominent places sometimes lose control of their penises, and flaunt their position by pressuring women employees to have sex with them.  Ask Bill Clinton.

This "sexual harassment" phenomenon has been well known for several decades now, as have the consequences thereof.  Any man in the public eye who sexually harasses a fellow employee is a damn fool.  Yes, that small appendage between male legs is known to cancel reason and rationality.  No matter how intelligent a man might be otherwise, satisfying junior can impel him to take terrible risks with his reputation and do really dumb things.

Thanks a lot, Bill.  On behalf of leftists everywhere.

Thursday, November 03, 2011

Politico's Garbage Journalism: Andrew McCarthy Dissects Jonathan Martin's Biased Reporting on Herman Cain

Lawrence Auster at View From the Right writes:

Andrew McCarthy takes apart Politico's Jonathan Martin for his outrageously partisan and dishonest reporting on (or should I say, his creation of) the Cain sexual "harassment" imbroglio. Partisan, because his record suggests that he would never have published such a damaging yet vague story about a Democrat. Dishonest, because Martin knows who the source of the story is, yet he is withholding that information, while allowing various conflicting charges to fly around which he is in a position to resolve, but which he declines to resolve, by continuing to withhold the truth.

You can read McCarthy's article at this link, and it is a very worthwhile read.

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Men's Rights Online: Reasons for False Charges of "Sexual Harassment"

A website called "Men's Rights Online" discuss reasons why some women file false "sexual harassment" charges against bosses or instructors.  They say:
The two main incentives are financial gain and spite, respectively, though the latter option has been used by angry employees who wanted to ruin a rival man's reputation. Attention seeking can be a factor, too.

Large corporations have been targeted by opportunistic women. Any claim, regardless of how absurd, can take a long time to disprove. The negative publicity associated with a long, drawn-out court case can have a negative impact on the company's standing in the community. For example, a consumer might avoid dealing with the company until all doubt over their guilt has been determined. Not all members of the public accept a court's ruling when a company is cleared of wrongdoing, either. Due to this, quite a few companies have settled out of court because it was less costly than clearing their name. This is the reason opportunistic women have used this ploy.
Read it here.

Update:  Ann Coulter's latest column shows how insane the "sexual harassment" charges were in the 1990's, with huge damages awarded to complaining women for the most absurd reasons.  Read it here.

Update:  Andrew McCarthy at the Corner also describes the hypocrisy and lack of substance in the charges against Cain, and the ambiguity and general stupidity of "sexual harassment" claims.  Read it here.