Showing posts with label U.S. Military. Show all posts
Showing posts with label U.S. Military. Show all posts

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Righteous Rants for a Saturday

It's almost futile blogging anymore.  It used to be you could choose one of a half-dozen outrages on society and lampoon the miscreants until your soul was satiated.   In the age of Obama, there are more outrages than you can count.  Which to choose?  Outrageous conduct is now the norm.  There is more aberrational behavior than normal among the populace.  The vampire fighters have diminished so much and the vampires grown, that being normal is not normal anymore.  The defenders of Western Civilization have become a thin line before the advancing hordes of barbarians and collectivists.  Still, we must try.

Take for instance:

1.  Soldiers in high heels.  This was another asinine demonstration of girly-men in the military, doing their best to make our armed forces the laughing stock of the world, diminish morale and morally and mentally emasculate men in uniform.  Two ROTC programs at two universities required its cadets to "walk a mile in her shoes," wearing high heels, to raise awareness of (mostly non-existent) campus sexual assaults on women.  Fred Reed, crusty curmudgeon and master of sarcasm, wrote a public letter to the ROTC commander to express his support.  He writes:
Dear General,
I see that on your watch the Army is turning into a transvestite marching corps in high heels, a Ziegfeld cross-gendered or bisected gay-bath sexual zoo vacuuming up every sort of erotic loony, not to mention becoming a home for unwed mothers and prostitution rings. I commend you. I have always wanted to be defended by a freak show.
Read the rest of it here.

2.  Feminism.  R.S McCain continues to focus on this particular brand of left wing lunacy.  Feminism is actually a war on men, carried out by lesbian freekazoids who insist that heterosexual sex is always rape, is unnatural and forced on women through early brainwashing.  If the human race had subscribed to feminist theory from the beginning of creation, mankind would have gone extinct eons ago.  Listen, feminist morons, you are concave where we men are convex.  There's a reason why nature made us that way. It's a simple intelligence test regarding pegs and holes. My advice:  change your major from women's studies to Home Economics.  At least then you will be trained to do something useful.

3.  "Climate Change."  Future Scenario:   "President Hillary, Putin is bombing Washington State,  the Chinese are invading the Philippines, ISIS is beheading everyone in Atlanta!"

"Never mind that.  What are we going to do about climate change?"

Surely the left's estrangement from reality is no better demonstrated than in their paranoia about non-existent "global warming," aka "climate change."  All of the actual physical data, including temperatures, arctic ice, sea level rise, etc indicates the earth is not warming.  We are actually going through a cooling phase,   So why is there such a panic for a calamity that isn't happening?

Well, of course, there is the left's long-standing conspiracy to take over the economy, take control of the means of production, distribute the goodies as government sees fit, and solidify their long-held desire to install a form of totalitarianism over the United States.  But there is another reason as well.  Whenever leftists are faced with an intractable problem, they can skirt the issue by blaming it on "climate change."  ISIS, the genocidal mass murdering Muslim force now running amok throughout the Middle East, is a result of "climate change."  Apparently, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere turns Arabs into mad killers.

Anything and everything can be blamed on the blind forces of nature, or simply the weather.  Unemployment higher than ever before?  Climate change.  Hillary deleting official emails?  Climate change.  The rise of Putin?  Climate change.  Red China's encroachment in the South China Sea?  Climate change.  Harry Reid's black eye?  Climate change.

If anything bad happens when a Democrat is in office, it's because of the weather.  Since Democrats can't control the weather, they can hardly be held responsible for all the things going wrong in the world today.  If you don't like this column, it's because of climate change.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nadil Hasan to be Charged with Thirteen Counts of Premeditated Murder

Nadil Hasan, the suspected Fort Hood mass murderer who killed 12 soldiers and one civilian last week, will be charged with thirteen counts of premeditated murder, according to MSNBC.

The MSNBC article then feigns ignorance as to why Hasan carried out the horrific crime, naming several possible causes, none of which include being a Muslim fanatic.

The Army will try Hasan in a military court and may consider the death penalty.  For my money, why would they consider anything else?

Read it all here.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day 2009

With appreciation to all our current and former soldiers, sailors and marines.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Fort Hood Memorial Service: President Obama's Speech

I watched the memorial service at Fort Hood streaming live, thanks to Michelle Malkin's site that provided the link.

The speaker's podium was encircled by boots, helmets and rifles, one set for each of the soldiers who died, six on one side of the podium and six on the other.

Before the service started, many soldiers descended the steps in back of the podium to take seats in the audience.  Several were wounded from the shooting, one with his arm in a sling, others with crutches or in wheel chairs.  President Obama arrived and gave a stirring speech, the best I have heard from him, honoring the dead, each of them by name, and spoke to their service and willingness to be part of something larger than themselves in the U.S. military.

After the chaplain read from Isaiah, a lady soldier with an astounding singing voice, sang "Amazing Grace."  Finally, taps were played and the service was ended.

It was a touching and meaningful memorial service for the fallen.

Photo:  Atlas Shrugs

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Pirate Incident: Does Obama Deserve the Credit?

It seems there is a controversy over whether Obama is the hero or the zero of the U.S. Navy's rescue of Captain Richard Phillips from Somali pirates. The left is crowing that Obama has shown he's tough and has won his first military victory. They are also howling about how we "wingnuts" are trying to deny Obama the credit.

Yes, I do deny Obama the credit. He wasn't on the scene; he didn't give the order to fire; he didn't fire one of the weapons. "Oh, but he gave the order to fire, as the Commander In Chief!" No he didn't. All Obama did was to stay out of the way and allow the Navy to rely on standard Rules of Engagement, wherein they are preauthorized to kill terrorists who pose an imminent threat to the life of a captive.

If merely being the current occupant of the White House means Obama gets the credit, then he gets the credit, but I see it more of an administrative procedure than anything real. The success of the operation does not prove Obama's personal judgment, bravery, wisdom or decisiveness. If anything, he was indecisive as hell. The smartest thing he could have done, and finally did, was to allow the professionals to use their judgment at the scene. So for that, I can truly say, "well done, Obama. You didn't screw it up."

Obama should be judged for his military leadership based on the complete picture of what he is doing to promote U.S. security. And what is that? The answer is, not much. He is making deep cut in weapons systems and ending research into new weapon systems at a time when despotic regimes like China, Iran and North Korea are building up militarily. He is going around apologizing to world potentates for what an "arrogant" country he leads.

I'm perfectly willing to give Obama credit if he does something really good, something beyond minimal expectations, like the pirate episode. But we haven't see that yet. Frankly, given the nature of Obama's personal anti-military politics and philosophy, I don't expect to. I do hope I'm wrong.

via: Memeorandum
via: Crooks and Liars

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Captain Richard Phillips Rescued from Pirates

Great news. Captain Richard Phillips has been rescued from the four Somali pirates who were holding him hostage in a rowboat off the coast of Somalia.

Apparently Phillips jumped into the water for a second time, allowing the U.S. Navy to rapidly dispatch three of the four pirates, while capturing the fourth alive. Oh well, three out of four ain't bad.

To the three dead pirates, we wish a pleasant trip to Hell. To the fourth, a speedy trip to the nearest gallows. And to Captain Phillips, thank God and congratulations on your bravery!

And of course, to the U.S. Navy, thanks for being an arm of the greatest military force on earth. Again you make us proud.

Photo: U.S. Navy. Phillips is on the right.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Of Cowboys and Cream Puffs: Obama's Effect on World's Tyrants

Rush Limbaugh likes to joke about the "testicle lock box" into which liberal feminists deposit men's gonads, locking them up so they can't be used. It's a funny joke.

However, the testicle lock box is an effective and accurate metaphor for the wasted years that a Democrat occupies the White House. Every few years America likes to lock its own gonads into a testicle lock box, and assume a weak, cowardly and utterly naive position before the world's tyrants and despots.

The wrong-headed assumption of Democrats is that despots are only reacting to our own militarism -- they feel threatened, or insulted, or marginalized. All we have to do to ensure world peace is raise their self esteem by talking to them, giving them free billions, and above all, showing them RESPECT. After all, what is a third world tyrant anyway? He's just a frustrated Democrat.

Yes, tyrants may feel marginalized, insulted and dissed, but mostly they just feel constrained, i.e. in their ambition to invade, undermine, sabotage and enslave the surrounding populations. However, with the election of our latest gonad self-lockboxing wimp, our defense budget will be slashed and our moral clarity muddied. Despots the world over are breathing easier and plotting new excursions into other people's territory.

Case in point. This past week North Korea said it was ditching a nonaggression pact and all other peace accords with South Korea. A North Korean newspaper said in a commentary that the tension may lead to "an unavoidable military conflict and a war."

Another case in point. President Ahmadinejad of Iran said that Obama's offer to talk proved that America was weak and that our policies have failed, and that we should apologize to Iran, presumably for standing in their way of Islamacizing the world and nuking Israel.

The huge cockroach posing as the President of Venezuela has been particularly brave and obnoxious lately, sending Israeli ambassadors home and kissing up to Ahmadinejad. Then there's the old Commie Revolutionary Fidel, who is demanding we give back Gitmo. Under a Republican Administration, he wouldn't have wasted his breath.

The world's despots know all about the Testicle Lock Box. They also know that it currently bears the official seal of the President of the United States.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

We Died, They Rejoiced

The Jawa Report has an article about the father of a U.S. Sailor who died aboard the U.S.S. Cole as a result of a Muslim bomb attack that killed 17 U.S. sailors.

Jesse Nieto, a 25-year Marine veteran, has been banned because of displaying “offensive material" such as decals which say “Remember the Cole, 12 Oct 2000,” “Islam=Terrorism” and “We Died, They Rejoiced.”

The graphic at the left is one of the decals that Nieto displays in the rear window of his car. I recreated it with Xara X.

It's getting pretty bad when a Marine vet can't avail himself of the freedom of speech his own son died for.

Feel free to copy Mr. Nieto's graphic above and display it to your heart's content.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

U.S. Military: Overwhelming Support for McCain Over Obama

From Fox News:

A poll by the Military Times newspaper group suggests that there is overwhelming support for John McCain among U.S. troops in every branch of the armed forces by a nearly 3-1 margin. According to the poll, 68 percent of active-duty and retired servicemen and women support McCain, while 23 percent support Barack Obama. The numbers are nearly identical among officers and enlisted troops.

U.S. troops also said in the poll that they prefer McCain to handle the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan -- 74 percent said McCain would perform better, while just 19 percent said Obama would.

Read it all here.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

A-Qaeda's Last Stand in Iraq

The Times of London reports what the American media won't: Al-Qaeda is on the verge of extinction in the War in Iraq.
American and Iraqi forces are driving Al-Qaeda in Iraq out of its last redoubt in the north of the country in the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror. After being forced from its strongholds in the west and centre of Iraq in the past two years, Al-Qaeda’s dwindling band of fighters has made a defiant “last stand” in the northern city of Mosul. A huge operation to crush the 1,200 fighters who remained from a terrorist force once estimated at more than 12,000 began on May 10.

Operation Lion’s Roar, in which the Iraqi army combined forces with the Americans’ 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment, has already resulted in the death of Abu Khalaf, the Al-Qaeda leader, and the capture of more than 1,000 suspects.
Read the whole thing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Insurgent in a Burqua Dispatched by U.S. Army

From the U.K. Times Online:

The suicide bomb belt lies beside the body of the man shot in Lashkar Gar in Southern Helmand today.

Among the trail of clothes around him is the women's burqa with which he had disguised himself as he set out, explosives strapped to his chest, towards the police compound that was his target.

“He was shot in the forehead after he ignored warning shots and was killed on the spot,” said Hussain Andiwal, provincial police chief. “When we took off his burqa we found he was a man with a suicide vest tied around his body.”

Read it all.

You have to wonder how the dead assmunch is going to explain the woman's clothes to Allah. I do hope they bury him in that burqua.