Showing posts with label White Privilege. Show all posts
Showing posts with label White Privilege. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

The Causes of Interracial Strife: White Privilege or Black Dysfunction? Two Must-Read Articles

There are two must-read articles today on the causes of interracial strife.

The first is from Colin Flaherty at American Thinker, "Black Crime Claims Life of Apologist for Black Crime."  This past week David Ruenzel, a writer for the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), was killed in a black Oakland neighborhood.  The SPLC is well-known for its attacks on anyone who is not far-left on the questions of race, immigration and crime.  It is so aggressive that it has often called people's employers and attempted to get them fired for beliefs and opinions not shared by the Southern Poverty Law Center.  Others are merely listed online as racists and bigots, and include prominent conservatives who oppose unlimited third world immigration or report the ongoing atrocities of Muslims.  

David Ruenzel was a proponent of "critical race theory" and a critic of "white privilege."  It appears Ruenzel was killed by the people he worked so long and so hard to protect and defend. 

The second article is by Fred Reed, "Fergusons In Perpetuity, Thoughts On The Unfixable." Fred's article is brutal in its honest depiction of intelligence differences between blacks and other racial groups.  The IQ gap is significant, and probably explains why blacks regularly destroy their own habitat through riots, looting and burning.  Fred writes:
Two questions, methinks, arise from Ferguson's latest outburst. The first, political, is "Why does the country tolerate it?" The second, more anthropologically interesting, is "Why the eerie incapacity of underclass blacks to understand evidence, or law, or much of anything?" Of the countless explanations given for the poor performance and poor behavior of blacks in the US, one of them dares not speak its name: Low intelligence.
It seems that the lower average IQ of blacks also explains their low impulse control, their lack of empathy for their victims, their inability to foresee the likely consequences of their criminal behavior.  

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Princeton University Freshman Destroys the "White Privilege" Myth

The Other McCain has the best article of the day and everyone should read it:  White Guilt Passes Its Expiration Date.  McCain describes how leftwing excess inevitably leads to a political and cultural backlash, and that backlash is now forming.  Let's hope it crashes on the political scene sometime in early November.

McCain references an essay written by Princeton University freshman Tal Fortgang, in The Princeton Tory. In that essay Fortgang destroys the idiot-left's theory of "White Privilege," the idea that some secret cabal or supernatural power opens doors to all who have a white epidermis; and that none of the success of any white person can be attributed to his own efforts, personal sacrifices or hard work.

The truth is:  "White Privilege" is success by a better culture, a strong work ethic, a willingness to delay gratification while completing college or learning a trade, accepting accountability for one's wins and losses, better civilization skills and better life choices.  These same success factors work for anyone of any color who chooses to apply them.  The angry cries condemning mythical "White Privilege" are the tantrums of losers who want life presented to them on a silver platter, with little or no effort or sacrifice on their part.  When losers lose, they need something or someone to blame, and "White Privilege" is a handy excuse to dodge personal responsibility.

Many if not most colleges in America today support such theories as "White Privilege" and other Marxist themes; they are poisonous hives of anti-American, anti-White, anti-Male, anti-Capitalist hatred and ignorance.  Like a closed up room of stale air, they restrict the circulation of opposing thoughts and ideas.  They are an incestuous and infected bubble of error and sedition where no reality-check is allowed or condoned, lest their carefully crafted illusions pop like bubbles in a strong wind.  It is in such a closed system that fanaticism and radicalism grow unchecked and unchallenged.  This is the typical American university today.

Thank you, Tal Fortgang.  May your essay be the "Common Sense" pamphlet of today, and herald the intellectual revolution on college campuses that washes away leftist propaganda and allows the university to become once again a place of learning and unrestricted thought and inquiry, as it was intended to be.