Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wisconsin. Show all posts

Friday, May 02, 2014

Klan Hoods for Republicans? Here's a Hat for Democrats

Some loser-Democrat, one Brett Hulsely, is running for Governor of Wisconsin.  He is way behind in the polls and is now resorting to desperate measures to get attention for his failing campaign.  He has created a supply of Klan hoods, sewn on his daughter's sewing machine.  He plans to hand out the hoods to Republicans attending a state Republican convention today.

Of course, his stunt is vile and reprehensible, but one good turn deserves another, and I have created the above hat to hand out to Democrats at their next convention.  It is far more true than Hulsely's Klan hood stunt, implying that Republicans are RAAACISTS.

I believe it was David Horowitz who recently described Democrats as "Neo-Communists," a description that I find very close to the truth.  So here's a hat for Democrats.  Wear it with pride, Demmies.

Wednesday, June 06, 2012

The Scott Walker Victory and Progressive Reaction

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin defeated the leftist attempt to remove him from office.  He won the recall election, leaving public sector unions holding the bill for the $21 million they wasted on the attempt.

Liberals and leftists immediately launched a flurry of death threats on Twitter, Ed Schultz, a very liberal TV talk host on MSNBC, had tears in his eyes as he opined that Governor Walker "could very well be indicted in the coming days."  Indicted for what? Schultz didn't say.  Apparently, it is illegal in Schultzville to defeat Democrats in elections.

Rachel Maddow was visibly dejected and depressed but did her best to hide it.

When Walker's Democrat opponent Tom Barrett conceded the race last night, an enraged woman slapped him in the face.  Apparently Barrett didn't understand that denial of reality makes reality go away.

A Democrat interviewed on camera was sobbing like a little girl, claiming "Democracy died tonight" in the Walker campaign.

IT IS UTTERLY AMAZING to me how many Americans live in fantasy land.  They want free goodies and have an enormous sense of entitlement.  The world owes them a living and the government is their collection agency.  The only factors that decide how much a person is paid are (1) what he needs and (2) what he wants. His needs and and wants must be supplied by the government.  There is no concept in his juvenile brain of getting paid what he is worth in the free market.  There is no connection between personal productivity and reward.

Yesterday's vote in Wisconsin shows that more and more people are beginning to "get it."

Welcome to Realville.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Democratic Disaster in Wisconsin? Scott Walker and the Recall Vote

Republican Scott Walker was elected Governor of Wisconsin to stop the budget hemmorhage.  To do that he had to get some rather mild restraints placed on the state's government employee unions.  The result was a balanced budget for the first time in many months.

The red ink stopped.  However, liberals and Democrats were not amused, not to mention the greedy state employee unions who got used to the perks and benefits that union blackmail can bring.  So they launched a movement to recall Governor Walker for doing the job he was elected to do.

Tomorrow, June 5, 2012, the voters of Wisconsin will decide to keep or oust Governor Walker and return to out-of-control state spending so that fat-cat union operatives can continue living at a level considerably higher than their true economic worth.

Polls show Walker in the lead, but it is always dangerous to predict the outcome of a race that has been close for many months.  However, Jonathan Tobin of Commentary seems inclined to believe that Walker will survive the Unions' vengeful scheme.  He writes:
The immediate problem in Wisconsin for liberals is not so much that Walker has persuaded a majority of voters that he is right — though there is clear evidence he has made headway despite the avalanche of criticism he got in the mainstream media — but that even many of those inclined to side with the Democrats have been convinced the left is dead wrong. The recall election is rightly perceived as nothing more than a form of payback for the drubbing the unions got in the legislature last year, and that has left a bitter taste in many voters’ mouths. If Walker survives tomorrow, the consequences will not only mean he will be strengthened, but that Democrats will emerge looking both petty and weak.
Whatever the outcome, it may be a bellwether for the national elections in November.   For that reason, tomorrow's election in Wisconsin is both highly important and very interesting.

Read Tobin's article here.

Friday, April 08, 2011

Laugher of the Week: Democrat Declares Victory in Wisconsin Only to be Defeated

This is really funny.  There was an election for justice of the Wisconsin Supreme Court this week, and pro-union Democrats were hoping for a victory.  Their candidate was Democrat JoAnne Kloppenburg, who was trying to unseat Republican incumbent David Prosser.  When vote counting was nearly finished, Kloppenburg was up by 204 votes.  She called a press conference and claimed victory.

Then an election official disclosed a glitch in the count that had failed to record around 7,500 votes for Prosser.  When  these votes were added, Prosser was the clear winner.

Oops.  Now Kloppenburg has egg on her red face.

Dems and Unionists were hoping for a Kloppenburg win, so they would have a biased justice on the state supreme court, one who could help them from the bench in overturning anti-union legislation.  Now they won't get it.  Har de har har har!

It isn't often that really bad news turns into really good news.  Enjoy it.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Public Sector Unions: a New Form of Tyranny

I have been arguing with pro-union bloodsuckers at YouTube, over a "Young Turks" video favoring unions and demanding the ouster of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.

Most of the commenters there don't want to take me on, because frankly, their arguments are an embarrassment.  Those arguments are well summarized by the cartoon on the left.

Public Sector unions have a great deal going with the Democratic Party:  you support our exorbitant wages and benefits and we'll support you for election and re-election.  Further, we will use our members to picket, canvas and get out the vote, all in your favor.

Defeat of the public sector unions is an absolute necessity for the average taxpayer, to avoid being taxed to death.

Steve Malanga at City Journal, writing a year ago, describes how public sector unions have destroyed the state of California.  I found the article by researching a charge by one of the ignorant unionists at YouTube.  He argued that public sector unions in California are very weak and that's why the state if falling apart!  That's like saying a man dying of arsenic poisoning needs a bigger dose.

Malanga's article is called The Beholden State.  Do read it if you want to know how the public sector unions have destroyed the Golden State.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Jim Shankman is a Liar and a Coward

A couple of days ago Ann Althouse, a law professor and blogger in Madison, Wisconsin, received a threatening message from one of the pro-union leftists there.  Now the leftist has been identified as one Jim Shankman, who maintains a blog at this link.  Shankman had threatened to harrass Althouse until she leaves Wisconsin, promising that "We will fuck you up."

Now this leftist pussy has written a rationalization for his thuggish behavior.  He writes:
Ann Althouse and Meade advocate torture, attack against nonviolent protesters, police-state crackdowns on citizens exercising their constitutional rights, class privilege, race privilege, and basically the full spectrum of assaults against American democracy advocated by the radical, revolutionary wing of the republican party. They are unkind, unChristian and anti-American.
There is absolutely no truth in Shankman's screed; he just makes up outrageous claims to support his profound ignorance and immaturity.  He sounds like an ex-college student who was thoroughly marinated in crazy, moonbat, leftist ideology before he flunked out. Now he spends his time on a righteous crusade to slay the evil demons that exist only in his tiny little mind.

Anyone can make things up and then attribute the lies to his enemies.  Let's try it:
Jim Shankman advocates Marxist communism, the enslavement of all productive working people who will then be forced to supply the lazy, pot-smoking left with a high standard of living while the latter lounge about all day, sucking their thumbs and playing video games and producing nothing of value.  He represents everything that is decadent, backward, despotic, ignorant and false in the Democratic Party.
Whoops!  I meant to write something obviously false, ridiculous and exaggerated to prove my point.  However, it appears I have written a fair semblance of the truth about Jim Shankman.  My bad.

One thing I will say to Shankman is this:  don't threaten one of us, you pimply little punk.  Are you naive enough to believe that your threatened aggression will be passively accepted?   Guess again, punk.

Related post at the Other McCain

Friday, March 11, 2011

Union Protester Ousted by Police from Wisconsin Capitol

I found this photo at Serr8d's Cutting Edge and added a talking balloon for the ousted protester.

Free Loader Unloaded in Wisconsin

A Cure for Depression: Gov Walker Signs Bill Ending Public Employee Collective Bargaining Rights

My depression has been rather severe for months now.  My mental depression is strongly linked to the Democrats' economic depression.  However, this morning I read on the news that Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin has signed into law the new bill ending the collective bargaining rights of most public sector employees.  Good!  That made me feel better.  No doubt Walker's move will help alleviate both forms of depression (economic as well as mental).

State employee unions have pushed wages and benefits into the stratosphere, bankrupting several states, the worst of which is California.  Unfortunately for California, the Dems are in complete control of the state and won't do anything about it.  In Wisconsin, the Republicans have the governor's chair and the majority.

Cubachi has the story here.  Hat tip to Riehl World View.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

The World Has Gone Mad, Part 3,456: Wisconsin Union Thugs Make Death Threats to Republicans

The union fanatics in Wisconsin are determined to keep their free lunch (getting paid more than they're worth through the blackmail of collective bargaining).  They have been besieging the state capitol building and behaving as an unruly, uncivilized mob.  In short, like Democrats.

Senate Republicans in Wisconsin received the following emailed death threat last night:
Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes
will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain
to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it
will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit
that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for
more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.

WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in
the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me
have decided that we've had enough. We feel that you and the people that
support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing
with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand
for it any longer. So, this is how it's going to happen: I as well as many
others know where you and your family live, it's a matter of public records.
We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a
nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn't leave
it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the
message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are
now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a
demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed
in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent.
This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won't
tell you all of them because that's just no fun. Since we know that you are
not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided
to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it's
necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making
them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families
and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please
understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked
everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel
that it's worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives
of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and
say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!
Read more about it here.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wisconsin State Unions' Real Message to Taxpayers! (Photoshop)

I took this image from American Power and Photoshopped it a bit so that the true message is clear.

Health Warning Re: Dangerous Parasites! (Photoshop)

Dr. Stogie presents, for your health and protection, the following presentation of some common but persistent parasites.  Enjoy, use and distribute freely.

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Democrat Message in Wisconsin: Pay State Employees Until You Bleed

So now Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and many other Democrats are supporting the state employee unions in Wisconsin.  So what exactly is the Democrat message?  Here are some possibilities:

1.  Wisconsin taxpayers should pay exorbitant state salaries and benefits, even if it means the state continues to bleed red ink and become increasingly insolvent.

2.  Unions are sacrosanct (because they are major supporters of the Democrat Party) and you must pay them whatever they wish, whether you can afford it or not.  Go without, suffer poverty, get taxed until you bleed, but continue to pay those exorbitant benefits regardless of the pain it causes the majority of taxpayers.

3.  The Democrat Party is indeed "the Party of Something for Nothing," because the real purpose of labor unions is to blackmail management into paying workers more than they're worth.  Government supported labor unions are just another means of "redistributing the wealth," from those who earn it to those who do not.

4.  The Democrat Party stands firmly, now and forever, for fiscal irresponsibility, for spending far more than you take in, for things you don't really need and which have little or no value, or could be easily replaced with cheaper and more effective alternatives (e.g., hiring outside firms through a bid process to do better and cheaper what overpaid state employees now do).

5.  Or to put it more succinctly, RED INK, CONFISCATORY TAXATION, GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACY, GOVERNMENT INEFFICIENCY AND UNION BLACKMAIL.  Now there's a slogan we can all get behind!  I am so inspired!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Wisconsin -- the Next Big Fight Between Left and Right (Union Busting)

As a Californian, I know clearly the reason why my state is a financial basket case.  It is because of the strong unions of state employees, who have pushed up wages and pensions to outrageous levels, causing catastrophic rivers of red ink and state bankruptcy.  What California needs is to remove the abused power of collective bargaining among its state employees.  With the state firmly in the grip of Democrats, that isn't likely to happen, and the exodus of businesses and individuals will continue.

Now it appears Wisconsin has the same problem.  Its treasury is also being drained by the state employee unions.  So the governor there is supporting legislation to end collective bargaining by state employees.  I am 100% for it.

Once upon a time, unions were a good thing, a counterbalance  to abusive business management practices and mistreatment of employees.  It was an effective means of holding management accountable for its employee policies and practices.  When any group of humans has unbridled power, they will abuse it.  It is a law of nature.  I call it "the asshole syndrome," or simply AS.

Now unions in some places have achieved unbridled power and once again, the AS reappears.  The assholes in this case are no longer management, but the employees themselves.  They are looting state treasuries with the same wild abandon of drunken barbarians sacking Rome on a Saturday night.  It is time to put the bridle back on this runaway group.  It's time for them to drop those swords and grog goblets, and to unhand those wenches.  

Of course, the Wisconsin brouhaha will quickly become a stereotypical case of left vs right, with the liberals and the Democrats supporting the unions regardless of their excesses and unreasonable demands.   You can almost write the scenario ahead of time.