Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Feminist Conundrum: Or Why Men Can Never Win; The Hypocrisy of #Slutwalk

Robert Stacy McCain Covering the Slutwalk Phenomenon
The Other McCain has some interesting posts on the "Slutwalk" phenomenon.  Slutwalk is where a bunch of young (leftwing of course) women strip to their skivvies and/or bare their breasts, and march to protest rape.  But it's not only rape they are protesting, according to one leftist troll commenter, they are protesting because they are "tired of being shamed for their sexuality, tired of being abused and objectified" as women, and especially they march in opposition to rape.

So in order to suppress rape, they march semi-nude?  Sure that'll work.  The criminals who rape will see these naked babes and feel so ashamed that they will have themselves castrated and then join a monastery with a pledge of celibacy. And what better way to discourage being "objectified" as a sex object than by going naked in public? /sarcasm off

Most men are not rapists (except in the minds of the most ardent feminists, many of whom are man-hating lesbians).  So while most (non-rapist) men may enjoy the view of the semi-naked marchers, the display of girl-flesh will have no discernible effect.  However, for the actual rapists in the crowd, the display may only fuel their desire to commit more rapes.  Therefore I am compelled to state unequivocally that the Slutwalk protesters are flaming hypocrites who are want contradictory goals:  the right to inflame passions while being completely free from the potential consequences thereof.

I suspect that many of these feminist  idiots are really exhibitionists looking for a semi-plausible excuse for displaying their butts and boobs in public; or they are man-hating feminists with penis envy who want to make men suffer by showing them what they cannot have:  booty.  They may not have penises, but they can make mens' penises ache, and that's power, baby.  Maybe so, but as a rape deterrent, its efficacy is questionable.

However, as David Horowitz once noted of leftist political movements, no matter what the stated objective, the real objective is the [communist] revolution.  These dumb broads (most of them, anyway) are not marching to protest rape, they are marching for attention.  With unheard voices their actions cry out:  "Objectify me, goddammit!  Notice me!  Desire me!"  And so they unwittingly assist the left in further eroding whatever civilizational constraints remain to us, like not being subjected to nudity in public places.

Now if the marchers were really interested in deterring rape, they might be marching in support of concealed carry laws, more modest clothing for young women, giving advice on how to avoid dangerous situations, advocating against violence and sex on television, educating young men about proper protocol in dating and relating to women in the workplace, and the legal consequences of date rape, sexual harassment and other sex-related crimes.  However, for those who just want to show off their butts and boobies, these strategies hold little appeal.

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Oprah Winfrey Says #Trayvon Martin's Demise "Same Thing" as Emmett Till.

Emmett Till was a 14 year old black teenager who was brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955.  The two white men who did it were acquitted, but later admitted the crime.  In those days, in certain places, black people could not get justice with any regularity.  The two perpetrators should have gone to the electric chair, but instead they walked.

This is racism in its original meaning -- an irrational hatred for any and all members of a particular race, to the point of torturing and murdering one of them.  It is not the moral equivalent of shooting a member of that race while they are physically attacking you with the intent of doing great bodily harm -- as in the George Zimmerman - Trayvon Martin case.

However, some people cannot make the distinction -- and I would surmise that "some people" includes the majority of black Americans.  Take fabulously wealthy and successful Oprah Winfrey, for example.  She can't see any difference between the murder of Emmett Till and the regrettable but justifiable homicide of Trayvon Martin.  She said yesterday:
"Trayvon Martin parallel to Emmett Till. Let me just tell you: In my mind, [they’re] same thing," she said. "But you can get stuck in that and not allow yourself to move forward and to see how far we’ve come."
Oprah, dear, if in your mind the two cases are identical, then you don't have a mind -- or much of one, anyway.

Monday, August 05, 2013

This Day In Black History: Al Sharpton Defends Tawana Brawley #tawanabrawley #alsharpton

Tawana Brawley finally starts to pay off her legal judgment for defamation of Prosecutor Steven Pagones, but it took a payroll attachment to make her do it. Read story here.

Later on, Al Sharpton was asked to stop portraying Oprah Winfrey with a mustache, but this did little to spoil his song and dance routine.

The Forgotten Man: an 1883 Essay That Speaks to Today

William Graham Sumner
1840 - 1910
by William Graham Sumner
This 1883 essay dissects the injustice and stupidity of progressivism.  It is as valid for 2013 as it was when written, 130 years ago.  (Via the Ludwig von Mises Institute)

William Graham Sumner (October 30, 1840 – April 12, 1910) was an American academic and "held the first professorship in sociology" at Yale College.  For many years he had a reputation as one of the most influential teachers there. He was a polymath with numerous books and essays on American history, economic history, political theory, sociology, and anthropology. He is credited with introducing the term "ethnocentrism," a term intended to identify imperialists' chief means of justification, in his book Folkways (1906). Sumner is often seen as a proto-libertarian. He was also the first to teach a course entitled "Sociology". (Wikipedia)

The type and formula of most schemes of philanthropy or humanitarianism is this: A and B put their heads together to decide what C shall be made to do for D. The radical vice of all these schemes, from a sociological point of view, is that C is not allowed a voice in the matter, and his position, character, and interests, as well as the ultimate effects on society through C's interests, are entirely overlooked. I call C the Forgotten Man.

For once let us look him up and consider his case, for the characteristic of all social doctors is that they fix their minds on some man or group of men whose case appeals to the sympathies and the imagination, and they plan remedies addressed to the particular trouble; they do not understand that all the parts of society hold together, and that forces which are set in action act and react throughout the whole organism, until an equilibrium is produced by a readjustment of all interests and rights.

They therefore ignore entirely the source from which they must draw all the energy which they employ in their remedies, and they ignore all the effects on other members of society than the ones they have in view. They are always under the dominion of the superstition of government, and, forgetting that a government produces nothing at all, they leave out of sight the first fact to be remembered in all social discussion — that the state cannot get a cent for any man without taking it from some other man, and this latter must be a man who has produced and saved it. This latter is the Forgotten Man.

The friends of humanity start out with certain benevolent feelings toward "the poor," "the weak," "the laborers," and others of whom they make pets. They generalize these classes, and render them impersonal, and so constitute the classes into social pets. They turn to other classes and appeal to sympathy and generosity, and to all the other noble sentiments of the human heart. Action in the line proposed consists in a transfer of capital from the better off to the worse off.

Capital, however, as we have seen, is the force by which civilization is maintained and carried on. The same piece of capital cannot be used in two ways. Every bit of capital, therefore, which is given to a shiftless and inefficient member of society, who makes no return for it, is diverted from a reproductive use; but if it was put into reproductive use, it would have to be granted in wages to an efficient and productive laborer. Hence the real sufferer by that kind of benevolence which consists in an expenditure of capital to protect the good-for-nothing is the industrious laborer. The latter, however, is never thought of in this connection. It is assumed that he is provided for and out of the account. Such a notion only shows how little true notions of political economy have as yet become popularized.

There is an almost invincible prejudice that a man who gives a dollar to a beggar is generous and kind-hearted, but that a man who refuses the beggar and puts the dollar in a savings bank is stingy and mean. The former is putting capital where it is very sure to be wasted, and where it will be a kind of seed for a long succession of future dollars, which must be wasted to ward off a greater strain on the sympathies than would have been occasioned by a refusal in the first place. Inasmuch as the dollar might have been turned into capital and given to a laborer who, while earning it, would have reproduced it, it must be regarded as taken from the latter.

When a millionaire gives a dollar to a beggar the gain of utility to the beggar is enormous, and the loss of utility to the millionaire is insignificant. Generally the discussion is allowed to rest there. But if the millionaire makes capital of the dollar, it must go upon the labor market, as a demand for productive services. Hence there is another party in interest — the person who supplies productive services.

There always are two parties. The second one is always the Forgotten Man, and any one who wants to truly understand the matter in question must go and search for the Forgotten Man. He will be found to be worthy, industrious, independent, and self-supporting. He is not, technically, "poor" or "weak"; he minds his own business, and makes no complaint. Consequently the philanthropists never think of him, and trample on him.

We hear a great deal of schemes for "improving the condition of the working-man." In the United States the farther down we go in the grade of labor, the greater is the advantage which the laborer has over the higher classes. A hod-carrier or digger here can, by one day's labor, command many times more days' labor of a carpenter, surveyor, book-keeper, or doctor than an unskilled laborer in Europe could command by one day's labor. The same is true, in a less degree, of the carpenter, as compared with the bookkeeper, surveyor, and doctor. This is why the United States is the great country for the unskilled laborer. The economic conditions all favor that class. There is a great continent to be subdued, and there is a fertile soil available to labor, with scarcely any need of capital. Hence the people who have the strong arms have what is most needed, and, if it were not for social consideration, higher education would not pay. Such being the case, the working-man needs no improvement in his condition except to be freed from the parasites who are living on him.

All schemes for patronizing "the working classes" savor of condescension. They are impertinent and out of place in this free democracy. There is not, in fact, any such state of things or any such relation as would make projects of this kind appropriate. Such projects demoralize both parties, flattering the vanity of one and undermining the self-respect of the other.

For our present purpose it is most important to notice that if we lift any man up we must have a fulcrum, or point of reaction. In society that means that to lift one man up we push another down. The schemes for improving the condition of the working classes interfere in the competition of workmen with each other. The beneficiaries are selected by favoritism, and are apt to be those who have recommended themselves to the friends of humanity by language or conduct which does not betoken independence and energy. Those who suffer a corresponding depression by the interference are the independent and self-reliant, who once more are forgotten or passed over; and the friends of humanity once more appear, in their zeal to help somebody, to be trampling on those who are trying to help themselves.

Trade unions adopt various devices for raising wages, and those who give their time to philanthropy are interested in these devices, and wish them success. They fix their minds entirely on the workmen for the time being in the trade, and do not take note of any other workmen as interested in the matter. It is supposed that the fight is between the workmen and their employers, and it is believed that one can give sympathy in that contest to the workmen without feeling responsibility for anything farther.

It is soon seen, however, that the employer adds the trade union and strike risk to the other risks of his business, and settles down to it philosophically. If, now, we go farther, we see that he takes it philosophically because he has passed the loss along on the public. It then appears that the public wealth has been diminished, and that the danger of a trade war, like the danger of a revolution, is a constant reduction of the well-being of all. So far, however, we have seen only things which could lower wages — nothing which could raise them. The employer is worried, but that does not raise wages. The public loses, but the loss goes to cover extra risk, and that does not raise wages.

A trade union raises wages by restricting the number of apprentices who may be taken into the trade. This device acts directly on the supply of laborers, and that produces effects on wages. If, however, the number of apprentices is limited, some are kept out who want to get in. Those who are in have, therefore, made a monopoly, and constituted themselves a privileged class on a basis exactly analogous to that of the old privileged aristocracies. But whatever is gained by this arrangement for those who are in is won at a greater loss to those who are kept out. Hence it is not upon the masters nor upon the public that trade unions exert the pressure by which they raise wages; it is upon other persons of the labor class who want to get into the trades, but, not being able to do so, are pushed down into the unskilled labor class. These persons, however, are passed by entirely without notice in all the discussions about trade unions. They are the Forgotten Men. But, since they want to get into the trade and win their living in it, it is fair to suppose that they are fit for it, would succeed at it, would do well for themselves and society in it; that is to say, that, of all persons interested or concerned, they most deserve our sympathy and attention.

The cases already mentioned involve no legislation. Society, however, maintains police, sheriffs, and various institutions, the object of which is to protect people against themselves — that is, against their own vices. Almost all legislative effort to prevent vice is really protective of vice, because all such legislation saves the vicious man from the penalty of his vice. Nature's remedies against vice are terrible. She removes the victims without pity. A drunkard in the gutter is just where he ought to be, according to the fitness and tendency of things. Nature has set up on him the process of decline and dissolution by which she removes things which have survived their usefulness. Gambling and other less mentionable vices carry their own penalties with them.

Now, we never can annihilate a penalty. We can only divert it from the head of the man who has incurred it to the heads of others who have not incurred it. A vast amount of "social reform" consists in just this operation. The consequence is that those who have gone astray, being relieved from Nature's fierce discipline, go on to worse, and that there is a constantly heavier burden for the others to bear.Who are the others? When we see a drunkard in the gutter we pity him. If a policeman picks him up, we say that society has interfered to save him from perishing.

"Society" is a fine word, and it saves us the trouble of thinking.

The industrious and sober workman, who is mulcted of a percentage of his day's wages to pay the policeman, is the one who bears the penalty. But he is the Forgotten Man. He passes by and is never noticed, because he has behaved himself, fulfilled his contracts, and asked for nothing.

The fallacy of all prohibitory, sumptuary, and moral legislation is the same. A and B determine to be teetotalers, which is often a wise determination, and sometimes a necessary one. If A and B are moved by considerations which seem to them good, that is enough. But A and B put their heads together to get a law passed which shall force C to be a teetotaler for the sake of D, who is in danger of drinking too much. There is no pressure on A and B. They are having their own way, and they like it. There is rarely any pressure on D. He does not like it, and evades it. The pressure all comes on C.

The question then arises, Who is C? He is the man who wants alcoholic liquors for any honest purpose whatsoever, who would use his liberty without abusing it, who would occasion no public question, and trouble nobody at all. He is the Forgotten Man again, and as soon as he is drawn from his obscurity we see that he is just what each one of us ought to be.

William Graham Sumner (1840–1910) was a hero of classical liberalism. He taught sociology for many years at Yale College where he had a reputation among students as one of the most influential teachers. His popular essays gave him a wide audience for his laissez-faire advocacy of free markets, anti-imperialism, and the gold standard. Comment on the blog.

Originally entitled "On the Case of a Certain Man Who Is Never Thought Of," this essay was originally published in 1883, as part of the book What the Social Classes Owe to Each Other.

See "Sumner's Forgotten Classic," by Christopher Mayer.

Sunday, August 04, 2013

American Society Inundated With Racial Extremism

Ever since Barack Obama was elected president, racial divisions in this country have grown to absurd proportions.  For those who imagined that electing "the first black president" would move us into a "post-racial" era of good feelings and unity, this is a shock.  It is the exact opposite of what they expected.

Now more than ever, we hear blacks and the kooky-left spinning tales of Klansmen and Nazis emerging everywhere; Tea Partiers are publicly described as "racists" by such pond scum as Rep Charlie Rangel of New York:
In an interview with the Daily Beast published Friday, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY) suggested Tea Partiers are the “same group” who fought for segregation during the Civil Rights movement.

“It is the same group we faced in the South with those white crackers and the dogs and the police. They didn’t care about how they looked,” Rangel said.

Because of this, Rangel said the Tea Party could be defeated using the same tactics employed against Jim Crow.
(Hat tip:  Gateway Pundit via Infidel Bloggers Alliance.

Meanwhile, The Other McCain describes a movie review by a Salon writer named Andrew O'Hehir, in which O'Hehir reviews the feel-good, true tale of the famous racehorse Secretariat.  O'Hehir sees Nazi references and white supremacy in every inch of the celluloid, including the "lambent lighting" of the film, which is no doubt similar to the light cast off by a burning cross.  McCain quotes O'Hehir:
the welcoming glow that imbues every corner of this nostalgic horse-racing yarn with rich, lambent color comes from within, as if the movie itself is ablaze with its own crazy sense of purpose. (Or as if someone just off-screen were burning a cross on the lawn.) I enjoyed it immensely, flat-footed dialogue and implausible situations and all. Which doesn’t stop me from believing that in its totality “Secretariat” is a work of creepy, half-hilarious master-race propaganda almost worthy of Leni Riefenstahl, and all the more effective because it presents as a family-friendly yarn about a nice lady and her horse.
There is no question that Andrew O'Hehir is nuts.  However, only 99.6% of leftists are completely insane, and yet they make a bad name for the whole group.

Friday, August 02, 2013

The New Mind Control: Use the Word "Nigger" and Your Life Is Ruined

Actor Tim Allen has a point.  The use of the term "N-Word" is just as offensive as the term it represents, the word "nigger."

The word "nigger" is at least 200 years old (probably more), and didn't start out as an ethnic slur or insult.  Blacks themselves invented the word.  It is derived from the word "Niger," meaning black.  There is an African nation by that name, and also one named Nigeria.  Mark Twain used the word repeatedly in his fictional tales of blacks and whites in the antebellum South.  Although his fiction subtly advocated racial equality, it has been condemned by modern blacks for the use of a word that was not at all offensive at the time that Twain used it.

"Nigger" is only a hateful word by context.  It is not inherently hateful in and of itself.  However, the left has instituted unofficial speech codes into our society, so that if you use the word "nigger" in any context, be it semantical, historical or literary, you have broken an unofficial rule that carries great consequences.

Those consequences are social and professional ostracism.  Paula Deen is only the latest example in a long line of wrecked careers and lives.  She admitted she used the word thirty years ago after being assaulted by a criminal black man.  Her publisher and various department store chains immediately dropped her cookbooks and her television cooking show was canceled.  Ridiculous.

Note:  I do not advocate the careless use of the word "nigger," especially as a racial insult.  If you google the word and select "images," a ton of really offensive images are displayed.  However, use of the word does not turn any black into a pillar of salt.  So why are we so racially hypersensitive to the biggest group of screw-ups in human history?  (If you doubt me, look up crime statistics by race, illegitimacy by race and percentage of prison inmates by race.)

What blacks need is the unvarnished truth about themselves, and a great deal of societal pressure to clean up their act.  Instead, we have been programmed to do double back flips in order to never, ever offend any black, anywhere, for any reason.  They are the "sacred other," the Tribe of Dali Lamas among us, and anything less is sacrilegious, an apostasy that can never be overlooked or forgiven.

This semantical tyranny must stop.  I'm with you, Tim Allen.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

British Man Jailed For Displaying a Tattoo #Islam

Hat Tip:  Moonbattery
Via Moonbattery, a British man has been jailed in the U.K. for "inciting racial hatred" by displaying a tattoo.  The tattoo depicts a mosque blowing up.

Great Britain has become the most extreme "progressive" nation in the Western world.  Freedom of speech, freedom of inquiry are not permitted unless approved by the British government.  The U.K. leaders, as Moonbattery points out, are hypocrites.  They never arrested a single Muslim that displayed signs in London that advocated murder of those who oppose Islam.

The Stogiemeister would not fare well in the land of his ancestors.  I have long advocated the destruction of Islamic holy sites but only in response to terrorist attacks on the west.  Since Muslims believe that dying for their barbaric religion is a sure ticket to the Big Bordello in the Sky, killing them will not deter others.  However, the destruction of prize Islamic holy sites might provide the necessary disincentive to Islamic violence.  The mosque on the dome of the rock could be reduced to rubble, or the pink mosque, the Taj Mahal, or even Mecca and Medina obliterated, if need be.  Future Islamic pilgrims could do their hajj in a smoking, radioactive hole where the Grand Mosque and Kaaba used to be.

This Brit is not the first to advocate destruction of mosques.  I did so some time back with this Photoshop in a post titled "How to Punish the Jihadis."  I wrote:
...the victimized country (like India) could select a sacred Islamic shrine for utter destruction, e.g. an ancient Mosque. Announce its destruction as reparation for the terrorist attack. Then take a wrecking ball to the structure, reducing it to rubble. Or, if the Mosque is behind enemy lines (the enemy being the Islamic world), use a smart bomb or guided missile to destroy the structure. In other words, target the symbols and hateful institutions of Islam. This tactic recognizes the fact that it is Islam itself that is responsible for terrorism, as it is a terrorist ideology as is well documented in its holy texts and traditions. We must rid ourselves of the short-sighted view that terrorist-jihadis are individual criminals; they are in fact agents of Islam and it is Islam itself that must be punished for the deeds of its believers.
However, I want this to be absolutely clear:  this form of retaliation should be carried out by western governments as wartime measures, NOT by individuals acting on their own.  

As for Great Britain, it has become a sorry excuse for a representative of Western Civilization.  The Brits not only fail miserably to protect their citizens from violent Islam, they go out of their way to protect violent Islam from their own citizens.  U.K. government, you disgust me.

The Norks New Nukes: North Korea Claims They Have Backpack Nukes! #Norks #NorthKorea

It has been reported that North Korean leaders are claiming they now have backpack nukes, and proved it by having a company of soldiers march around with their backpacks on.  Western analysts have expressed doubt that the Norks have the technology to make nuclear devices small enough to fit into a backpack.  The Norks demonstrated the reality of this by having a squadron of soldiers carry backpacks with a big yellow Nuclear symbol pasted thereon.

One analyst said, presumably in jest, that the North Koreans may have "Hello Kitty" backpacks that they stole from Japan, but the only thing they are likely to hold is their lunch.   He said:
We don’t take that seriously because they probably painted the radiation symbol over some Hello Kitty backpacks they stole from Japan,” the official said. “No one believes that North Korea has the technology to make a miniature nuclear bomb like that."
Meanwhile, the North Korean soldiers have DARED others to try and take away their backpacks, and have assumed a fighting stance to demonstrate their ferocity.

Cheerful People Annoy Us Grouches #cartoons

Sometimes enthusiastic, cheerful people are very annoying to us grouches.  This little dog expresses my feelings exactly.  (Found on Facebook)