Showing posts with label ETSY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ETSY. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011

More handmade ornaments

More ornaments for Junk Fest.

Old reflectors with
vintage images, tinsel, cheese cloth
and bottle caps.

Pleated paper with a little French

And a few repurposed tart tin ornaments.

Most vintage images are from 
The Graphics Fairy.
Love her wonderful, vintage graphics!

Thanks for stopping by. 
Hope you're having a great autumn!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Check out this old book . . .

This dictionary is probably
the biggest book I have ever seen.

We found it at an antique store
on the way back from the beach.

 5" thick

 copyright 1958

 beautiful vintage color illustrations

 and black and white

 I remember this :)

 and maps

I love old books, 
especially dictionaries.
Since the cover is already torn,
I don't mind ripping out the pages. 
So, if you need any images for 
your collage or art projects,
just send me an email.
I will be listing these dictionary pages 
in my etsy paperie shop.

Have you found any good 
old books lately?
Would love to see them.

Have a great weekend!
~ Julie

Sharing today with one of my favorite parties:

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

sheet music paper wedding dresses

Busy creating . . . 

 pretty things from paper

a special order for a bridal shower

sheet music wedding gowns

I loved creating these . . .

designing individual little dresses,

each one unique 

adding vintage lace, paper doily trims, buttons and flowers

making veils, trains and simple bouquets.

We've been to several weddings this summer,
sharing the love, beauty and joy, 
of young couples
full of life and love,
just beginning their lives together.

Congrats to all those newlyweds and
 to those celebrating many years of marriage.

Remember the joys of your wedding day

joining your life to another,

keep celebrating your life and love,

being thankful for the love and time you share.

Thanks for stopping by today.
Love is the greatest gift of all.

~ Julie

Linking today with:

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vintage Treasures . . . Round 1

Hi Friends, 
Hope you're all having a great summer.

I've been a little MIA, 
opening my new etsy vintage paper shop.
I have been very busy filling and shipping orders.
If you haven't checked it out yet, 
you can click on the 
Saltbox Paperie box on my side bar.
I have a large selection of vintage papers and
have only begun to list things.
Please let me know if I can help you with supplies
for your art projects.

After selling a lot of our stock at the Expo sale,
we have been restocking our inventory over the
past few weeks; in Boise and around town.
We even found a few sales where we got to be 'pickers'.

While in Boise visiting our family, we came
home with two extra suitcases, a box and
a carry-on tote filled with vintage treasures.

Here's Round 1 of our treasure hunting.

 Love this set of vintage Paris framed prints

A 1920's globe and chippy enamelware

 some very old Japanese paper lanterns

 The red watering can is primitive; made from an old paint can

 Lots of vintage door hardware, knobs and a few skeleton keys,
only 25 cents each

A large stack of vintage white napkins already cleaned and pressed

These are old metal pencil sharpeners with moving parts
a purple canning jar

Thanks so much for stopping by.
I'll be sharing Vintage Finds Round 2 soon.

We're getting ready to help with 
my great aunt's estate sale next week in Eastern Oregon. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring home a few
unique family treasures.

And I'll be a vendor at the 
Plucky Maiden's Junk Fest
at McMenamins Edgefield in Troutdale, Oregon.
Should be a great flea market
with over 60 vendors!
If you live nearby, come and say hi.
The property is gorgeous with restaurants, a hotel,
and live music outside at 6 pm.

Keep enjoying your summer!

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