Hi Friends,
Hope you're all having a great summer.
I've been a little MIA,
opening my new etsy vintage paper shop.
I have been very busy filling and shipping orders.
If you haven't checked it out yet,
you can click on the
Saltbox Paperie box on my side bar.
I have a large selection of vintage papers and
have only begun to list things.
Please let me know if I can help you with supplies
for your art projects.
After selling a lot of our stock at the Expo sale,
we have been restocking our inventory over the
past few weeks; in Boise and around town.
We even found a few sales where we got to be 'pickers'.
While in Boise visiting our family, we came
home with two extra suitcases, a box and
a carry-on tote filled with vintage treasures.
Here's Round 1 of our treasure hunting.
Love this set of vintage Paris framed prints
A 1920's globe and chippy enamelware
some very old Japanese paper lanterns
The red watering can is primitive; made from an old paint can
Lots of vintage door hardware, knobs and a few skeleton keys,
only 25 cents each
A large stack of vintage white napkins already cleaned and pressed
These are old metal pencil sharpeners with moving parts
a purple canning jar
Thanks so much for stopping by.
I'll be sharing Vintage Finds Round 2 soon.
We're getting ready to help with
my great aunt's estate sale next week in Eastern Oregon. Hopefully, I'll be able to bring home a few
unique family treasures.
And I'll be a vendor at the
Plucky Maiden's Junk Fest
at McMenamins Edgefield in Troutdale, Oregon.
Should be a great flea market
with over 60 vendors!
If you live nearby, come and say hi.
The property is gorgeous with restaurants, a hotel,
and live music outside at 6 pm.
Keep enjoying your summer!
~ Julie
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