First, what is worry...Jones describes it this way, ".....worry is something positive that comes and grips us and takes control of us. It is almighty power, an active force, and if we do not realize that, we are certain to be defeated by it. If it cannot get us to be anxious and burdened and borne down by the state and condition of things that are actually confronting us, it will take this next stop, it will go on into the future. Worry about the future is so utterly futile and useless; it achieves nothing at all. The result of worrying about the future is that you are crippling yourself in the present; you are lessening your efficiency with regard to today, and thereby you are reducing your whole efficiency with regard to that future which is coming to meet you. In other words, worry is something that is due to an entire failure to understand the nature of life in this world. The result of sin is that there is always a problem in life. The great question is, how are we to face those troubles?"
"According to the Lord, every day has its problems; some of them are constant from day to day, some of them vary. We are allotted our quota for each day. Very well; we must face that and meet it; and He has already told us how to do so. We must not go forward and tack tomorrow's quota on to today's, otherwise it may be too much for us. We must learn to realize that the God who helps us today will be the same God tomorrow. We must learn to take things to God as they arise. Live day by day; live a life of obedience to God every day; do what God asked you to do every day. Never allow yourself to indulge in thoughts about worrying about what tomorrow will bring. God gives us grace once and forever but He also gives grace to us in parts and portions day by day. Start each day by saying "Here is a day which is going to bring me certain problems and difficulties; very well, I shall need God's grace to help me. I know God will make all grace to abound, He will be with me according to my need". This is the essential Biblical teaching with regard to this matter; we must learn to leave the future entirely in God's hands."
"We can sum it all up by saying that, as we learn in wisdom to take our days one by one as they come, forgetting yesterday and tomorrow, so we must learn this vital importance of walking with God day by day, of relying upon Him day by day, and applying to Him for the particular needs of each day. The fatal temptation to which we are all prone is that of trying to store grace against the future. That means lack of faith in God. Leave it with Him; leave it entirely with Him, confident and assured that He will always be going before you. As the Scripture puts it, He will 'prevent' you. He will be there before you to meet the problem. Turn to Him and you will find that He is there, that He knows all about it, and knows all about you. May He, in His infinite grace, give us wisdom and grace to implement these simple principles and thereby rejoice in Him day by day."
I pray these sermon notes are as much a blessing to you as it was to me. I chuckled reading it feeling as if Pastor Jones had perhaps written it especially to me. :-) (The book that this sermon was in is called Studies in the Sermon on the Mount by Martyn Lloyd-Jones). If you feel led to join us this week on our challenge, please leave us a comment with a link back to your blog or online gallery. We'd love to share in your creation!
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