Showing posts with label Sonny Angel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sonny Angel. Show all posts

Sonny Angel Big Reveal & Giveaway!

Today I've been asked to take part in the Sonny Angel Big Reveal to celebrate ten years of Sonny Angel! They have teamed up with Laduree (yum) to create this cute patisserie collection of collectable dolls and this is your chance to win one...

A number of bloggers were all sent a Sonny Angel doll that we opened this morning at 11am in a live #bigreveal over on Twitter. I got mine last week so it was really difficult to resist the temptation of opening him!! These is the full range of what I could have had - there were 2 I really REALLY wanted...

 Luckily, I got one of them!!

Isn't he cute??

a couple of close ups...
Now you can win your very own Sonny Angel Doll! To enter just leave a comment below - you have until Sunday 26th at midnight GMT - we will draw a winner next week (please note that due to the rules of the PR company running the competition I will only be able to select a UK winner) If you simply can't wait to see if you're a winner you can get hold of Sonny Angel dolls at Kind Toys.

You can see more Sonny Angel Big Reveal posts from the other bloggers over on Twitter using the hashtag #bigreveal

Thank you for dropping by today!

Sarah x