Showing posts with label Ultrasound. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ultrasound. Show all posts

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lilah Update

Lilah is 38 weeks + 1 day old! Here's the cutest picture of her foot from yesterday. I'm still doing weekly scans to check the fluid and all is well with that along with CTG's every other day to monitor for any distress and there is non. My blood sugars are normal so there is no indication there will be an induction in the near future.

I keep telling myself that if I go natural I will not make it to my due date. I don't know if thats intuition or wishful thinking. I have a lot more pressure and pain this time around but it could be because my fluid is low. I've gained 19 lbs or (9kg) and last year at this time with Emmy I had gained 22lbs so some of the missing weight is fluid, baby (still a week to go to be equal in time frame) and hopefully me being more healthy this time around.

Today I get to finish up the nursery for the new addition! Kim got her dresser all painted pretty to match Emmy's. I'll post pictures of the cuteness soon!

If you want to give a gift to Lilah we are asking in lieu of baby clothes or toys a more economical gift of Nappy's in size Crawler or Cloth Nappy's in one size fits all or large. xoxo

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

35.5 weeks and counting....

Yet another scan and doctor appointment today. Below are some pictures and I labeled them since they are not that clear or great quality. They said that she is growing at a normal expected rate and if she were born today that she'd be 5 lbs 12 oz. So depending on how far along she goes she may end up being a bit heavier than Emmy was at 6 lbs 14 oz and I totally expected her to be smaller than Emmy. Who knows! The doctors are not very happy with the amount of amniotic fluid again. It's within the normal range for low. I'm not sure how much more it would have to decrease before they would induce. It's super hard getting my questions answered these past three visits since it's not my normal doctor and their accents are so strong I can barely understand what they are saying. So next week we'll do another scan and doctor visit and take it from there and hopefully I'll be able to see my normal doctor!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

waiting, waiting, more waiting

Yesterdays doctor appointment was enough to drive anyone crazy, especially if you have a 10 month old that is more interested in investigating her surroundings and enjoys the high range of her newly found vocal screams. My appointment was for 12:30 and I got to see the doctor at 1:45, the irritating part is this visit and the last I was put with a new doctor. The secretary doesn't know why this is but I have had it corrected for the next visit and I guess I'll just have to make double sure I'm with the correct one from here on out.

Anyways... the ultrasound she ordered that I had the day before was guaranteed to me to be at the doctors office by noon and now it's nearly 2 pm and no films. I'm asked if I mind waiting longer in the waiting room for them to come, "their being sent over now", and then we'll finish our visit. Of course I can wait I said with a smile on my face.... at 2:20 we're done looking at the results and everything seems good and we'll repeat the scan in 2 weeks. They have been watching the fluid around Lilah since it's on the low end of normal, but from last week the fluid has increased so all is looking great. I had to wait an additional 10 mins for the secretary to return to book my next appointment and then I was able to take the elevator downstairs and book my next scan and then we got the heck out of there.

While all of this waiting was going on Emmy didn't really want to wait. She wanted down so bad to crawl around and do what she wanted to do. After about 40 mins I was forced to go outside of the waiting room to the carpeted hallway where there's a couch and let her try and walk off some steam but after one lap of me helping her walk she decided NO WALKING by screaming until I let her crawl it off. Cruel thing is.... she never seemed to run out of energy. She wouldn't take her bottle and wouldn't take the nap she was over due fore. Nightmare. I look forward to my next appointment with my correct doctor and I know my waiting time is never more than 15 mins and he knows what's going on with me and my history.

Here are two pictures from the scan 2 days ago. They are kinda of crappy, but once the babies get so big it's hard for them to get a good picture because it's basically like someone sticking a camera right in your face and trying to have it focused and it just doesn't work. The first picture is the scary full on front shot and the second is a profile. She's right on for her weight and length for her gestational age and is very active. She has been kicking me in my ribs for several weeks now and if you are listening to me miss... you can stop doing that at any point and I'd be very grateful!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

ultrasound #4

Had an ultra sound today and everything looked normal and good. My doctor will talk more about it with me on my next visit ( Jan 7th ) and can maybe guess a birth weight! In the pictures I labeled the body parts since some times people can't see them too well. On screen the lady had some really good shots, but they didn't convert over to photograph as good, but you can definitely see a little baby. I also had her confirm that it's a girl again.

A super big thanks to my mother in law Jan who came along at the last minute to help wrangle Emmy! I didn't know I was going to have the scan today until my doctor set it up this morning. We could have not managed without her help!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

We had our scan yesterday and the sonographer was super nice and informative. He only gave us one photo though of the baby's profile but he did say that everything looked good and normal.

Emmy wore her halloween outfit and some kitty ears. Isn't she the cutest thing ever!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

she's sucking her thumb

A huge thanks to my friend Alexis for taking the time to do a fun scan on the new baby and the wonderfully cute gifts too! It really meant alot to me and my mom! It was also a nice relief to see her on the screen and to know everything is looking okay. We'll have our big medical scan a week from Friday to confirm all is well. Kim and I want 2 girls and 2 boys but we're going to give it a few years before we put in our male orders (hahah bad joke eh?) lol.

The majority of you pollsters were wrong. 15 votes total with 8 for boy and 7 for girl. Maybe next time!

I also would like to say a big congrats to Nic & Ilia who found out their expecting bundle will be a boy! It's about time there was a boy in the group!