Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Memories. Show all posts

Tuesday 23 December 2008

"Bring to mind the first time"

Thanks to Fe, Weng and to other fellow blogger who gave this tag to me. "Bring to mind the first time". Having this tag makes me remember those day when we just first met until the wedding. And SORRY GUYS for late posting this tag, I have difficulties to find some picture with my husband as you know my husband don`t like taking a picture. Finally here it is.

Here are the simple rules:
1. Pick your sweetest picture when you were still friends and post it on top of the questions and answers.
2. Another pic now that you are together post it after the questions.
3. Share to how many friends you like.
4. Enjoy doing it c:
5. Let your hubby read it too.

Can you remember the day you first met your hubby? When was that?

Yes, I absolutely remember it. It was July 17 2005, I waited him with my 2 sisters and I was mixe emotion happy at the same time nervous.

First impression...?

My first impression is he looks like attorney (LAUGH) and he was really handsome at the same time cute :=).

Were you friends before he became your bf?

We became friend for a while and he started courting me, sending 12 white roses to me and some cards. Actually we met through CHERRYBLOSSOM site that`s why we mailed each other first before chatting.

What was the sweetest thing he did for you?

When we went to TOP HILL RESTAURANT in Davao and he proposed to me while the sunset is going down, I was really surprised because I never expected that he will do that.

What are the things about him that you are thankful for?

I am thankful that he is really understanding person because I knew that I am
a difficult person to handle but he always there to understand me all the time. He is a faithful, gentleman and a good husband to me. I couldn`t ask for more except baby next year :=).

I am passing this tag to all my fellow blogger who is married, I hope you grab this guys.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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