Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holiday. Show all posts

Saturday 27 December 2008


It`s been a long since I didn`t update my blog, I just lazy this past few days for some reason. I miss my family so badly and spending Christmas here is really big different from Philippines.

Anyway I tell you about how we celebrated the Christmas Eve here, we was invited to my parent in law to spent the Christmas. First we eat rice soup with milk for lunch and after that we watched cartoons ( it`s a tradition) Then we had our Christmas Eve dinner and we played games. Then we feel tired and went to sleep even it`s not 12 midnight yet. We was only 4 persons who celebrated the Christmas so I think you understand why it`s boring. Anyway I am still happy because I am with my husband but not totally 100% happy. I can say that Christmas here is just a normal day. I don`t have any picture to post because I just don`t felt to took picture.

That`s it! It`s a little boring Christmas right?? ^_^ that`s why I wanted to spent the Christmas in Philippines but sad to said my vacation was postpone. Hopefully next year I will be in Philippines.

I am not in mood to post but just a little bit update because it was long time since I post. I hope everybody have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Ciao!

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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