Showing posts with label summer time. Show all posts
Showing posts with label summer time. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Finally I did update my blog

Hey guys, still remember me?Lol..its been awhile since I blog here, I was busy with my small business online, supposed to be I should update my blog often since I am free from school but because of my business I always get busy and lazy updating my blogs. But I will try my best to update here, since I miss YOU and my blogs.. How is everybody?? Haven´t heard from you for a while, After this post I will try to visit all your blogs and be updated with the latest, you know I´m too late here lol.

Since I am free from school, there are some activities that my husband and I did, like visiting some beautiful parks in the city, I did my first onboard on the ship and many more. My husband took the opportunity to bring me to some places that he knows that I would like to visit, and I love him more for that. I´m going to share it here, so you are update with what was happening to me these couple of weeks.

Hhmmm..what more? Oh yes, I have been enjoying meeting friends and new friends because of my business, I get time to spend some times with different people who I haven´t met before. I have one month and 14 days to go to start my school again, so I try to enjoy every minutes being away from school, and it summer and finally MR. SUN came to Sweden to give some light and warm, love it since we will only have three months of sunny and warm weather the rest will be cold weather.

Until here guys, have a warm and wonderful summer days...

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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