Sunday 11 December 2011

It´s snowing for the firs time

It was three days ago when it was snowing the first time this month. It seems that, we will have a mild winter this year compares last year. Last year of November have started to snow but this year is much late. I am a bit happy and sad about it. Sad because I would love to experience the snow outside, play with it with my baby, happy because it means it will not so cold.

When I was out yesterday for some errands, it feels not cold at all, I can take away my winter jacket without freezing. Christmas is soon now, and I miss my family in Philippines. I hope  next Christmas I can spend it with them.


Sunday 4 December 2011

Pump that I love

This is the last month of 2011 and month of Christmas. I am sure everyone is busy finding gifts to their love ones, decorating Christmas decor to their home ( for us, we decided to put Christmas tree next year ) and preparing for the cold weather. Like I posted here before, my husband has already a gift for me this coming Christmas, but I haven´t found any gift for him yet.

Btw, during December month here in Sweden, most of the people are attending different kind of parties. I do attend different kind of parties such as birthday parties. And this month, I have already attended several parties, and soon I will be attending another party which is a " Glamour Party " where the aim is to wear clothes that has glitters. This is my first time to attend this kind of party. I am really curious about the event.

I have been roaming around the mall to find clothes that I am going to where for the event. And for the shoes, I found these two pair of pump online which maybe I am going to purchase. I so love the style of these pump, what you think?

Wednesday 30 November 2011

I was surprised and very excited

I have been living together with my husband for almost five years. I have learned when he gave me gift, it always not wrapped in a special bag wrapper, instead we buy it together haha. I don´t mind at all, the important is, he always made me very special through giving me gifts that I wanted. Several days ago, he asked me if I want to receive a special gift during this coming Christmas or on my birthday, I told him I would love to receive gift during my birthday, that´s that. End of the gift conversation.

Last weekend, he went out to done his hair cut. And when he came home, he suddenly told me that he was walking a long time to make my gift wrapped. And I was like, I thought you will gave the special gift on my birthday. And that´s it. I was very surprised because like I said, I used to received gifts from him unwrapped but this time, first time ever it will be wrapped haha. The gift is somewhere in our apartment and I don't have a plan to find it. I just wants to have it on Christmas day.

I am really really curious what will be the gift. I have been bagging my husband about what is the gift and he never told me. I even asked for a clue but he never gave me. He just said, wait until Christmas. I gave up to knowing what is the gift. I cannot wait to open it during Christmas day. Anyway, there are 25 days to go before Christmas, I will post here what will be the gif okay guys. See you around!!!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Lunch meeting with my girlfriends

How is everybody? Ask for me, I am still lazy blogging. I so lazy updating my blogs for weeks. What happened to me ( sad sign ) maybe I need to be away from blogging to get back the energy again to blog? What you suggest guys? Anyway, I´ll be meeting my girlfriends at the Filipino Restaurant here in Gothenburg ( I will blog about the Filipino Restaurant soon, I just need to take some photo to make the post more exciting right ) we will have our lunch there, and after that, no schdule. Maybe we will just hang around the mall and just do the chikahan about anything. I will share some photos later, see yah!

Saturday 19 November 2011

Yahooo! Finally...

Yay!! You are not lost!!! It just I got a new theme and a blog title. I changed the title of my blog from " A Journey Of Life " to " Blogista Momma " I thought it fits the new title of my blog as of my new role. I have been longing for months to get new theme for this blog. When I own domain blogs, I left behind this blog and never update it even though it has a high page rank. But then I realized it will be waste of time if I lose this blog since this is my very first and old blog. So to get back my eager to update this blog, I planned to make renewed it, from title to theme so it will completely look brand new. And yes, I made it. This blog looks very new specially the theme.

It was not impossible with the help of my co-blogger and at the same time designer for blogspot Chie. I got this theme very cheap than normal charge for theme. I thank Chie for making this blog looks new and now I have a lot of energy to update this blog though this post should have posted yesterday haha. I was so hand full with the house hold and my baby that I wasnt able to come finished this post.

Tuesday 15 November 2011

My comfy shoes

I was inactive in my blogs for the past days since I cannot leave my baby alone playing in the living room because she´s moving a lot now and I need to watch her every time. And also she always cry when she can´t see me. Our computer is place in our bedroom while my baby stays in the living room so I can´t be in front of the computer. I have a laptop which place in the living room but every time I use it I can´t blog anything. I wish for a bigger laptop. Actually an Macbook air apple laptop is my wish to have but I do not know when I can have it since it is extremely expensive, as for now we cant afford since there are many things to buy first than my leisure thing.

I woke up 12 midnight and I cant sleep anymore, and I have been in front of the computer for an hour before I able to update this blog. Like I said, I am busy being with my baby and also lazy to blog. I just felt nothing to blog or maybe I just lazy. Anyway, I bought this pair of shoes several days ago. I expected to return it because I thought it will not feel comfy because it has the high heel and since I always go out with a baby cart, I thought it will hurt my feet. But I was completely surprised because I have tried to walked with this pair of shoes and they are so comfortable and it is very light weight that it feels that I do not wear any shoes at all. I so love this pair of shoes.

I wear it as my every shoes because it is good for the weather ( almost winter weather now ) it made my feet warm. It has a medium high heels and it made me tall a bit haha besides it so comfy. This is added to my favorite pair of shoes though I don't have much like Emelda Marcos. Here are the photos of me wearing my favorite brown pair of shoes and I matched it with brown jacket from BIKBOK. My husband told me that day, that he liked my outfit.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

New theme for this blog soon

Pardon me for not updating this blog. The past days, was a lazy days to blogs instead I was with my family which is a good excuse to be away from my blog right? Anyway, while I was blog hopping, I saw few blogs that have the same theme that I used in this blog. Seeing them made me eager to change the theme of this blog. And my co-blogger is working on my new theme and I just hope it will finish and install soon so I will inspires to blog haha. I am really excited for the new theme of this blog and I hope it will last long. I need to stop writing now and more blog hopping since this blog needs more comments and exposure.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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