Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label personal. Show all posts

Thursday 22 March 2012

My baby girl turned one year old

Time travel so fast. My baby girl turned one year old last Saturday. We celebrated with our closest friends and was held in our home. Before the party, I was so stress that I could sleep two night in a row. I always think if the food will be enough for the guests, or is it our apartment is too small to accommodate all the guests and many more to think about. But now the party was over and it was a blast.

Everything went perfect, the foods are delicious, the guests are happy so all in all it was a great party to remember. I could believe my baby girl is no longer a baby, instead she is a child. I still breast feed her and sometimes I felt wrong to do it since she is bigger now. I have planned already to stop breast feed her after her first birthday but I wait until next week because I would like to ask the midwife if they can recommend a healthy bottle milk.


Thursday 8 March 2012

We are getting better

Last Monday I was sick until Thursday, it was my poor husband who took care of me plus he need to look after Camilla too. I am so thankful for him for doing his best to look after me and Camilla. I know it must be a stressful for him since he is not use to this kind of job. He needs to stay at home and took care of us, that´s why he was absent couple of days at work. It was not good because it means it decrease his salary. I was better last Thursday so I told him to go to work. But then after two or three days he got fever, so he stayed at home and rest, oh before that, Camilla got sick too due to her teething. 

It was difficult days for all us, specially for our little one, she doesn´t eat well, she is depending on breast milk. It is not healthy but I can´t force her to eat, I have try many times but I get failed. For now, we are much better than the other days, the husband went back to work, and for me I am much better except coughing and Camilla does too. She eats small portion which is better than nothing. So I hope we will be totally healthy the coming days, specially Camilla´s birthday is a week away from now. 


Thursday 1 March 2012

My Birthday

    Few days ago was my birthday, like I said in my other post, I decided to celebrate my birthday private. So how it goes with my day birth. First we ate brunch at my favorite restaurant ( Ritz Restaurant which is located in the center city of Gothenburg ). They serve appetizer to dessert.  We lift the restaurant both full of their delicious food. Camilla has also tasted different kind of foods so probably she is full too, because the time we put her on her stroller she fall asleep after a couple of minutes.

Our next stop, was at the mall, to find another gift for me. My husband let me decided what I want as a gift from him. And I decided to get a GUESS BAG for myself. I had few bags but I never had this brand, so I thought of having it for a change. Haha. After husband paid the bag, we went shopping for Camilla´s birthday stuff and then went to the bicycle shop to change the tiles of Camilla´s stroller.

It sounds not a busy day, but oh it was. We came home around 4 in the afternoon, and relax together in the living room, watching Camilla playing. That ´s what we called " quality time " And when it´s dark outside, husband and I made my birthday cake while Camilla was sleeping and snoring. Haha. And we ate the cake around 9 in the evening, while having a good time together. It was a great birthday. I enjoyed it a lot.

Saturday 7 January 2012

Pink Friday: Camilla´s Cap

Whew, it´s already Saturday night here but I just start writing my entry for " Pink Friday " but anyway, it´s better late than never, they say. Haha. It took me few minutes to find for my entry today and since Camilla´s birthday is coming I thought of looking at her album and this is what I found ( refer to the photo above ) I took beautiful photo right? The cap is mine but it´s fits her too. And it made me play with my phone because it´s fun to take photo of my little angel who will have her first birthday soon. 

This month and few months coming are special for us because, this month it is our wedding anniversary, and for February it´s my birthday and on March it´s Camilla´s first birthday. I am planning to host a giveaway but it is not final yet. I need budget haha. I haven´t earn this month and passed months because I was inactive in blogging but not it seems I am back on track, actually I bought two domain names yesterday. I am excited to start with my new blogs ( fashion and a mom blogs ) but I need to wait until it will be in WordPress blog. Let see what will happen.

Friday 6 January 2012

This blog will have it own domain and will be hosted blog

This morning, I was sitting down in front of my laptop and thinking hard about deleting and adding new blogs. I have six blogs and it gives me hard time to update of them though some of them have their own niche which is easy for me to update but still I didn´t update them. So I came to conclusion to delete some of my blogs and buy a new domain and to make it easy for me to update them if they have a proper niche ( some of my blogs have their own niche but not all of them. 

I have already buy two domains ( Bloggistamomma and Shy´s Mode ) and I am planning them to be hosted. I just rename my 3 and a half years old blog " A Journey For Life " to " Bloggista Momma " I just can´t delete this blog since this is my very first blog. It has also a high rank of 3 but I thought it much better if it has it own name. And I thought it will be wasted if I delete this blog so instead I buy it own domain and let it be a hosted blog. Wonderful idea I got right? haha. The passed days, I was been reading fashion blogs and it´s inspired me to make my own fashion blog. My fashion blog will not only contains about fashion, it will also contain product review that I used, beauty tips and many more as long as it will be related to fashion niche. And when I got budget, I let these blog to have their own blog make over so they will be beautiful like the own. Haha.

Let see if the new domains I bought wills survive since boredom of blogging is occupying me right now. Oh, maybe you get bored reading this post, I better stop now. See you around guys.


Wednesday 30 November 2011

I was surprised and very excited

I have been living together with my husband for almost five years. I have learned when he gave me gift, it always not wrapped in a special bag wrapper, instead we buy it together haha. I don´t mind at all, the important is, he always made me very special through giving me gifts that I wanted. Several days ago, he asked me if I want to receive a special gift during this coming Christmas or on my birthday, I told him I would love to receive gift during my birthday, that´s that. End of the gift conversation.

Last weekend, he went out to done his hair cut. And when he came home, he suddenly told me that he was walking a long time to make my gift wrapped. And I was like, I thought you will gave the special gift on my birthday. And that´s it. I was very surprised because like I said, I used to received gifts from him unwrapped but this time, first time ever it will be wrapped haha. The gift is somewhere in our apartment and I don't have a plan to find it. I just wants to have it on Christmas day.

I am really really curious what will be the gift. I have been bagging my husband about what is the gift and he never told me. I even asked for a clue but he never gave me. He just said, wait until Christmas. I gave up to knowing what is the gift. I cannot wait to open it during Christmas day. Anyway, there are 25 days to go before Christmas, I will post here what will be the gif okay guys. See you around!!!

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Lunch meeting with my girlfriends

How is everybody? Ask for me, I am still lazy blogging. I so lazy updating my blogs for weeks. What happened to me ( sad sign ) maybe I need to be away from blogging to get back the energy again to blog? What you suggest guys? Anyway, I´ll be meeting my girlfriends at the Filipino Restaurant here in Gothenburg ( I will blog about the Filipino Restaurant soon, I just need to take some photo to make the post more exciting right ) we will have our lunch there, and after that, no schdule. Maybe we will just hang around the mall and just do the chikahan about anything. I will share some photos later, see yah!

Sunday 18 September 2011

I can´t sleep

I was already in bed trying to sleep, but while staying there for 30 minutes I decided to get up since the dream land won´t allows me to enter. It was few hours ago when we came home from my parent-in-laws house, we slept over there since it was my dad-in-law 94 years old birthday. When we came home, I made our dinner and clean.

After that, I watched the TV show that I have been following the past weeks, it is " True Talent " about singing. It is almost like " American Idol " version in Swedish. My husband and baby are already sleeping and as for me, I do not know when I´m gonna hit the bed, for a while just blogging until I get sleepy. See you around guys, and have a good sunday evening.

Friday 16 September 2011

Unusual day for me

Unusual day. What I mean is, I just sit down in front of my computer around 3 o clock which made it as unusual day for me. I have been cleaning. I cleaned our kitchen, bathroom and I sort my clothes, I keep away my summer clothes and take away my autumn clothes from our cabinet. I also arranged my bags, and threw some of them that I do not use or broken. It is getting colder each day and it definitely time to wear jacket and boots.

When I checked the temperature this morning, I can say that autumn is saying hi to everybody. Time to get ready to face the cold weather again. I am looking forward to see the autumn beauty, specially when the leaves changed to different kind of color. I thought it is like magic. Maybe I take a walk these coming day to capture the beauty of autumn.

Btw, before I end this post, I like to share to my readers that my other blog which is DIAPER DAYS is giving a small give away to celebrate my daughter six month old tomorrow, just click the blog title if you like to join!

Monday 12 September 2011

Runny nose

I took a shower and a long bath yesterday evening while my husband and my baby were already sleeping. After more than an hour in the bathroom I decided to get up and checked my baby. I didn´t bother to blow dry my hair because I thought I will going to sleep so why bother for it. The window in our bedroom is open ( I always open it to get some fresh air inside our apartment. It was a big mistake because in the morning I felt so bad, I had headache and runny nose. Right at this moment, I still have runny nose, and I suspected that maybe I will get fever soon. And I blame it on my wet hair last night. Next time I need to be careful since it is easy to get sick in this time of the year ( fall season ). Anyway, I´m gonna stop now, and go to bed and get some rest and hoping tomorrow that I will be healthy again.

It would not be a bad
idea to take online nursing classes
sometime, and at least become a clinical
to my family.

Monday 4 July 2011

Picnic time

Last week I often see my friends than normal, maybe because one of them is going to visit Philippines. We are always like that, what I mean is, when somebody in our group girlfriend going to visit Philippines, we try to hang out together before she fly to Philippines. It is same when she is going back because we are sure that she will bring dried fish which we all love and miss to eat.

The first attempt of going to picnic was successful but it was a bit chilly, it was not obvious on the photos, but trust me it was a bit cold for a picnic but we continue since we enjoy it. And who cares, we enjoy each other´s company.

And the next picnic was perfect, we even had the chicken, pork and fish barbeque. The last time one of us brought a grill material but it wasn´t use at all instead it was used the next picnic as you can see on the photos. It was sunny that time, and we don´t like the sun that´s why we are in the shade but not for Swedish people. During that picnic, there were few Swedish were sun bathing. It was so hot that it hurt the skin, and I felt it. I don´t understand those Swedish people who was sun bathing for few hours. I also learned, that we only need five minutes to be expose in the sun to get the vitamin D we need. Anyway we will see each other again tomorrow since one of our girlfriends just came home from a short vacation in Philippines. And she brought dried fish that´s one reason why we see each other tomorrow. I will try to post about it tomorrow evening. See you then.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

# 5 of " Just Beatiful " - Beautiful sun set

Another Wednesday is and it will be another " Just Beautiful " entry for today. I was been so busy these days but I always try to not miss this meme since I enjoy photos a lot.

And my entry for today is the lovely sun set, I took this picture when I was staying in the hospital after my c-section delivery. I was on my way to eat breakfast when I saw this wonderful God´s creature and thought of capturing it. Have a nice Wednesday everyone!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Late meal

Since we become parents, we have a crazy schedule when it comes to our meal. Like for example today, my husband run to the nearest pizza shop to buy pizza for our lunch time. I haven´t got a chance to make lunch since I am handsfull with my baby Camilla. And guess what time we eat our lunch? It was around 4 in the afternoon, I was really hungry. The husband and I agreed that, it is not easy to be a parents but it is worth it, all the tiredness, stress and crazybusy, will gone when we see our baby girl. I guess this is how to be a parents, and we are ready to face all the challenge for that.

Thursday 31 March 2011

300 mails

Nowadays I am really seldom to do blogging since I am newly mommy. Do not get me wrong I enjoy being a mommy but I miss my blogging world since it has been my hobby before I become a mom. I can´t easily check my things in my computer likes for example emails and other online things. When I check my email today I was very surprised because I almost get 300 emails, take not it doesn't include the spam yet. It irritates me because most of the emails are comments from my different blogs and most of the comments are non-sense like advertising and comments that not related to my post.

I have deleted them few minutes ago. And I will expect that will be more email the next days. But what can I do, I can´t control it and also I cant manage it right now since I have limits to sit here and do my blogging things. Right at this moment my baby Camilla is sleeping that´s why I am freely here, but I´m sure she will scream very soon LOL. So I need to say bye for now guys.

Wednesday 30 March 2011

# 4 of " Just Beatiful " - Husband and baby Camilla

Time travel so fast! Another Wednesday has past. I haven't able to joined this meme last Wednesday since I was in the hospital for recovery for my plan c-section. But last Friday we come home with our baby girl " Camilla " We come home as a parents and we are very happy about it. Anyway my entry picture today is my baby Camilla and my husband, I took this picture during our stay in the hospital. As a mommy now, I give limitattion being in the computer since I won´t miss any single minutes to be with my newly born baby. I SO LOVE this picture, the two person who made my life complete. Have a nice Wednesday everyone!

Monday 28 March 2011

My baby Camilla

Yeah. Finally I got time to update my blog since I just give birth to the cutest baby girl in the world LOL. I posted here about my delivery and after a long days I able to click my keyboard. I miss my blog eventhough I am overwhelmed with joy for having a baby. It´s only 11 days since I become a mom and I so love it. I know it means I have a limitation to everything I do and put my baby as my first priorities I do not mind it since it is very good feeling to be a mom, and I can say that this is the best thing could happen to woman, as easy say this is a gift for every woman, to be a MOM. I couldn´t ask for more, I can say I am complete now with my baby and my loving husband, opps..maybe not really complete since we want second baby, but like people say " one at a time ", comeback maybe 3 years from now and let see what will happen. Before I end this post since somebody ( baby Camilla ) start to cry,  I would like to THANKS to all my fellow bloggers who includes us to their prayers. Some of you are waiting to see my baby Camilla, and here she is, isn´t she cute?


Wednesday 16 March 2011

# 3 of Just Beautiful - Ultra Sound

Yes! Another Wedneday is here which means it´s time for the meme " Just Beautiful " Since I will undergo by a cesarean section tomorrow, I thought of sharing this ultra sound picture of my baby during her/his 18 weeks. And now he/she is in 38 weeks and ready to come out tomorrow. Time travel so fast. I will be a mom within 24 hours from now, still can´t believe! But I am very happy to see our " bundle of joy " soon. Wish me luck guys.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Was Worried

When I heard about the tsunami news that it could be possible that will hits the Philippines, it made me very worried. So I surfed the Google news and read for more information and I knew that my hometown is one of the possible area that could hits by tsunami. I immediately texted my brother about it and warn them to be ready about it. And my brother texted back that they don´t have any warn from the philvocs. After I received my brother´s text it made me feel calm and relax. 

I saw the news about Japan, and it made me feel sad of what had happened and I pray that they can overcome all those problems that tsunami gave them. And to all those people who have lost their loveones my deepest condolence to all you. I know it is not only loveones they lost, it is also  property and other things that are important to them. Let us pray that those people who are affected with what is happening in the world not only in Japan but all over the world, can overcome this tragedy they are facing right now.

Wednesday 9 March 2011

#2 of Just Beautiful - Aero Show

Time travel so fast, I can´t believe it already Wednesday  again and time for the meme call " Just Beautiful ". I felt it was just yesterday I post my first entry here. But anyway I enjoy this meme since it´s all about beautiful photos which I have thousands of them LOL.

Btw, here is my entry for today. Last summer husband and I watched this show called " Gothenburg Aero Show " This is all about aircrafts. I remember I love it and it was breath taking show. I hope we can able to watch it again this summer with our little one with us. Anyway, the picture I took was very good right? I haven´t noticed that a photographer was on the picture, it was not intentional, but it turns out very good shot.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Kindly visit my new blogs

I was blogging since 2008 and that time I was very active since I just started blogging, it was easy to hook up and get addicted to it. But after that year, I started to get busy in the school which made my time occupied and lost the desire of blogging due to my hectic schedule from school. Since I really need to focus to school so I left behind my blogs. I had my school vacation but then I use that times to visit my hometown Philippines, so still no blogging for me.

After my long three months vacation, I slowly update my blog since I have only one subject in school. But then, I lost track again. Let say I had my vacation from blogging again. Until last December 2010 I have a lot of energy to blog, which obviously I missed my blog a lot. I started to post three or four times a week and which have continued until now. And I had decided to make another blogs which have own domain and web host. Let see I want to explore more about this blogging world, since I have more time being at home because I am expecting our baby this month. And it means I will be a stay home mom, so I decided to make another blogs.

I hope you will going to support my blogs like you support this blog. My new two blogs are open for exchanging links and follower. So if you have time you can visit my new blogs in these address DIAPER DAYS and SHY..the " Lens Louse Girl ". I expect to see you there!!!


- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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