Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blog. Show all posts

Friday 6 January 2012

This blog will have it own domain and will be hosted blog

This morning, I was sitting down in front of my laptop and thinking hard about deleting and adding new blogs. I have six blogs and it gives me hard time to update of them though some of them have their own niche which is easy for me to update but still I didn´t update them. So I came to conclusion to delete some of my blogs and buy a new domain and to make it easy for me to update them if they have a proper niche ( some of my blogs have their own niche but not all of them. 

I have already buy two domains ( Bloggistamomma and Shy´s Mode ) and I am planning them to be hosted. I just rename my 3 and a half years old blog " A Journey For Life " to " Bloggista Momma " I just can´t delete this blog since this is my very first blog. It has also a high rank of 3 but I thought it much better if it has it own name. And I thought it will be wasted if I delete this blog so instead I buy it own domain and let it be a hosted blog. Wonderful idea I got right? haha. The passed days, I was been reading fashion blogs and it´s inspired me to make my own fashion blog. My fashion blog will not only contains about fashion, it will also contain product review that I used, beauty tips and many more as long as it will be related to fashion niche. And when I got budget, I let these blog to have their own blog make over so they will be beautiful like the own. Haha.

Let see if the new domains I bought wills survive since boredom of blogging is occupying me right now. Oh, maybe you get bored reading this post, I better stop now. See you around guys.


Tuesday 8 March 2011

Kindly visit my new blogs

I was blogging since 2008 and that time I was very active since I just started blogging, it was easy to hook up and get addicted to it. But after that year, I started to get busy in the school which made my time occupied and lost the desire of blogging due to my hectic schedule from school. Since I really need to focus to school so I left behind my blogs. I had my school vacation but then I use that times to visit my hometown Philippines, so still no blogging for me.

After my long three months vacation, I slowly update my blog since I have only one subject in school. But then, I lost track again. Let say I had my vacation from blogging again. Until last December 2010 I have a lot of energy to blog, which obviously I missed my blog a lot. I started to post three or four times a week and which have continued until now. And I had decided to make another blogs which have own domain and web host. Let see I want to explore more about this blogging world, since I have more time being at home because I am expecting our baby this month. And it means I will be a stay home mom, so I decided to make another blogs.

I hope you will going to support my blogs like you support this blog. My new two blogs are open for exchanging links and follower. So if you have time you can visit my new blogs in these address DIAPER DAYS and SHY..the " Lens Louse Girl ". I expect to see you there!!!


Wednesday 11 March 2009

My other blog was approved!

Finally my other blog which is swennerholm was approved with some of my advertiser, and just now I got two opportunity and I am really happy because I miss doing some opportunity. I think I will be starting to be busy to write opportunity in my other blog and for this blog I´m still working to get my pr back. I was been so busy this passed few days that´s why I couldn´t drop ec to my fellow bloggers who always drop ec to my blog, but today I will try to drop ec to all who drop to my blog.

Anyway this week will be my last week practicum in the kindergarten, I am excited to go back to school at the same time I´m sad because I will miss the kids in my practicum specially now that they used to me, they hug me everytime they saw me. I´m sure I will miss them so much and I will try to visit them as long as I can.

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Just a post

I made my 300 drop yesterday, but I am wondering because everytime I drop ec instead it show "drop" it was "300 per day" so now I am wondering why the other dropper they can drop since they wanted? should I just continue dropping even I see this message "300 per day" because I want to drop since I can drop maybe 500 a day or so on. I think there´s a lot of blogger out there who can help me, I´ll be waiting for your help ^_^.

Anyway my friend will be here so soon because I will help her about blog matters and after that we will going to sing because she bring her magic sing. I cooked chicken afritado for our lunch, Who like chicken afritado here? want some? LOL.. And maybe later we will going to take walk in the City and take some picture too, let see what will happen! See you later guys mwah!

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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