Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friends. Show all posts

Friday 9 April 2010

I met my girls

Yesterday friends and I had a chance to met and bonding together, and like we usually do cook Filipino foods, talk and share each other´s experience and personal life sometimes. I haven´t able to bought a magic sing when I was in my vacation lasts month, so I asked Jenny if she can brought her magic sing with her because I want to sing loud and clear LOL, and yes she brought it with her when we went to Janet´s place. And guess what, I didn´t help them to cook foods, instead I asked Jenny to put on the karaoke system so that I can started to sing, and also I asked Janet if she can prepared hot water for me because I wanted to drink tea, and as usual they we´re nice and did it for me ( I honestly accepted that I am lazy when I am with Jenny and Janet because I know they treated me like their youngest sister who is lazy lol, peace girls ). Anyway it was a great day with my girls even though I wasn´t feel well yesterday and until now and same with Jenny, she is sick too.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Nice Day with my friends Jenny and Janet at Liseberg

Me And Jetnah

Hug from Bunny :P

Picture with the giant Toblerone :P

With the clown guys, they we´re so nice to us

Jenny, Janet and Shy

Jenny and Janet pic with my Toblerone LOL.

Last week I was upset because we we´re not able to went to Liseberg as we (Jenny, Janet and I) planned because of the rain.But this week, we both checked the weather and Tuesday today is raining in the morning until afternoon as prognoses said but on Wednesday will be sunny. So we decided to went today in Liseberg even there will be a little rain because we wanted it badly to went to Liseberg together (Anyway Liseberg is the biggest amusement park in the North of Europe). I woke up early around eight (8) (for me it´s early lol) Jenny came home around nine (9) in the morning and she cook noodle (bihon) while I just talked to her while she was cooking and at the same time we´re waiting for Janet to showed up. After everything has done we walked toward Liseberg since it´s only walking distance where I lived. We brought noodles with us in case we got hungry and it was funny because it was too late to realized we forgot to brought a forks so we don´t have a choice to used spoons to our noodles lunch (it was funny endeed).

When we we´re inside at Liseberg, the first things we did were take a picture and walked around and take a picture again until we decided to ride a boat which made you wet like what happen to Jenny and me, Janet was lucky because she sat between me and Jenny so she was not wet. After the ride we ate our noodles and after that we went to see Bunny to take picture. Then we played the roller chocolate game which are the prizes are different kind of chocolate like Toblerone, Marabou and so on. Unfortunately I am the only one who able to won chocolate, I won twice, two small different kind of marabou (I was asking Jenny and Janet why I didn´t won the big one) since I wanted to win the big one I tried to played again and finally I won the two (2) kls. Toblerone, I was so happy. I gave some to Jenny and Janet of course. And later on, we went home since Janet can´t stay longer because she still have work to do ( she was already late :P). It was really a good day with my two close friends, the good things about our friendship is even how busy we are, we still manage to see each other.

Thursday 16 July 2009

I hang out with my girlfriends

My girlfriends Jenny and Janet visited me here in my crib yesterday, since I and Janet have a pasalubong from our girlfriend Jenny who just recently had her vacation in Philippines. It was a month ago since we hang out together, so we decided to meet again and get our pasalubong from Jenny. Jenny brought dried fish (tuyo in tagalog) and I was really happy because it was quite long since I last eat dried fish. We cook together for lunch, we had rice, mongo together with the dried fish and it was YUM. We had a chatted together, karaoke and laugh a lot. It is really amazing because when we we´re together, we feel happy and we like each other company. I think that is the benefit having a nice friend like them, when I am with them, I get stressless because of the feeling when I am with them. Anyway Tack for er och jag hoppas att vi kan umgås igen, det var så kul att se er.

Friday 10 April 2009

Good Time With Friends

Yesterday I invited my two good friends here at home to have a good time together it was Jenny and Janet, I´m sure you knew Jenny who is my classmate and good friend and Janet is my good friend too but I´m sure you don´t know her but you can see her in the picture I post.

Jenny and I made the lunch and after we had ate lunch- we sing karaoke while waiting for Janet. Janet told me that she will makes a banana cake. When she arrived we started to laugh a lot because Janet has a good sense of humor like the two of us (Jenny and I), and after our karaoke time we made together the banana cake. It was so fun because we got confused what to used for Janet banana cake since I don´t have the real ingredient that we need, but good to know because the banana cake turns delicious even we baked it twice (laugh).

Sometimes it good to hang out with friends just to feel good inside, I don´t mean that we´re not happy to be here of course not. Husband and friends are really different, our husband is always our friend. To Jenny and Janet next time ulit (hapit ko mkaihi sa ako panty og katawa) Anyway I post a picture at least you will know who I am talking about. See you again guy!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Just a post

I made my 300 drop yesterday, but I am wondering because everytime I drop ec instead it show "drop" it was "300 per day" so now I am wondering why the other dropper they can drop since they wanted? should I just continue dropping even I see this message "300 per day" because I want to drop since I can drop maybe 500 a day or so on. I think there´s a lot of blogger out there who can help me, I´ll be waiting for your help ^_^.

Anyway my friend will be here so soon because I will help her about blog matters and after that we will going to sing because she bring her magic sing. I cooked chicken afritado for our lunch, Who like chicken afritado here? want some? LOL.. And maybe later we will going to take walk in the City and take some picture too, let see what will happen! See you later guys mwah!

Saturday 24 January 2009

My friends

These are my friends back in the Philippines, I miss all of them badly when we do crazy things, going to the party or beach and sharing thoughts and problem with them. Here in Sweden I don´t have much friends because some of Filipino her don´t talk to the on whom is new in the country ( I´m one of them ) I admit I have some friends but it´s only few of them who I can called a true friend. I miss eating together with them using our hands, I miss them badly.

- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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