Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts
Showing posts with label baby. Show all posts

Thursday 22 March 2012

My baby girl turned one year old

Time travel so fast. My baby girl turned one year old last Saturday. We celebrated with our closest friends and was held in our home. Before the party, I was so stress that I could sleep two night in a row. I always think if the food will be enough for the guests, or is it our apartment is too small to accommodate all the guests and many more to think about. But now the party was over and it was a blast.

Everything went perfect, the foods are delicious, the guests are happy so all in all it was a great party to remember. I could believe my baby girl is no longer a baby, instead she is a child. I still breast feed her and sometimes I felt wrong to do it since she is bigger now. I have planned already to stop breast feed her after her first birthday but I wait until next week because I would like to ask the midwife if they can recommend a healthy bottle milk.


Saturday 7 January 2012

Pink Friday: Camilla´s Cap

Whew, it´s already Saturday night here but I just start writing my entry for " Pink Friday " but anyway, it´s better late than never, they say. Haha. It took me few minutes to find for my entry today and since Camilla´s birthday is coming I thought of looking at her album and this is what I found ( refer to the photo above ) I took beautiful photo right? The cap is mine but it´s fits her too. And it made me play with my phone because it´s fun to take photo of my little angel who will have her first birthday soon. 

This month and few months coming are special for us because, this month it is our wedding anniversary, and for February it´s my birthday and on March it´s Camilla´s first birthday. I am planning to host a giveaway but it is not final yet. I need budget haha. I haven´t earn this month and passed months because I was inactive in blogging but not it seems I am back on track, actually I bought two domain names yesterday. I am excited to start with my new blogs ( fashion and a mom blogs ) but I need to wait until it will be in WordPress blog. Let see what will happen.

Monday 28 March 2011

My baby Camilla

Yeah. Finally I got time to update my blog since I just give birth to the cutest baby girl in the world LOL. I posted here about my delivery and after a long days I able to click my keyboard. I miss my blog eventhough I am overwhelmed with joy for having a baby. It´s only 11 days since I become a mom and I so love it. I know it means I have a limitation to everything I do and put my baby as my first priorities I do not mind it since it is very good feeling to be a mom, and I can say that this is the best thing could happen to woman, as easy say this is a gift for every woman, to be a MOM. I couldn´t ask for more, I can say I am complete now with my baby and my loving husband, opps..maybe not really complete since we want second baby, but like people say " one at a time ", comeback maybe 3 years from now and let see what will happen. Before I end this post since somebody ( baby Camilla ) start to cry,  I would like to THANKS to all my fellow bloggers who includes us to their prayers. Some of you are waiting to see my baby Camilla, and here she is, isn´t she cute?


- Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary 

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