Friday, January 26, 2007

Back & Still Sick.

Thank you for all the "get-well-soon" msgs and of course SMSssss from my dear Angie, Annie, Eva, Mommy to Chumsy and who else ah..if i miss anyone don't kill me..cos i abit blur blur now under medication.
This was my first MC in 2007 and a very memorable one. My first night under medication..supposed to be a good night sleep for me. Instead my medicine that is supposed to me me sleepy didn't work and Jayden for no reason having night mare, screaming and yelling on top of his lungs that night. We tried to wake him up but he can't open his eyes until we gotto use his toys with the "itsy bitsy song" to wake him up. Probably cried too much before sleep. He insisted that he want to be carried by his Mami..but I'm sick ma. And Dadi also half dead so left him cried in the play-pen for sooooooooooooo long until he go like "ishk""ishk""ishk" after crying for so long. So the whole night he had night mare over and over again!!! Imagine I'm sick and have to carry him to watch Cartoon in the middle of the night.
The 2nd day, i brought Jayden to see his paed. Surprisingly paed found nothing wrong with him just that he had mild fever. So i drop him off at his nanny's and then went to see doctor myself. I told him the pills given by my panel doctor is not working and i don't feel sleepy after taking the pills. He said nevermind.."this one very good wan. Sure u go sleep". After 2 hours at doctors place..i went home and tried to sleep. Nope. Didn't sleep for the entire afternoon and in the night and in the midnight. So here I am today...working with no sleep for 2 days already.
Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you say i Happy or not?????


  1. Gosh, didn't sleep for 2 days and go to work and BLOG some more!!! Sleep and rest for the weekend ya!

  2. Woah, go sleep go sleep! Take leave! Rest well! *Hugs for sasha*

  3. Anonymous3:23 PM

    aiyoyo.. take a rest....
    ask ur hubby to bring Jayden out this weekend and try to relax urself...
    use aroma therapy (citrus -orange) will help alot especially during sick day...

    take care and get well soon...

  4. Wah.. I think you're mo sick now than you were 2 days ago. No worries.. 2 more hours to end of working week. Then you go back Rest Rest Rest.. ya. Have a good weekend :)

  5. Anonymous5:42 PM

    hope u better on monday. drink some chamomile tea if u need to sleep. time..go to the pharmacist if u want flu meds. Tell them YOU WANT TO SLEEP (Clarinese/Rinafort)! Sure give Kau-kau one!!!! Cheaper somemore!

  6. Alamak! Poor sasha! Don't come online anymore. Take more time to rest. Get well soon, ok? Take care!:)

  7. poor thing. still sakit ah? aiyoh, rest well this weekend lor. no kai kai lor, quarantine for this weekend then body ok liow then can go kai kai ler... anyway, take care and drink more water. and ... smile...

  8. Anonymous7:44 PM

    The doc gave you wrong medicine, should give you sleeping pills...hehehe. By the way, thought of using a sarung, helps baby sleep.

  9. Sick sick some more come visit me, Sasha dear rest ok? Here, I bring yeepin (fish) choke for you and leng teh (cold tea) from the kopitiam.

  10. hmmmmm...what shall i said lei..still rest more, sleep more, drink more water and take care!
    Eh!Mott,Clarinese dont make ppl sleep la.I even can take in the morning while i'm working! :)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. hahahahhaha....yeah annie is right, mott. I take clarinase and it doesn't make you sleepy, just good in getting rid of flu :D Can't afford to be sleepy cos have a 24 hour job to do!

    Sasha, when Ashley was younger, she used to cry like Jayden halfway in her sleep (without opening her eyes). It's either nightmare or Jayden is disoriented. Maybe he took a shorter nap during the day?

  13. I know how's the feeling when you are sick and need to look after a super active baby. Tat's we call mother love which can't buy from anything :)

  14. Anonymous1:53 AM

    You sure super woman la. 2 days tarak tido oso can wan.

  15. Anonymous2:31 AM

    At least you have the weekend to "try" to get some sleep. Take care dear!

  16. aiyo poor thing...hope u get some rest during the weekend.

  17. Wah U betul betul fren man... I sick U sick la.. just like titanic i jum U jump.... Lup U long long time la.... Ahhhhh choooo... one more wonton comin up....

  18. Anonymous4:12 PM

    No sleep still want to work ah. Get an extra day off la.
    Hope you are better now.

  19. How come sooo many ppl get sick recently??!! Hope u r fully recover by now and blabablahiing for more!! Take care! ^.^

  20. Aiii, i understand oni too well, i've not been sleeping for the past few days also. My mood's so bad even my loukung "siam" me. Says i chisin adi. .... niasing....

  21. Hope you are feeling much better now. 2 days no sleep. I dun think I can tahan men.
