Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Knowledge. Show all posts

Monday, November 01, 2010

Tips from Housewife : Sliced Mushroom

My mum gave me some frozen sliced mushroom and I thought she is mad for soaking the mushrooms, slicing them thin and nicely, separate them in small packets and froze them. Then, when I used it to cook for my family, I thought it's a fantastic idea. Cos I don't need to pre soak and slice it myself. Especially when you're in a hurry and the darn mushroom is still so hard and takes forever to be soft! So, thanks mum for sharing her Housewife tips. And who says Housewives are brainless people? They think and experiment stuff like this to make the housework faster and easier for them. They make things look to damn easy and that's why everyone thought that housewives work is so damn easy.

First you soak it.
Slice it nicely
Pack it separately according to the amount that you will normally use.
Freeze it.

P/S: I'll be sharing the tips I get from my mum (and from her friends) here from now on so that I can refer it myself. Don't have much capacity in my brain, if you know what i mean. *lol*

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What I have learnt today...

That female dogs are called bitches but female cats are called Queens. How come the cat get the nicer and so high class name?

Since the female cat are called queens then the male cats are called Kings?

Nope, they are called Tom. But Male dogs are called..........Dogs. Just dogs.

Since Tom is male cat, male mouse should be called Jerry? Nope. They are called....mouse.

And do you know that Vitamin A is not just for good eye sight. It prevents you from gaining back your weight after you have lost some. Ahhhh...that's good news eh?

Puppies also need DHA for brain development so that they're easily trained.

Pregnant dogs also gotto take DHA so that the puppies born are smarter.

Cats will get hairball problem in the tummy because they licked themselves and the bulu masuk the tummy and become a ball and they need to eat special diet food to keluarkan the hairball thru the poop.

Ah, like that la. That's what I learnt in a day training today and that's why no update until now. [smile]

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Opps" No More!


Remember when we're in Form 1 (probably some of you guys got it earlier) we always asked our so-called-neighbour to check our "back" to see if we've stained our uniform or not. Definitely we will have one or two incident where we go "Opps! I've stained my skirt!" I used to be so scared of that, so I'll go to the ladies to check and change my pad so often. My neighbour will automatically say "Nothing" or "Got" when I stand up and look at her. *LOL* I used to do that until I started working in one of the lingerie company and we introduced the sanitary panty range into Malaysia market. I was like..."Ohh..didn't know there's such thing ..."

I'm telling you, it's even better than those super push, super maxi whatever cups la. They never do any good but to "help" for that few hours only. After removed, semua pun tau itu tipu punya!*LOL*

Be super confident when you wear this because you won't have to go to the toilet often to check if you've stained your bottom and you can throw away those super duper long pads! Now, I can even wear light coloured pants/skirt during the time of the month because I'm wearing one.

So how does this Sanitary panty looked like? It looks like normal panty but it has a layer of lining with water repellent surface. And it comes in Day and Night. My suggestion, get the Night for whole day use. Then you can throw away the super duper long sanitary panty (now they even have 40cm...any longer than that I think the consumer should use adult diaper instead)

Naah....I have a drawing of how it looks like


Okay Okay I know Blue Panty is not an ideal colour but I need to have some Blue colour in my blog to balance abit ...otherwise this blog will be too "RED".

When you visit Thailand, remember to get Wac0al's Hygieni Sanitary Shorts (cos its cheaper there). You wont regret it. We have it in Malaysia too but it's called......errr Sanitary Panty. But for the T (there's only one Lingerie Brand starting with T) brand, you will get fancier sanitary panty for the low rise jeans, the super giant with girdle effect, and the not so giant size....and it's about RM20+/ .

Sounds like paid post huh? *lol* It's not la. Just wanna share something good with you guys. So get this panty for that time of the month and say........"Oppss" no more la!

Monday, July 02, 2007

Bloody Poo

I tell you.

I just got the shock of my life last Saturday.

Jayden was playing with his cuzzie and suddenly he cried and asked me to carry him.

And then he wanted his dad to carry him.

And then he wanted me to carry him.

And suddenly I saw, from outside his diaper. It was filled with red poop.

My heart fell.

Immediately I rushed to the toilet and opened his diaper.

I was right. It was bloody red poop.

I shouted, "DADDDY!!!!!! OH MY GOD!!! BLOOD!!!" I was about to cry.

Big C rushed to the toilet. My SIL, BIL and my niece and nephew who is eating chocolate that time rushed to the toilet.

Jayden cried. I wanna faint. His dad said .....

"why his poop got dots dots wan???????"

My BIL said "faster smell the poop, see whether got blood smell or not".

I lifted the diaper with Jayden struggling (who's bending down and can clearly see his kkb and he tried to reach to play with his bird at the same time) and smelt his diaper. Cannot smell anything " Pei Sak" (Hidung tersumbat/nose blocked). So hubby, SIL and BIL all tried to smell the poop. And then they said.... "No ak. No blood smell". And Big C went "what is that dot dot thing in the poop????"

My nephew stepped forward while continuing to eat his chocolate and look at the poop and gave us a big smile. We went like ??????????? Samo you can smile looking at poo poo?

And then I said "okay, since no blood smell. we wait and see for a bit more"

And then I smsed him and her. And he called and said "'s like dat wan. Even sometimes pee also red colour".

And she called later" Yeah, it's like dat wan. But its good. It cleanse the colon"

And we went "Phew......."

He ate too much dragon fruit.

Nolah...that's not his poop. I went and smashed some to illustrate to you guys.

Okay, false alarm of heart attack. How am I supposed to know? It wasn't written in the Book of POO by Babycare book? Anyway we always refer to this book if something is wrong, just in case. I told Big C....They should update this book with my spoon up there. Just in case, there's some more blur mommy like me out there.

If you guys wanna read this, click on it for a larger pic.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Come, Let's get scrubbing and boink boink!

I read from somewhere that you can use Lemon to get rid of dandruff by massaging it slightly to your scalp. And for those going "Mediterranean" you better massage some lemon onto your scalp. Cos it lifts the dirt and whatever that is blocking your hair lubang, and let new hair grow.

And ever since I did my re bonding after I gave birth, I think my scalp can't take the chemical being used and thus I have dandruff problem. It's worst when I don't get enuff rest or sleep. So, I went and massage my scalp with it.

While waiting after massaging lemon onto my head, I also scrubbed my butt and legs with Samm's Secret to Sexier legs formula. Using Coffee Grounds and Olive Oil. I totally forgot that she said "warm", so i ter mix the olive oil into the "hot" coffee. Then end up the coffee got all stucked together. Never mind, janji its Coffee and Olive Oil. So i placed newspaper on my toilet's floor and started scrubbing away my cellulite. Scrub! Scrub! and then rinse it off and bath. Ah..........very smooth neh! She said do it twice a week and you will have cellulite free legs and butt. (_!_)

And then I washed my hair......Ahhhhh.....very soft neh! My hair went Boink! Boink! after dat. My Big C told me "Yah. Nice hor. Eh, you curl curl your hair izit?" after I asked him "B,see my hair!". Until now my hair still boink boink. Not bad.

Next time i wanna do this:

Lime CleanserIngredients:
Paper towels
Lemon juice

Take a bowl and mix half water and half lemon juice. Then dip paper towels into the mixture and apply on to your feet. This will soften, smooth and remove odors from your feet. This recipe does not contain preservatives and requires refrigeration. The shelf life of this product is approximately one week.

Remember I was sick the other day? So stayed in bed and watched Channel 77 on astro. Health and Beauty something something la. This channel teach ppl about parenting, menus for the picky eaters, multiple births (6 wei!!Gila!) and so much more. And they taught me how to use strawberries as leg exfoliator. Use strawberry, Olive Oil, Kosher Salt and throw in some almonds, blend it and rub yr feet away! Who's going to Cameron? Help me buy strawberry pls....

Why suddenly wanna get beautiful? Nolah, I'm not pregnant. Saja wanna prepare myself for my Phuket Holiday in June. ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

How to Train yr baby to sleep by her/himself

This is to answer Yvonne's question and comment :

At 4:16
, Etcetera~Mommy
Wow.. your Jayden boy suddenly picked up so
many new tricks??? So geng!! He can sleep on his own now? Teach teach.. what's
the secret??

I tried for weeks...imagine no sleep on fridays , sat and sun when its supposed to be relaxing days for me. But I was so determined to train J to sleep by himself. So i sacrifice my sleep and pat him back to sleep everytime he cry, looking for the both of us. Why only me leh? Cos his Dadi never agree with him sleeping alone, so he never bother to help. Btw, he cannot even hear lil J cry at night.

Since i was successful in training Lil J for not taking his night feeding in 3 nights time, i was very sure that i CAN DO IT. That's tips No.1, believe that you can do it. There's one night i pat his bumbum to sleep for sooo many times that night.I got so fed up, i jumped into the playpen and sleep with him. Imagine, my kaki senget and my kepala senget because the playpen was too short for me. But lil J slept soundly that night. Big C woke up and found that i'm no longer next to him, he went around the house looking for me and found me in Lil J bed. He secretly(which i know cos i never sleep ma, Doiknz) took his handfone and started to record videos and took pics of me sleeping with lil J and suddenly i said,"Don't even think about it!". Oppsss and he went to have sex with Chau Kung's daughter again. That night i never sleep the whole night and went to work the next day, with all the bones senget.

So actually there's a reason why i jumped in. Imagine you're left alone being confined in a place where no other human beings were placed inside. How would you feel? Of course you feel like you're being in a prison right? To make Lil J feel more comfy being in his own playpen, you go in and tell him "Hey Look, Mommy's in here too!" . Ever since then, Lil J can play and watch tv by his own in his own playpen. And lately i jumped into his playpen to play with him..he pointed at me and laughed at me, then he started to use his legs to kick me softly indicating "get out mom. This is my crib!" *sigh* tai yin chai mm yiu wo seung...
Another reason is to make the bed smell more like you. Sometimes they wanna sleep with us because they want to smell us. So sit on his matress, roll on his matress or whatever, Just leave some smell on it. Fart if you want to, they love your smell no matter how smelly you are. haha For me, we gave Lil J our pillow. He sleeps using big pillow and he dun use those lil kiddo pillow. So solve the problem. It made him felt like he's sleeping side by side with us.

Trust me its not easy. Many sleepless night , waking up and looking for his pacifier and putting it back into his mouth, patting his buttock until he sleeps back again. But ever since he sleeps by his own, for the first few days i have separation anxiety....i felt that the bed suddenly got bigger. And i always go and check on him, see whether he is okay or not, see whether he is comfortable and not too cold or too hot.

But now, i got used to it. Big C never say anything but i guess he enjoyed the "Space" more. (Means he can eat more edi) I think Lil J enjoyed the space more, cos he can roll and do whatever stunts he want to in his own bed.

Did i mentioned about the privacy part too? ;) Big C loves it ..cos more space and privacy for his sleeping sexxion with Chau Kung's dotter. So that will answer Angeleyes question on
"Eh, You also Making piggy baby ah? Piggy baby?
Yeah , i heard Chau Kung's dotter is pregnant but not me. Haha

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Guess what is this...

Fai Deet Fai Deet...guess what is this thing!

Will reveal the answer once there's 20 guesses!

YAY!! No need to wait for 20 comments! And the Champion is.........
Cocka Doodle
Yes!! I got it!! Circumcision tool! This one will cut the head also.

Yes, its a circumcision measuring ruler/ring. Cocka, how come you know wan?? Hehehe

It measures how big is the KKC before they choose the tool to cut of the skin..

I found this in my sister's place. My BIL wants my newphew to go for circumcision cos he's also circumcised. He said that it's cleaner and more hygienic. So everyday take this ruler thing and measure his kkc. Poor as if his son's KKC will grow big in just one day. I went to do a research on this and saw other ways of circumsision. And's crazy and scary. They circumcise babies and some of them took picture of the baby crying like mad. This is torturing! No way I'm gonna do it to my Jayden. Unless one day he come and tell me "Mama Mama I want to cut my kukubird!" then i cannot say anything la..

Here's how it works...

Tara KLamp (From BME Encyclopedia)

A Tara KLamp is a relatively inexpensive plastic circumcision device designed for non-hospital environments such as field use in developing nations.
It is a single use pre-sterilized tool that comes in all sizes from infant to adult. It was invented in Malaysia.
To simplify, it works by clamping off the foreskin where it meets the shaft of the penis. No sutures or dressings are applied, and under topical anesthetic only, the device is locked in place, crushing a ring of tissue as well as cutting off blood supply to the foreskin, which is then painlessly cut off. The Tara KLamp is left on for four to seven days.
It should be noted that Tara KLamps were designed primarily for use in third world countries where hospitals are not a reasonable alternative. Tara KLamps are not usually approved for use (or sale) in most Western countries, and certainly not for personal use.

After u use the ruler to see how big is the KKC, then you choose the blade...that look like this..

Then after that do the operation like this...

And the result...












. go here to see yourself...I dun wanna post a kkc in my blog..hehe

So congrats Cocka and thanks to all that participated. (Jazzmint,Oscar's Mummy, Mumsgather, Huisia, Kenny, Zara's Mama, Shopping Mum, Leonard, LaundryAmah,Aveance, Annie Q, Nyonya, Wingz, Adrian & Alvan, Olivia & Cocka of coz)

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

B Free Bottle

I wanted to blog about this long time edi..but think think no point la... But think again..good things must share ma.. right?

Anyway, my son get colic very often although we're using Avent-the so called best bottle around that can prevent colic.Then my friend recommended me BFree. According to her, you don't even need to burp your baby after feeding.But I still try to burp him..cos that's when i bond with my lil darling. Since PlaneteEnfant is so near, so I decided to go and just buy 1 to try.

The design is very much similar to Avent and Dr. Brown. But the special feature of this bottle is the teat-super soft teat. This is how the bottle looked like:

So What's the function for all the funny looking parts in this bottle?


Super soft teat. My Jayden loves it. I've even changed my Avent teat to Bfree Teat so that my Avent bottles don't go to waste. Here's what they say about the teat:
The teats are designed with the most delicate mouth in mind. The vent guarantees that the teats will not collapse. This means we can make the teats softer than any other type of silicone teat. The teats are available in 4 different flow rates to suit babies from 0 to 18 months.


You will see uncomfortable air bubbles develop in all conventional unvented bottles. This is caused by vacuum pulling air through the teat into the bottle. These bubbles mix with the liquid which more than quadruples the amount of air that can enter the baby’s digestive system. If swallowed during feeding, these air bubbles can cause colic symptoms such as wind and posseting.

When a vacuum builds up in conventional bottles, your baby is forced to suck harder and harder to create a flow of liquid.Scientists have established that this sucking can cause a negative pressure to form in the middle ear. This can pull harmful liquid along the Eustachian tube into the middle ear. Medical studies verify that this pressure is a contributing factor in causing middle ear infection. The unique vent on the B·free® feeding system prevents the need for sucking unnaturally hard and thereby reduces the risk of middle ear infection.

The revolutionary air vent has 3 simple snap together pieces. At the end of the anti-bubble tube is a heat sensor device. It will change from purple to pink when the temperature of the feed is heated above the recommended level of 37°C.

The anti bubble tube inside our bottle agitates the granules of the formula milk. As you shake the bottle the granules hit the tube and break. This makes it easier to mix the formula. You just have to shake the bottle gently from side to side 3 to 4 times.

THE BOTTLE - Do not contain Bisphenol A
Bisphenol A is a hormone disrupting chemical considered to be potentially harmful to human health and the environment. See the WWF website for more information.
But to me, the most important point here is that Jayden is not drinking from a bottle which contains dangerous chemical and another important : he don't get colic so often or ever after using this bottle. His appetite increased, he started to drink 6oz every 3 hours, then he got sick and only drink 2oz every 3 hours and now he drinks 8oz every 2 1/2 hours. Maybe you'll say that its because he is growing that's why his appetite increased...But i believe its because he is growing and his tummy is free from wind. :)

Relaks la brader..kita minum dulu!

All pictures and information is from BFree Website except my Jayden's picture la...

How about the price? For 9oz: RM29.90, 10oz:RM35.90