Showing posts with label cari makan post. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cari makan post. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

What Happen After The Sick Episode

The kids been sick for the past 2 weeks. First it was Jayden, followed by Justin. I nearly got the bug too but I had my flu jab not long ago so the sickness was stucked half way. I have been popping echinacea pills to get rid of the flu bug. Caring for sick kids is really no fun. I felt as if I'm a full time nurse without medical uniforms. Dadi's shift began as soon as he reached home from work. He will remove his working clothes and I can imagine him putting the lab coats! *lol*

Thank god they are fine now. Justin still has the sniffles but its less compared to last week. We've been pulling our hair cos he is very cranky and whines all the time. In our house, he will bully his father, requesting him to stand up and carry him O.o and the father will oblige and follow whatever his son requests him to do. In my parents' house, he will request my dad to be on his fours, pretending to be cow or horse for him to ride. Whatever he says, mum will say "okay okay, can can". If I asked that when I was his age probably I get ignored. What a Lucky fella!

The chinese has a saying that every time the kid get sick, they will be naughtier cos everyone would give in when they are unwell. And I noticed that too. That's why when they are not so well, I'll give in just a little and not spoil them cos trouble comes after they recover. But anyhow, I'm just glad that they are better now :)

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

*He found a ring*

I was busy sewing my Australia's order and then Justin walked in. He quietly crawled to my working chair and sat there quietly. Sensing something not right, I looked up and he was touching his fingers. I thought "Oh no! He must be playing with my needles!" So I quickly go near and found him playing with my O rings for the wristlets. *lol*
He was pretending that he slipped on a ring with Eco-Friendly Diamonds I think. *lol* I wonder how he knew that he can use that O ring to be his ring when I seldom wear my Fancy Diamonds ring. I just can say that kids are so observant.