Despite having flunked out of the past three elections, the Men's Rights in the Family Party has decided to offer itself up to the Israeli voter once again this year due to fears that "the feminists are destroying the country."
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"Seeing as we live in an extremist feminist state, the entire system is unjust, including the courts, welfare services, the police, and the government," he told Ynet. "The feminists are destroying every good part of this country. A country that doesn't respect its men has no right to exist."
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Schlusser claims that last year his party received 4,200 votes, a far cry from the previous year's 1,250 and enough to plant them in 20th place.
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Despite his views, he claims he is not a chauvinist. "The claims that I am a chauvinist are demagoguery. I love women and support relationships, my mother was a woman and I have a daughter," he said. "I'm not against women but nature has rules: The man should be on top, there should not be equality.
(I was a tad leery of this story, so I checked. There is a Wiki entry on it and it has a rather minimal website, unfortunately for me, all in Hebrew. There are also several other news stories on it.)
Israel has proportional representation. I checked to see what the election threshold is there. It's 2%. (By contrast, it's 5% in Germany and New Zealand, 10% in Turkey.) So if only 2% of Israelis vote for this
No wonder the