Showing posts with label Angus Reid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angus Reid. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 January 2013

No Point

In perennially NON-breaking news, Canadians feel much the same about abortion as they have for years.

Which is basically: All's swell. Now can we please all STFU about it?

Only 23% of us know there are no legal restrictions on abortion at any time. That's actually an improvement. In 2010, just 21% of Canadians knew there are no restrictions.

And, still and forever, a tiny number of nutbars want to ban abortion altogether, nationally just 5%. But the regions are interesting. Atlantic Canada comes in as least banny at 1%, followed by Quebec at 2%, BC at 3%, and Saskitoba at 4%. Alberta is most prohibitionist at 10% with Ontario following at 7%.

There's a 'not sure' option to this question and, oddly, Atlantic Canada is least sure at 12%. Nationally, 6% are unsure.

The funding question -- always the best one for fetus fetishists -- remains evenly split with 43% in favour of always funding and 42% for funding only in medical emergencies. Those who want it completely defunded are again in the teensy minority -- 7%, beaten in this case by the 'not sures' at 8%. (Note for the Defund crowd Ontario Chapter: in this province, 9% want it defunded.)

Where Canadians are most united is in the 'Oh Shit Do We Have to Debate This Agaaaaain?' whine category.

Fifty-nine percent of us say there's no point (that was actually the phrase), while 30% are in the 'long overdue' crowd, with 11% not sure.

Again, the regions are interesting. BC is the most sick and tired of it at 67%, while surprisingly Quebec ranks highest in 'long overdue' at 35%.

And that's what DJ! and others have been saying: Fuck the debate. There is no point.

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Dear Signal Hill/BC Pro-Life*: Is this the best you can do?

I'm laughing my ass off. In the comments to this post, an Anonymous commenter (as deBeauxOs sleuthed out, probably a Signal Hiller checking out what kind of bang they're getting for their news-wire buck) directs us to its polls page. (Last night, there was also a link to a PowerPoint slide show. I downloaded it, but it was corrupted and would not open. Now, it's gone.)

I hit the link called 'Polling Tables' and downloaded a legit-looking spreadsheet from Angus Reid.

It is dated August 22/24, 2008.

Here's what I think: It took the geniuses at Signal Hill four and a half months to figure out how to spin it.

And here's why I'm laughing. The best they could do was shrieeeeek about how few people know that there is shrieeeeek! NO TIME LIMIT ON ABORTION!!!

Q: As far as you know, when can an abortion be performed in Canada?

61% replied 'only in the first 3 months'. 11% went for 'only in the first 6 months' and a measly 8% knew that an abortion can be performed any time up to 9 months gestation. (What I find fascinating is that 19% answered 'not sure'.)

But look at the responses to other agree/disagree statements:

Abortion is a private matter between a woman and her doctor: 81% agree

I would never personally choose abortion, but I do not want to force my moral views on others: 63% agree

Abortion takes a human life and should therefore never be sanctioned except if the pregnancy threatens the mother’s life: 67% disagree

I personally believe having an abortion is wrong: 64% disagree

And what were they thinking with these two?

The government should dictate how many children a woman can have: 93% disagree

The government should limit the number of abortions a woman can have in her lifetime: 56% disagree

The closest they got to a 'right' answer was on the matter of funding, and even here, a majority disagreed.

I consider abortion an elective medical procedure —- taxpayers should not pay for abortions: 47% agree, 49% disagree

So, here's how it went: The Signal Hill commissioned and paid for a poll. They got results they did not like. (Results, in fact, that demonstrate yet again that Canada is a pro-choice country.) They worry at the numbers for FOUR AND A HALF MONTHS and the best they can do is try to spin it like this: A previous poll showed a majority of Canadians are OK with the status quo. Our poll shows that a MASSIVE majority of Canadians don't know what the status quo actually is. Therefore. . . um, er, shrieeeeeek!!!

Then they write a press release and pay again to have it run at CNW Group.

The plain and simple fact is Canadians are cool with the status quo because they know that women are mostly sensible and make important decisions about continuing a pregnancy in a careful and timely way. Canadians know that late-term abortions are performed only if there is a serious risk to the woman's health or if the fetus is a no-hoper.

But does anyone think the fetus fetishists will get the message and STFU?

Nah, me either.

UPPITY-DATE: In the comments here JJ suggests we refer to this gang of sneaky liars as The Signal Hill/BC Pro-life.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Fetus Fetishists: 'Canucks MASSIVELY Stoopid'

The fetus fetishists are getting 2009 off to a roaring start. Remember the MASSIVE poll of last year? Now they're shrieeeeking that a 'vast majority' of Canadians are pig-stupid.

This outfit, which appears to be rather new, seems to have commissioned a poll and put out a press release on it via CNW Group, which used to be Canada News Wire, you know, a wire agency that one pays to run one's press releases. (Of course, LifeShite went for it and, a little more surprisingly, the stenographers at the Glob did too.)

An Angus Reid poll has found that a vast majority of Canadians do not know, under the country's current legal situation that abortion is permitted at any time from conception up to the moment of birth.

The poll results have been made public on the heels of a late-December declaration by Dimitri Soudas, a spokesperson for Prime Minister Stephen Harper, that the Conservative government has no intention of reopening the abortion debate in Canada.

The Angus Reid poll found that 92 percent of the respondents did not know abortion was available to a woman throughout the full nine months of gestation.

It goes on to refer to this Angus Reid poll from last summer that found a majority of Canadians are fine with the status quo.

Well, shrieeeeek! Dumb-fuck Canadians don't know what the status quo is!!!

The press release gives no links, no wording for the question(s), no dates, no number of respondents, no statistical error. We are really looking forward to seeing all that facty stuff.

Meanwhile, what the heck is The Signal Hill?

From the first link up there:

Welcome to Signal Hill - a vibrant new voice advocating for women, children and the family. Signal Hill's mission is to deliver clear and supportive education on life issues to all people, helping them make informed and life-affirming decisions. Our resources reflect the best and latest academic research, and are non-judgmental, compassionate and understanding. We welcome people of all backgrounds and convictions.

Doesn't that sound nice?

Again, their links give them away. Yup, links to all those known lying liars about abortion and breast cancer and abortion and instant insanity.

Then I googled the two names given as contacts in the press release. Oh, look: Natalie Hudson is the director of education for Pro-Life BC and Yvonne Douma, Executive Director of The Signal Hill, seems to moonlight as a personal chef.

A new year, a new set of lying liars, a new poll. *sigh*

They'll never stop, will they?