This is what Antonia Z tweeted about earlier, here and here.
It's not politically correct to call it this, but a real cat fight has broken out between B.C. Premier Christy Clark and Alberta Premier Alison Redford. One of my colleagues jokingly called the war of words between the two women "premier-on-premier violence."
While it hasn't come to blows, the rhetorical rage between Canada's two most western premiers has ramped up to an uncharacteristic hissing match.
By some accounts, things didn't go well between the two last Thursday, when Clark flew to Edmonton for a surreptitious meeting at the Alberta legislature.
It would have been refreshingly honest for Licia Corbella to start off her piece of dreck with: "It's sexist and a cliché for me to call it thus, but ..."
Men have disagreements, conflicts, disputes, and quarrels with one another. Jason Kenney may call an Alberta CON colleague a "complete and utter asshole" - though it's viewed as rude and tactless, there's a tendency to shrug it off as the virile way men conduct themselves when they do business.