Sunday, August 31, 2008

On Saturday we went to the Indianapolis Zoo. Ella said the whole time in the car, "amals."

We saw the zebras, the rhinos, the giraffes, the monkeys, and more. Ella loved every minute of it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

36 Weeks!

Here is my belly at 36 weeks, only 1 month to go! Well, as of 2 weeks ago my baby was breeched. So I'm praying that he was a good little boy and turned for me, but we'll find out on Tuesday.
Jenna: Thanks a bunch for this outfit... very nice. And I told you it would fit me until the end!

Monday, August 11, 2008

"Fwim Fwim"

Since my car has been in the shop for the past 6 days, and for another 2 days... we have been stuck at home with nothing to do except for walks to the park and SWIMMING! She pronounces it: "Fwim Fwim!"

She loves to wear these goggles around the pool outside, who cares what they're really for!

She also has fun walking around the backyard watering our dying grass and small garden.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Getting Ready

I have been really excited to get the boy's baby room put together. So far I have the crib bedding with matching changing pad (Thanks mom a bunch for the gift!) and the dresser (which we painted and put new knobs on), the glider chair, a baby swing, bouncer, and a...
Bassinet! I am really excited about this purchase. I've been searching for one for a while on Craig's list and at garage sales since I didn't want to spend too much on one, but I wanted a nice one that would last longer than just one kid... and I found this antique bassinet. The lady was asking $50 for it, since it's genuinely an antique (trust me, I checked) but I got her down to only $25!!
So, I still need to do some more to the room, since the walls are aboslutely bare. I want to find some picture frames and shelving for the walls. So, you'll see an updated picture of my baby's room when it gets into September I'm sure.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Rascal's Fun Zone

For family night we went to a place in town called Rascal's Fun Zone, where they have miniature golf, an indoor and outdoor track for go-karts, water boat blasters, arcades, and more.

We did the mini bowling, where you use these little rock bowling balls. I liked it because they had automatic bumpers for kids.

Ella really got into it, she would throw her hands up and scream "YEAH" everytime she rolled the ball, and then covered her mouth while waiting for the ball to roll down the lane to see how many pins she could hit.

We let her go on a few rides as well.

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