Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cole Scott Thompson Has Arrived

Here is a picture before he came... I am swollen with all the pitosin, antibiotics, fluids, etc. My mom flew in the day before so she could be there for the birth of her first grandson, and help me out for 9 days.Born: September 20th
Weight: 7 lbs, 7 ounces
Length: 20 1/2 inches
Time: 12:41pm

After 4 pushes through 2 contractions he was born quick. He hardly cried when he came out, and still seems to be a very calm mannered baby. We still have yet to hear a real scream.

The proud father and his little junior.
First glances at one another...

His hair came out really dark and curly, but after his bath his hair stuck up straight. We are so grateful and feel so blessed to have a healthy little one.

Monday, September 15, 2008

5 Days... and counting!

Saturday is still the day I'm getting induced, but it seems so far away being only Monday right now. I finally finished Cole's room over the weekend, and feel that I'm ready for him to come now... right now.

Monday, September 08, 2008

2-Year Pictures (Part 2)

Well, I finally got around to getting her 2-year pictures taken... It didn't last that long, as you can tell in some of the pictures, but we got a few that turned out great.

If you want to view more or order any, go to and enter the following:
Customer Name: Jamie Thompson
Access Code: LTPP0194117736JCP

2-Year Pictures



Family: These are the ones that I ordered.
Let me know which ones are your favorite, and I'll make sure to get you one!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Baby Update

YEAH! So, my baby did as I told him and turned for me head down. And I'm progressing enough (50% effaced and dialated to a 2) that I am scheduled to be enduced the morning of the 20th, unless he comes before then on his own. Only 2 weeks and 2 days left! We are so excited to meet this little guy. And according to the ultrasound this week he is measuring in the 80th percentile and weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces already... so he'll probably end up being bigger than Ella's birth weight.

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