Wednesday, November 26, 2008


beautiful healthy kids
This hit pretty close to home for me, some of you may know why... but this year I thank the Lord for healthy kids. Click here to view this video clip.

Also Thankful for:
  • Jesus Christ and His atonement

  • persevering husband

  • loving family

  • generous friends

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ella...the little mommy

Ella loves to be a "mommy" to Cole. We let her push him around in her dolly stroller for a couple minutes. Cole didn't seem to mind.

Scout Camp

Since Scott is in the Young Men's Presidency, he has to go on Scout Campouts once a month. He complains about it because of the cold, and not wanting to leave the family for the weekend, or whatever... but I think he tells me that to make me feel good... he really has a great time.
It was a beautiful place with all the autumn leaves. This is actually what it looks like everywhere here now.
Since it rained last weekend the entire time, they got to stay in cabins.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Ella the Pink Unicorn

On days like today when it's 33 degrees outside, what else is there to do but stay inside and play dress-up!

She wore this all day long.

The many faces of Cole


Scott's dental school classes have been pretty demanding on him and his time this year, however it seems like things are starting to barely lighten up a bit. One of his classes ended on Tuesdays and so he usually stays home and studies, which is great... but this week he didn't have to study so we went to the ZOO with our friends Matt & Jenna. They are so much fun. We went to the dolphin show and Ella LOVED it, but it was too dark in there to take pictures...
This walrus was playing with us, and would follow you wherever you stood. I think it's because there was nobody else at the Zoo that day!

They already have Christmas lights up, so it was really pretty.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Loving Indiana!

We noticed by living here the past 5 months that things seem to be cheaper here... I filled up my car today and couldn't believe how the prices of gas keep dropping! I remember when we got married over 4 years ago and the price of gas was $1.87/ gallon... we're getting close to that here in Indiana!

This is the sign in front of our subdivision... if you can't read the small print it says, "1200-3600 sq. feet" for homes priced in the $90-$150's... for homes like these:

(our home is the one on the right)
Are we here to stay?

He's Gonna be a Chunky One!

Cole has taken after his big sister by gaining weight really quick. We left the hospital with him weighing 7 lbs even, and at his 1 week apt. he only gained 2 oz., so we thought he would just stay small... but then at his 1 month apt. he was already up to 10 lbs 10 oz in the 75 percentile!
This is his favorite spot... his head cuddling on your shoulder.

And he loves his swing... thank goodness.

Trick or Treat!

This was Ella's first time "trick or treating" since last year she was only 15 months old and didn't know what was going on. She LOVED getting candy at other people's homes, even though she acted shy and wouldn't say "trick or treat" very loud... she loved it!
She's wagging her kitty tail.

This is how we found her after we were done trick or treating... enjoying her candy!

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