Monday, January 18, 2010

Playtime with Nanna

My mom "Nanna" would always take the girls out to one thing or another. Here they are at the play area at McDonald's.

Date Night in Denver

Here's all my siblings at Chicago Pizza while we were able to get away with a babysitter at home with the kids. It was a great time to visit.
After dinner the boys went to see Avatar in 3D, while the
girls went shopping at the mall.

mom & fred

Steph & Grant

Jenna & Charlie

Scott & Jamie

Melanie & Scot

Christmas Day

Ella was so excited when she got the Cinderella Barbie

the boys all got matching BSU hats

Then another Barbie?! Ella was in heaven!

Cole was not as excited.

Christmas Brunch & Nativity Play

Kylie made a great Christmas brunch for us all and it was a great time to visit and read the nativity story and have the kids act it out.

Bishop Grandpa Thompson read the story

the kids all in costume

uncle Steven always was able to make the kids laugh

Jessica's baby blessing

We were able to see one of my best friends in Burley, Idaho for her 3rd girl's baby blessing. It was so nice to see her and visit like old times. Ella and Halle played like best friends.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Snow Day in Idaho City

We had tons of fun playing in the snow with the Thompsons. I don't know if Cole enjoyed it as much as the rest of us, but we had fun sledding down the big hills.

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