Sunday, May 27, 2012

Last Weeks in Indy

Cole had his last day of preschool and they did a picnic/carnival for the kids and families.  It was fun to see him interacting with all his school friends and teachers.  They had games, face painting, prizes and more.

 Below is Miss Carrie and Miss Diane.  Cole absolutely ADORED his teachers and talked about them all the time. Even though he was the youngest kid in his class he did well and learned a lot.

Scott went on his last fishing trip with his dental buddies: Chad Susot, Lane and Brad Farley.  He took Cole with him this time and they caught the biggest catfish. They had a great time.

We had a BBQ for our ward to say goodbye this past weekend. It was sad to think it was one of the last times we'd get to visit and see these great people.  We have absolutely loved our ward and friends here in Greenwood, and feel blessed to have been able to know them.

I totally forgot I had my camera until the very end when only a few straglers were left.  We had so many people come to visit, and we felt touched.  Thank you for coming and supporting us these past four years, it really meant a lot and we will miss you tons.

While the adults socialized in the pavillion, the kids were busy making sand mountains with rivers and lakes, looks like they really enjoyed themselves as well.  I had to strip Mr. Cole before getting him into the car.... the sand was even in his eyes.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Dental Graduation

Graduation started out with an open house at the dental school where we were able to meet all of his professors and have Scott give us a tour of the newly remodeled laboratories.  Scott's parents and my mom were able to fly in for the weekend, so nice to have them here with us for Scott's special day!

Graduating Class of 2012

 Matt Gunnell, Scott, Chad Susott, Ryan Ross
(a.k.a Scott's fishing buddies)

The Dental Wives

Here's the VIDEO of Scott getting hooded by his favorite professor, Dr. Dixon.  Almost unbelievable that we are here and finally graduating from Dental School. I thought I'd never see the day...

The new  Dr. Thompson! Way to go, we're so proud of you!

Graduating as a family of FIVE... crazy to think when we started dental school we only had Ella and I was pregnant with Cole.  Time sure did fly so fast these past four years!
Scott's brother Ryan wasn't able to come for the graduation day, but drove down the day after to visit with us for a night. It was great to see him and visit. Thanks to all our family to who have shown us tremendous amounts of love and support!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012

1st Foods

Brock turned 6 months and thus the feeding of baby food begins. Does he look happy?  He really was fine eating squash,  and got the hang of it decently.  He's tasted the Gerber Puffs and does well with those too. He's only eaten yellow squash and sweet potatoes.  He takes a sippy cup really well, and loves apple juice when I give it to him for his digestive system. 

Way to eat that food Brocky!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

{6 months}

Brock turned 6 months last week and just had his wellness apt. a couple days ago.  He is still a very happy baby, smiling at you when you talk to him.  His first tooth came in the first week of April, and you can see it pretty well now in the picture above.  He rolls around and loves to play with his feet now.  He loves to grab anything you're holding and put it in his mouth.  He loves to play with toys and does really well in his exersaucer. His spit up has decreased in amount by 75%, which is amazing and wonderful.  He loves his brother and sister and loves the attention they give him. 
 6 Month Stats:
weight:  18 lbs 5 oz (65th %ile, hard to believe)
height: 28 inches (93 %ile )
head: 80% ile
clothing size: 12 month
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