Thursday, October 15, 2015

Tessa Lee's Birth Story

On Friday February 13th, my wonderful friends Kari Cole and Luisa Perkes threw me an amazing baby shower where over 25 ladies from my ward came to support me. I felt totally spoiled and loved. They made amazing soup and cheesy french bread sandwiches, and etc. I wish I took pictures at my shower, but I took pics of all the gifts when I got home.

 It was Saturday, February 14, 2015 (Valentine's Day) and Scott and I were out on a date and I was feeling the braxton hicks pretty strong that I was considering them real contractions. I was still 2 weeks away from my due date, but I knew my body was ready.  My brother Scot was coming driving that night from Provo to visit us for the weekend.  When he gets to my house, I tell him I might be having a baby this weekend and he says, "No problem, I'll babysit."  And so everything was working out great.

The next day, Sunday February 15, I knew I shouldn't go to church with my contractions, but I was needing to get things done around the house. So I cleaned and did laundry and packed for the hospital.  When Scott and the kids got home from church, I left with my brother to go on a walk to start getting the contractions going and more regular. After about an hour of walking, and my brother timing them for me, they were coming 4-5 mins apart.  I knew it was going to happen today.  I called Scott from the walk and told him to put Brock down for a nap and get things packed up in the car for the hospital.

 We get to the hospital around 3pm and as usual during the 30 min drive there, my contractions slowed way down.  So we went walking around the hospital parking lot for about 30-45 mins to get my contractions moving again.  When we went in, they checked me and I was dialated to a 4, which was where I was the previous two weeks. So, they had me walk around the triage for an hour to see if I could progress anymore. They checked me after the hour and said I had dialated to a 5, I thought that was great, but the nurse wanted to see more progression than that. So she asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner and come back or walk another hour. I didn't want to go anywhere but get this baby out so we walked ANOTHER HOUR! This last hour was the worst ever, it was getting painful to walk and I couldn't walk as fast as I could the first time and I was getting SO swolen.  They check me after the 2nd hour and I was a 5 1/2 and more effaced so they decided to admit me. I thought it was about dang time! 

The doctor came to check on me and broke my water around 8:30. My body, like clockwork, progressed to a 10 in 2 hours exactly. I remember her saying something like it'd probably be after midnight when I deliver, but I told her, nope come back in 2 hours. So around 10:30 she comes in to check me and says I'm dilated to a 10 and to give it a push to see what happens. She runs to the door and yells at the nurses, "We're having a baby in here" they come rushing in with all the baby incubators and equipment.  She told me that I'll know when the baby is about to come out when she lays the pad on my chest, and I wasn't surprised that she laid it on there after my first push.  Three pushes later and Tessa was in my arms, born at 10:44pm on 2/15/15, weighing  7 pounds 8.2 ounces and 21 inches long. 

I had waited so long for another girl. I think I was in denial that I was having a girl until she was born and I could see for myself. Now we have 2 boys and 2 girls, so nice.  Ella was so excited to meet her baby sister.  Scot was doing a great job at the home front watching my kids, they made chalk signs for her and sent us pictures: 

Then my mom drove down from La Grande to relieve Scot of his babysitting duties on Monday and they came to visit us in the hospital. My little family is not looking so little anymore. Family of SIX!

Monday, January 26, 2015

January Events thus far

 Boise still had snow after Christmas so the last day of break we took our kids sledding at a nearby school yard with Kassie & Steven and their kiddos. I'm surprised how fast those 3 hours went on that hill!

It's hard to see in the picture below, but the three kiddos are enjoying Gma & Gpa Thompson's hot tub one night. They kept getting out of the hot tub and doing snow angels in the thick snow... and then jumping back in as fast as they could... crazy kids!
Ella had her Parent Night / Award Night the 2nd week of January. This was her last day this semester, since she started piano lessons, and would have more time for gymnastics this summer.
 She loved gymnastics, and was great. So proud of this gal!

 Last weekend we took our kids to The Discovery Center, and ended up getting a season family pass since it was only $20 more. I know we'll go again, and the kids were learning about science and physics... and had fun goofing around the weather station room!  We were there 2 hours and didn't have time to play with all of the stations.

My kids had MLK day off of school, so we planned a fun day with friends of exploring the Idaho Aquarium, going to Chick- Fil-A for lunch and then the park with this group. The weather was so nice that day, yay for sunshine! So fun!

Christmas Break

We stayed in LG for a week, and it was some much needed relaxation time, after our busy Christmas day.  The guys and my mom took all the kids out on 4 wheelers on her property. My kid's highlight of the week by far.
 I had zero energy being so far along pregnant, so my mom was wonderful to take the kids out to play.

At the end of the week it snowed, and so my mom pulled the sled behind the 4 wheeler! 

Fred's son Jesse and Kathryn stopped by for a morning and our kids loved some more company to play with.

During the Christmas break, I was able to spend some great quality time with my siblings and their kids. We made homemade wheat bread, went shopping, lots of cooking, baking, movies and fun times. We also took the kids to see Night At the Museum 2 one day. What a great week!

December Events, plus Christmas 2014

 Well, our winter has been cold, long, and foggy.  December wasn't too bad, we had a couple snow storms to leave us with lots of snow to play in.
 I took Ella to see The Nutcracker for her 1st time, so I got front row seats so she could see it.  She loved it!
Gma and Gpa Thompson had their annual Gingerbread Decorating night with all the cousins. My kids live for this, but what kid doesn't love candy? Cole's plate ended up covered with extra "decorated snow" on the "yard" of the house. Fun times.

Christmas was a little of a rush rush this year, which I didn't particularly prefer. My kids had basically 4 Christmases to visit people and open presents. Next year: Staying home all day! My kids were spoiled though... Santa brought them the gift they asked for, and we got them a piano and a trampoline (along with some clothing essentials of socks, undies, coats and clothes). 

After opening presents from Santa, and having a nice breakfast, my kids were spoiled by Gpa and Gma.  Then we went to Kassie's for a beautiful and delicious luncheon, where we had the kids do the nativity play and another gift exchange.

 Then off we drove to La Grande, to see my side of the family for Christmas dinner & more gifts.  Phew, it was a busy day!
We are so grateful for all of the family that we do have and we love to spend time with.

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