Showing posts with label layouts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label layouts. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Nikki Sivils Day

We had a very enjoyable scrapping day last Feb. 20 at Ria's house which was dubbed as "Nikki Sivils Day". Ria, our ever gracious host, generously shared us her excess papers from Nikki Sivils as well as her scraps which we turned into works of art. I was able to make 4 LOs using Nikki Sivils stuff and 2 more finished LOs as well as a partially finished one. I still haven't taken photos of the other 3 non-Nikki Sivils LO and 1 Nikki Sivils layout but I will soon! Meanwhile, here's what I have made using Nikki Sivils:

I found some Halloween photos of Austin and his cousins in my boxful of photos and decided to scrap them. I think Austin was around 7 years old when this was taken. When we showed the layouts to David, he insisted it was him in the photos! That's how much David and Austin looks alike that sometimes both of them get confused too!

My yaya is a trigger happy person when it comes to taking pictures, that even if I'm not home most of the time due to work, I still got tons of unscrapped photos of David. Yaya keeps on asking if I had already have the photos developed (which I still have not done yet). David is comfortable even when yaya asks him to pose for the camera.

I had fun using Nikki Sivils' products! They are so easy to work with! Thanks Ria for sharing your scraps with us!

Check out Nikki Sivils' Blog to see what my friends have made.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Some more layouts

Here are some more layouts I made over the month

I used WRMK's Geohectic paper for this one. I made this in less than 30 minutes and I love the outcome of this very simple layout. I got the flower and the vine embellishment from Morning Glory.

David loves to make faces when his yaya takes photos of him and of course, being his mom, I can't get enough of it! So here's another layout with his many facial expressions. I used WRMK Geohectic and White Out Explore papers.

What I love about Graphic 45 papers is that despite the fact that they are vintage, their colors still pop out. I mixed Jillibean staples paper here.

Materials for the above layouts are available at Lasting Impression

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

More layouts

Here's 2 more layouts I made a few weeks ago.

This one is a photo of Meng and Me during our day trip to Tagaytay. I used Jillibean staples and Fancy Pants' Vintage love papers.

The photo on this layout was also taken on the same day while Meng and I were at Gourmet's Cafe. I was playing around with my camera when I took this photo. This cellphone was been very useful for Meng since he got it because he could always check for his emails and surf the net through his phone. Nowadays, I usually catch him on his cell talking to clients no matter what day or time it is. Having your own business usually means you're on call 24/7 in case some issues arrives that needs to be addressed immediately. But then, it has been Meng's dream to have his own business. So far, things have been picking up with meetings scheduled for prospect clients almost everyday. He's quite stressed out these days, but happy with the chance to introduce his products to prospective clients. We hope and pray everything will work out for Cid Systems.

Materials used are available at Lasting Impression

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Bea and Lala had a joint birthday treat last February 5 at Lasting Impression using Prima's Kit for a Cause. Iris made a demo on how she made her sample layout using the kits materials and afterwards, I fell in love with glimmer mists, alcohol inks and stickles! Thanks Bea and Lala for this wonderful treat and thanks Iris for teaching us!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Photos of Me

Often times I would take pictures of my kids or my husband or me with either my kids or husband, but rarely do I get to have pictures of myself taken. So I decided to do what most people are doing right now...taking photos of themselves ala Facebook profile style. It took quite a few tries to get the right angle (meaning to hide my double chin!). meng was amused with what I'm doing, he took photos of me taking pictures of myself.

Photos were taken last January 9 at Bag of Beans in Tagaytay

I used Scenic Route kraft paper from the Garden grove collection and papers from Prima's Blooming Retro collection. All materials (except for the alphas) are available at Lasting Impression

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Layouts for 2010

It's been almost a month since my last post. January has been very busy for me especially in the office. My assistant was on vacation for the 1st 2 weeks and we are preparing documents required for ISO certification so everything was needed ASAP..government deadlines, manuals, payroll.....

January is also a month of celebration for our family as David and Meng's birthdays both fall on January.

My way of destressing nowadays is to scrap. Since I usually have insomnia when I'm stressed, might as well put the time to do something productive like scrapping!

So far I have finished 8 layouts since January..and I hope to finish more. I still have digital albums to finish and loads of unscrapped photos in my photobox and my hard disk!

Here's what I've done so far...

Most of the materials used in my layouts are available at Lasting Impression specifically Basic Grey Nook and Pantry, Fancy Pants Rough and Tough, Graphic 45 (new arrival!), Jillibean Soup, Webster's Pages

Sunday, January 10, 2010

GDT at Creative Scrappers

It's so refreshing to work with sketches as it saves me a lot of time trying to balance out all the stuff I'm going to place on a page. When people ask me how I can finish a lot of layouts in a day, this is my secret. I usually have a folder full of sketches and photos of layouts of others that I like.

So I was so happy when Creative Scrappers owner, Kristine got me as a Guest Designer for Sketch 86! What's more, the sketch was made by a fellow Filipina, July Gaceta.

Here's the sketch...

And here's my take...

Make a layout using the above sketch and getjavascript:void(0) a chance to win a a prize package from sponsor Couture Cardstock! Deadline to submit your layout is January 30th. For more details, visit the Creative Scrappers blog

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sassafras Lass - Monstrosity

Here's a layout using Sassafras Lass - Monstrosity line.

This year, we are unable to go trick or treating because we were expecting a typhoon to come. We decided to just stay home and stay safe. However, it was all bright and sunny on the morning of October 31! A day before, we had a mini Halloween party in the office and I made these decors. Austin and David decided to hide behind Frankenstein and Jack o Lantern while I take their photos.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cosmo Cricket's Earth Love

I made a project and a couple of layouts (and still have some more papers left) with Cosmo Cricket's Earth Love.

I made this quickie gift for my mom last weekend for her birthday.

This layout is for my niece, Sheniah. The photo was taken last October 25 when she was a junior bridesmaid for the wedding of Meng's cousin, Cathy to our batchmate, Eric.

In this layout, I used Webster's Pages' alpha stickers which is quite a bargain at Php 200. It has 4 sets of alpha stickers in 1 12x12 sheet. Each sheet has 4 colors so you could mix and match alphas.

Here's another layout using Earth Love. The photos were taken a few days ago when we visited my niece, Selina with David and my parents. I cut out the birds and the clouds to add some depth to the layout.

All materials are available at Lasting Impression. Also available: Cosmo Cricket's Jolly by Golly and The Boyfriend lines.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Fancy Pants' Rough and Tough

For those with sons like me, you're going to love Fancy Pants' Rough and Tough line. This paper line is so fun with doodling and since it mostly used primary colors, they're perfect for all those boy photos.

Here's a layout of David using the Rough and Tough line...

I put what I learned last Scrapjam to use. Since I'm too lazy to bring my paints out, I distressed this arrow chipboard using Tim Holtz' Distress Ink pads. Then I added the arrow rub-on from Fancy Pants' About a boy line. Finally i get to use my leftover rub-ons from last year.

This paper collection is available at Lasting Impression. Also available are the Dancing Girl Line (girl version of rough and tough), Little Sprouts (perfect for baby photos and zoo photos) and Christmas Magic (for Christmas photos). So don't forget to add these wonderful papers to your shopping list on November 21! Buy 7 take 1 on New patterned papers on November 21!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Productive weekends

I had 2 productive Saturdays. I was able to finish almost 10 layouts in the last 2 saturdays...finally mojo is coming back!

Here's what I've managed to accomplish...


Here's a layout using one of the new arrivals of Lasting Impression, Sassafras' Me Likey collection.

Aside from the bright colors, what i love about this collection is that you can maximize the paper by cutting out the elements.

The butterfly, apple, arrow, watermelon, frog, letters C and L, pear and candy were cut out from the Happy Tunes paper. I still got a lot left that Liza was able to use some of it for her own layout.

And as Liza pointed out during our last scrap day, it's easy to mix and match the different lines of Sassafras!

The bottom borders of the picture were punched out using EK success' newest punches, Single Embossed Curve and Single Diamond Lace. (Thanks Anj for lending me your punches). I have already placed my reservation on these punches at Lasting Impression as they sell out really fast!

David's starting to like taking photos of other people (in this picture, he was trying to take a photo of his cousin, Selina) more than posing in front of the camera. He already knows how to operate my camera phone so there are times I'd get surprised that there are new photos in my phone's image gallery.

Materials used in this layout are available at Lasting Impression. Don't miss out on the Anniversary Sale on November 21!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Baby Sister

Inspired by Journaling Junkie's Challenge 66, Here's a layout I created about my baby sister, June. (I have another sister named May...and we're all born in the month we're named after)

Title: Baby Sister

Journaling: Among the 3 of us sisters, you and I look so much alike that people mistake you for me and vice versa. Working in the same office adds to the confusion as some people I know wondered why I didn't acknowledge them when they see you in the elevator or in the lobby, later realizing it was you they saw, not me.

Among the 3 of us, you and I are the least closest to each other, with a six year gap between us. With me already married as you approached your teens, we didn't get to bond a lot.

You've always been our baby, our princess. Mommy didn't even want you anywhere near the kitchen when you were single, afraid you might burn something. Yet you have matured quite a lot since you got married. You've become a queen in your own kitchen, whipping up gourmet dishes. You've become a wonderful mommy to Selina, tirelessly breastfeeding her until now that she's 8 months old even when you're already back at work.

Despite being sheltered by Mommy and Daddy for most of your life, you still have the eagerness and the patience to learn new things on your own. You're the type of person who always gives others the benefit of the doubt before jumping to any conclusion or judging others. This is your greatest asset.

Even though we do not tell you this as often as we nag you with our sermons, we are very proud of you, for being a good soul, for your dedication, and for constantly improving yourself. Even though we are still not very close despite being officemates for several years now and seeing each other almost every day, I want you to know that I'm very proud of you and I love you and you will always be our baby.

Materials: Crate paper, blings, prima flowers, pink paislee alpha stickers, alpha brads

I loved the little rolled paper Ems did in her winning layout during the Scrapfest, that I decided to incorporate it in my layout.

Monday, September 28, 2009

October Afternoon's Night Light line

Lasting Impression's got October Afternoon's Night Light Line!

I love the colors of this line that I made 2 layouts out of the papers I bought.

Title: Brothers make the best friends

This photo was taken last September 7 at the PICC grounds (near Gloria Maris and Jumbo floating restaurant).

Materials: Papers from the October Afternoon Night Llight line, Fancy Pants felt shapes, Dymo tag, Doodlebug and Heidi Swapp alpha stickers and doodlebug rub-ons

Title: I-pod baby

Materials: Papers from the October Afternoon Night Llight line, Fancy Pants felt shapes, American Crafts alpha stickers, Heidi Swapp chipboard letters and brads

Materials used are available at Lasting Impression

Monday, September 21, 2009

Holy Cow!

We had dinner at The ChopHouse in Trinoma last August 30 with David (Austin was in Anvaya with my in-laws).

He liked this cow sofa inside the restaurant that he keep going back and forth from our table to the sofa.

Weathervane collection from October Afternoon, alpha stickers from Pink Paislee, Signo pen, ribbon

Materials available at Lasting Impression.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Turning turning

After dining at China Palace in Mall of Asia, my sis-in-law Jene urged David to try out the mini ferris wheel outside the restaurant, to which David obliged.

Since it's his 1st time to ride something like this, he didn't know what it's called. So he decided to give it a name. He called it turning turning referring to its movement.

Before we left, he waved goodbye and said "Bye turning turning!"

Materials: papers from the French Couture and Three little birds collection of Lily Bee Design, felt from Fancy Pants, alpha stickers from pink paislee and making memories

Materials available at Lasting Impression.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Scrap Buffet

Studio Azul together with Pinoyscrapbookers held a one-of-a-kind scrapbooking event last July 11 called Scrap Buffet. It was indeed a wonderful buffet where all the participants went home busog with finished layouts and yummy food! I was able to finish 6 LOs and a card. Special shoutout to Ms. Marian for giving me her scraps from her 1st kit. I completed my first LO for the day (Random facts about me) using her unused papers and scraps.