Showing posts with label chips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chips. Show all posts

Monday 20 August 2012

Banana Bread

I have always been on the lookout for a definitive banana bread recipe, and I've finally found it in the form of my friend Lauren's MIL's recipe (which I have since learned is the banana bread recipe from the 1970 Betty Crocker's Cookbook (the red one with the wheel of food on the cover). It's not what I normally think of when I think of banana bread -- that is to say a slightly spicy bread filled with nuts. In contrast, it is pale, white, devoid of spice (although you can certainly add spice in), and also devoid of mix-ins (which again, you can always add back in). It also has, to my thinking, a lot of baking powder in it, and I was expecting there to be an aftertaste. But I tried the recipe because I trust my friend Lauren's opinion since she too is an avid baker. And to my great surprise, I preferred this recipe of plain banana bread to any other that I've tried yet, and I think you will too. It is fluffy and pure, with a banana taste that hits you right in the face.

I've made this bread plain, with chocolate chips, and with cinnamon and pecans, and that is the order of my preference -- plain, chocolate chip, and then nuts/spice. I'd highly recommend making it plain the first time you try it, and then you can always change it up later if your tastebuds want something extra.

But first, because I've missed writing them, a brief banana interlude. Skip down to ignore my rambling and get right to the recipe!

Bananas are native to Southeast Asia, and have been cultivated for at least the last 5000 years, if not longer! They didn't start becoming popular in the United States until after the Civil War, and it wasn't until 1933 that the first recipe for banana bread appeared in an American cookbook (Balanced Recipes by Pillsbury). Coincidentally, the appearance of this first banana quickbread recipe coincides with a marked rise in the use of the chemical leavening agents baking powder and baking soda in America in the 1930's (get it -- "rise"? I crack myself up).

Little known fact: bananas are actually slightly radioactive due to their high potassium content. They contain small amounts of the isotope potassium-40, which has a half-life of 1.25 billion years! One banana does not have an appreciable amount of radiation, a trace amount when eaten that has been termed the Banana Equivalent Dose, or BED. But, a whole truckload of bananas actually has enough radiation to trigger false alarms by the Radiation Portal Monitors (RPMs) that screen goods coming into US land and sea ports (!

Today, virtually all sweet bananas sold (as opposed to plantains) are of the Cavendish variety, but currently that variety is under threat of being damaged by a brand-new strain (Tropical Race 4; TR4) of a soil fungal infection called Panama Disease. A different strain of Panama Disease, Race 1, all but destroyed the previous large-scale banana cultivar, Gros Michel, in the 1950's. Blights on banana crops have such stunningly devastating effects because cultivated bananas are in fact sterile -- they produce no seeds. They are not crossed and bred like other crops to maintain genetic diversity, with the result that all Cavendish bananas are essentially clones with identical genetic material -- which means they are all equally susceptible to TR4.  It is estimated that in anywhere from 5-20 years, TR4 will reach South America and permanently cripple the Cavendish banana supply. Worse, unlike the situation in the 50's where Cavendish stepped up after the demise of Gros Michel, there is currently no viable Cavendish replacement for large-scale banana cultivation. Other variants that exist are so far away from what you and I would consider the "typical banana" that most people would consider these alternate variants to not even be bananas!

Back to the baking!

I apologize for the pictures, when I gathered up the photos I had in hand, I realized that some of them are from the time I tried the recipe plain, some are from when I added chocolate chips, while others are from the time I tried adding nuts. So the pics are sort of all over the place, if you are wondering why one pic might have chips while the next pic is of plain bread…

This recipe is so easy, I almost can't stand it. First, mash up the bananas, the riper they are, the better (a fork works great for this).

Then, combine the bananas with all the other ingredients, and mix until moistened (about 30 seconds in a stand mixer).

Pour into a 9x5" loaf pan (I used the Pam baking spray with flour in it to coat the pan first, or you can do the traditional grease and flour), and bake at 350F for 55-65 minutes until the top of the bread is golden, and a tester is clean.

I can't say enough good things about this bread. It is simple, easy, and tastes fantastic even without anything in it -- in fact I prefer it plain, which is unusual for me! But you can easily use this recipe as a base and customize it with nuts and spices, or chocolate chips; I've tried both of those variations as well and they are both yummy!

Banana Bread
  • 2 1/4 cups flour
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 Tablespoons vegetable or canola oil
  • 3/4 cup milk
  • 1 cup mashed very ripe banana (2-3 bananas)
  • 1 egg
  • optional mix-ins: 1C of nuts or chocolate chips
  • optional spice: 1 tsp cinnamon

  1.  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Grease and flour your loaf pan.
  3. Beat the mixture for 30 seconds on medium speed (the great part of the recipe is that you don't have to cream anything or do any step-wise additions; just dump all the ingredients into the bowl and mix).
  4. Pour into a 9-5" loaf pan.
  5. Bake 55-65 minutes until tester comes out clean

Thursday 2 December 2010

Easy Pistachio Chip Cookies

This is my first Christmas cookie posting of the 2010 Christmas Baking season, and I'm starting out with a brand-new cookie recipe that is super-easy but big on taste!

My Christmas cookie baking is fairly constant from year to year in terms of variety, but I try to roll out at least one new variety per year, to test. Sometimes, the new ones make the cut and transition to perennial Christmas cookie staple...and sometimes they don't. These pistachio cookies definitely make the cut, for both their taste and ease of assembly. Let's face it, when you are making many different kinds of cookies, convenience definitely becomes an important factor. I tore the original recipe out of a Betty Crocker mini cookie magazine, but it is also available online here.  The original recipe calls for cranberries, but I modified it, because I prefer chocolate!

These cookies start by using a Betty Crocker Sugar Cookie Mix pouch as a base. I rarely use a cookie mix as a base, but there are some cookies where it works beautifully, and this is one of them. Can you use from-scratch drop sugar cookie dough? Sure you can, with the understanding that you will sacrifice some of the convenience. The choice is yours. Me? I say why fix what ain't broke, and I just use the mix. 

So, begin by combining all the dry ingredients in a bowl. This includes the cookie mix, a box of pistachio instant pudding, and a little extra flour.

Then, you add in some melted butter (yet more convenience!) and eggs. Because the butter is melted, you should have no problem making these cookies with nothing more than a wooden spoon, no need to whip out the stand mixer for this one! If your butter just came out of the microwave, add it first and mix it into the dry ingredients for a few strokes before you add the eggs, so you can avoid the heat of the butter cooking the eggs.

Once this is well-combined, stir in some salted, dry-roasted pistachios and semi-sweet chocolate chips. Try to make sure the pistachios are lightly salted, unsalted nuts will taste too bland in the final cookie.

Now, you use the #60 scoop, and scoop cookies out onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Slightly flatten the tops, and bake until the bottoms are starting to brown.

The first batch I baked, I forgot to flatten. It wasn't tragic. You can see the difference in the flattened vs not flattened look below. But if you forget to flatten, bump up the baking time a little, since the cookies are a little thicker.

These cookies are definitely going into my permanent Christmas cookie rotation, I love all things pistachio-flavored. They were easy and super tasty. If your tastes run away from chocolate, you can always do what the original recipe calls for, and use dried cranberries and maybe even white chips instead of the dark chips.

Easy Pistachio Chip Cookies
(Printable recipe)


  • 1 pouch Betty Crocker sugar cookie mix
  • 1 box (4-servings) pistachio instant pudding mix
  • 1/4 C flour
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 C dry roasted, salted pistachios, chopped
  • 1 C semi-sweet chocolate chips
  1. Preheat oven to 350F
  2. Combine cookie mix, pudding mix and flour in a bowl, mix to combine dry ingredients
  3. Add melted butter and eggs, mixing well to combine (can do by hand)
  4. Stir in the nuts and chips
  5. Using a #60 scoop, drop onto parchment-lined cookie sheet. Slightly flatten tops
  6. Bake for 9-11 minutes, until bottoms are browning
  7. Cool on sheet for 2 minutes before removing to wire rack

Monday 4 January 2010

The Cookie Buffet: Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies. Where would a cookie buffet be without them? Believe it or not, this was a new recipe. I normally make the good ol' standby Tollhouse recipe, which is yummy to be sure. But I didn't want to make the same old thing for the shower. I've been wanting to branch out and experiment with chocolate chip cookies that use both butter and shortening for a while now, and this was the perfect opportunity. A little gumshoe detective work turned up this recipe from the lady herself, Paula Deen. It uses both butter and shortening, and three kinds of chocolate.

That's right. And nuts. Well, at least it did by the time I was done tweaking the recipe.

The stars of today's blog:

  • 2 sticks of butter, softened
  • 1/2 C vegetable shortening
  • 1 C sugar
  • 1 1/2 C packed light brown sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 3/4 C AP flour
  • 2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1-12oz package semisweet chocolate chips
  • 1 C milk chocolate chips
  • 4-5oz (about half of an 11.5oz bag) bittersweet chocolate chips
  • 1 C chopped walnuts (or other nut of your choice)
Three kinds of chocolate! Nuff said.

  1. Preheat the oven to 375F
  2. Beat butter and shortening until creamy. Add both sugars and cream until fluffy.
  3. Add eggs and vanilla, beating well
  4. Combine dry ingredients in a small bowl and blend. Slowely add to butter mixture and beat until just combined
  5. Stir in chips and nuts.
  6. Drop onto parchment-lined cookie sheets with a #60 scoop for 11.5-12 minutes until lightly browned
  7. Cool for 2 minutes on cookie sheet, then remove to rack to cool completely
Yield: 5 1/2 dozen

And ta da! Enough scrumptious chocolate chip cookies to fill multiple tins!
In all seriousness, these cookies are fabulous. I like them even better than Tollhouse, for bot texture and taste. Paula's original recipe calls for almond brickle chips and chopped bittersweet bars, which I'm sure would taste good, but I'll stick with walnuts and the ease of using bittersweet chips. The only other major adjustment I made was in the ratio of white to brown sugar, I bumped up the white sugar just a tad, reducing the brown sugar to compensate. This didn't affect the moisture of the cookies, but it did prevent them from being too sweet, which was the only complaint I read in reviews of the original recipe.