Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Bombing Suspect #1: Alex Jones Fan

Another non-surprise:

The AP reported on Tuesday that Tsarnaev "took an interest" in Infowars and was also interested in getting a copy of "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," the anti-Semitic fraud that purports to show a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect #2: 9-11 Truther

Well, I wish I could say this was a surprise, but we've seen it so often now that it's become somewhat routine:

A cached profile photo that matches his picture, and tweets from other users he's interacted with suggest that this is the twitter account of 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, the fugitive suspect #2 in the Boston Marathon bombings: @J_tsar. The account is listed under the name "Jahar," which is what classmates called him because his full name was hard to pronounce.
 Here's his 9-11 Truth Tweet:
 Idk why it's hard for many of you to accept that 9/11 was an inside job, I mean I guess f*ck the facts y'all are some real
 Kind of makes the previously revealed fact that he obtained his US citizenship ten days later, on September 11, 2012 a little more ironic.

 Update: And the Willie Nelson theory checks out as well:

The younger Boston Marathon bombing suspect seemed more interested in blunts than bombs while in college in Massachusetts, his classmate told POLITICO on Friday.
“He didn’t seem like a dangerous person at all,” said Chris Barry, a sophomore at UMass-Dartmouth, who became friends with Dzhokhar Tsarnaev — now a bombing suspect — on their first day of school. “He was a pothead, a normal pothead. I couldn’t even imagine him being mad at someone, let alone hurting someone.”
 Update II: Like mother, like son:
Kilzer also claims that the mother's beliefs increasingly made her uncomfortable, which partially led to her ceasing to visit Tsarnaeva in 2012:
"She started quoting conspiracy theories, telling me that she thought 9-11 was purposefully created by the American government to make America hate muslims. “It’s real,” she said, “My son knows all about it. You can read on the internet.” I have to say I felt kind of scared and vulnerable when she said this, as I am distinctly American, and was lying practically naked in her living room."
 And the aunt:

An aunt of the men suspected of carrying out Monday’s bombing of the Boston Marathon on Friday said that she had a hunch that the FBI may have staged a photo of her nephews at the scene of the crime, and she also had doubts about the official story behind the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.
Speaking to reporters at her home in Toronto, Maret Tsarnaeva told reporters that she had contacted the FBI after seeing photos and video that the agency released of 19-year-old Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev and 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev because she strongly believed that they could not have committed the crime.
 Hat Tip: Puppycow at JREF.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Yet Another Troofer Murderer

And sadly, this one killed his own children before ending his own worthless life:

A pilot who wrote a conspiracy theory book about 9/11 is dead after he shot his two teenage children and family dog before turning the gun on himself.
Relatives and friends of Phillip Marshall were stunned by the violent crime which took place in Calaveras County on Saturday.
Their bodies were discovered when friends of the teens went to the family home on Sandalwood Drive and looked through the windows, they could see 54-year-old Phillip Marshall lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

Predictably, the goofs at 9-11 Flogger don't believe "the official story":

There was a similar killing-made-to-look-like-a-suicide of an agent and family in Berkeley a couple of years ago...
Note that although Steven Jones claims:
Philip was just completing his book, “The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror.”
Which makes it sound like, gee, maybe the powers that be killed him before he could reveal the Troof, in fact the book had been published in February 2012, and he had previously produced another snoozer called False Flag 9-11 in 2008.

BTW, looks like this kook was keeping at it, unlike Dylan Avery or Professor Jones himself:

The hijackers’ training records from several U.S. flight schools indicate that they were marginal pilots, at best, even in single-engine airplanes. In early 2000, three of the pilot/hijackers are heavily documented at a small flight school near Venice, Florida, while the fourth attended schools in Arizona and California. This would account for the basic flight training of the pilots but in no way can explain the expert level of airmanship required for the 911 hit.
 Marshall wrote that on January 24, 2013, about a week before killing his kids.

Hat Tip: Flouride666 in the comments on the last post.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Truther Body Count

Who's murdered more Americans in the last 9 years, the Truthers or Al Qaeda?

At least inside the United States, it isn't even a contest. Consider:

Jared Loughner: Murdered six people in a shooting spree in Tucson and wounded at least 13 others. Victims: Federal judge John Roll, 63; Christina Green, 9; Gabe Zimmerman, 30; Dorothy Murray, 76; Dorwin Stoddard, 76; and Phyllis Scheck, 79.

Sean Fitzgerald: Murdered his father after voices in his head told him Edward Fitzgerald was the devil.

Curtiss Maynard: Murdered his wife, Melissa Meza, 34, before killing himself.

James W. Von Brunn
: Murdered Holocaust Museum security guard Stephen Tyrone Johns, 39.

Kurt Sonnenfeld: Allegedly murdered his wife, Nancy Sonnenfeld, 36.

That's twelve confirmed kills so far, and that's not including Richard Poplawski, an Alex Jones fan who killed three Pittsburgh cops. I'm not sure if he's a Truther in addition to the other nutty stuff he believes. It also doesn't include Pentagon shooter John Patrick Bedell, who is indeed a Truther but who was killed after wounding two police officers, or Byron Williams, who shot it out with the California Highway Patrol but failed to kill anyone.

Now, I don't think being a Truther makes you more likely to become a murderer. Rather I think that both are symptoms stemming from a similar cause: mental illness. Paranoid schizophrenics are probably more likely to become Truthers than the general population, and probably more likely to have voices in their heads telling them to kill someone.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Just Another Truther Psycho

Check this story out:

Byron Williams, a 45-year-old ex-felon, exploded onto the national stage in the early morning hours of July 18.

According to a police investigation, Williams opened fire on California Highway Patrol officers who had stopped him on an Oakland freeway for driving erratically. For 12 frantic minutes, Williams traded shots with the police, employing three firearms and a small arsenal of ammunition, including armor-piercing rounds fired from a .308-caliber rifle.

When the smoke cleared, Williams surrendered; the ballistic body armor he was wearing had saved his life. Miraculously, only two of the 10 CHP officers involved in the shootout were injured.

Williams "credited" several people with waking him up, including Glenn Beck:
Williams also points to other media figures -- right-wing propagandist David Horowitz, and Internet conspiracist and repeated Fox News guest Alex Jones -- as key sources of information to inspire his "revolution."

And yes, he's a troofer:
Referring again to the "sabotage" of the Deepwater Horizon, Byron says: "This is what he won't do, Beck will not say it was a contracted hit. But he'll give you every ounce of evidence you can possibly need to make that assumption yourself." "You see what I mean?" Byron says, "That's why he downplays the 9-11 truthers. He talks bad about them."

It's clear that there are some theories Byron subscribes to that Beck does not. For example, Byron endorses the claim that "the U.S. government contracted its own destruction of the twin towers." On this issue, Byron cites Alex Jones and other websites.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Troofer Kills Wife, Self

Why am I no longer shocked at stories like this?

The Lake Jackson woman shot to death by her ex-husband before he killed himself during a police chase had gone through a bitter, contentious divorce from him and suffered personal attacks from him on the Internet, her attorney said on Thursday.

Melissa Meza, 34, a Dow Chemical engineer, was shot multiple times in the front yard of her home Wednesday night by 42-year-old Curtis Boone Maynard, a registered nurse, who later shot himself. The couple had been divorced for more than a year.

Maynard also shot his 16-year-old stepdaughter, Celeste Morales, in the face inside the home before fleeing in his car. Morales remains in stable condition at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center.

He belongs to that special branch of the 9-11 Troof Movement that talks a lot about the Jews:

This ridiculous theory is advanced by the same folks that suppress the abundance of evidence implicating the Israelis and a complicit and predominantly Jewish media in what happened in NYC and at the Pentagon on 9-11...

According to blog posts at several white supremacist sites, Maynard was a "whites only" kind of guy, but lost some credibility among his fellow neo-nutbars when it was discovered that he had a Hispanic wife.

This appears to be Maynard's own blog. Note the Gandhi quote in the sidebar.

Hat Tip: Falcon Apoda

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