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Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisa. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

You're WHEELY gonna want to check out these new images...

Well hey there folks! I'm just popping in today to share some fun new images that have just been added to the store.

You may have noticed that our current challenge is called 'Big Wheels Keep on Turning'. Sandy has been at the drawing board and designed some great new images perfect for this challenge.

Help STEER someone in the right direction with these two images... 

#960 Steering Wheel ($2.00)

#961 Sailboat Wheel ($2.00)

Let someone you know just how much you WHEELY like them with one of these three images...

#959 Wagon Wheel ($2.00)

#958 Tire ($2.00)

#962 Bicycle Wheel ($2.00)

And of course you can't have a bicycle wheel without a pump, so Sandy cleverly created one of those up as well. Additionally, this image would be great for trying to INFLATE someone's day with good cheer, or simply PUMP them up for a special upcoming event...

#957 Bicycle Pump ($2.00)

Right now you can get the Tire image for free over on the START or MIDWAY posts; but remember, it will removed from the blog once the challenge is completed. If you'd like to purchase any of these images and join our challenge for an additional chance at winning the main prize, you can find them in the store by clicking on their individual watermarks above.

Well, that is it for now! Be sure to check out our current challenge, Big Wheels Keep on Turning, by clicking HERE to find out all the details! We don't have too many entries so the odds of winning right now are pretty great!

Happy crafting until we meet again!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Freebie Friday: #F 141 Holiday Tree

Hello everyone! Welcome to this week's edition of Freebie Friday for the freebie lover in all of us! With just a little over a week until Christmas, Freebie Friday will be taking a month long holiday break but there is no need to worry as we will be back on January 20th with the next Freebie Friday edition.

For this last Freebie Friday of the year, we're going to continue with our holiday theme by offering up this cute little Christmas tree. Check it out...
#F 141 Holiday Tree

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

To help inspire you, I've created this festive card...

If you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation, I'd love for you to come and visit me on my personal blog. Unfortunately, it is after 11:00 p.m where I live so I won't be able to post the details on my blog until tomorrow so I'll come back and link it then.You can find my post HERE.

Well that is it for this one! I'll see you all again later this week with our Winner Announcement for the last challenge and then the Scribbles Designs Five Day Countdown to Christmas BEGINS!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Friday, December 9, 2016

Freebie Friday: #F 137 Wreath 2

Hey folks! Welcome to this week's edition of Freebie Friday for the freebie lover in all of us!

With just 15 days until Christmas, now would the perfect time to get any last minute holiday cards ready. To help you out with that onerous task, we're offering up a new wreath freebie. Check it out...

#F 137 Wreath 2

Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

To help inspire you, I've created this clean and simple card...

Sentiment: TLC Creations

If you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation, I'd love for you to come and visit me on my personal blog. You can find my project posted HERE.

Well that is it for this one!  I'll see you all again tomorrow with our next Scribblers Spotlight!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Friday, December 2, 2016

Freebie Friday: Snowflakes Digi Paper

Hidey Ho to all our Freebie Fridayer fans! It is the end of the business week, and you know what that means--time for a new freebie!

While winter doesn't officially start until the 21st of December, it is already cold here where I live and we've had snow on the ground since last Thursday!  With all those snowflakes out there, I was inspired to create a digi paper to honour the winter season that will soon be upon us. Sandy originally offered up the snowflake image as a freebie in October 2015. I'm including the original freebie here in this post as well, just in case you are new to the blog and don't have it.

#F 76 Snowflake (Free)


Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store HERE.

Here is a preview of the paper...

Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! This free paper is six inches by six inches (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)--the perfect size for card making! It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Jessica Johnson, Creators Couture; and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering.

There is still plenty of time to play along in our Happy Holidays challenge!

Then we'll be back next Friday for another Freebie so I will see you all again soon!!!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Friday, November 25, 2016

Freebie Friday: Honouring Movember

Welcome Freebie Fridayer Fans! It's Movember--the hairiest  month of the year!

Never heard of Movember? Well Brrr and the gang were here last year to try and explain just what Movember was all about during a mini challenge that we put forth. If you are new to the blog and would like to check out that post (which includes links to all the Movember related images in the store), please click HERE but be sure to come back! As a refresher, here is a little bit on why the concept of Movember came into existence.

As you are probably aware, the majority of men out there aren't as diligent with their heath as they should be. Movember was started as an initiative to help bring about awareness to this important cause and it lead to the creation of the Movember Foundation--a global charity committed to helping men live happier, healthier, longer lives. Since 2003, millions have joined the men’s health movement, raising several million dollars and funding over 1,000 programs which focus on key areas of men's health:
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Testicular Cancer
  • Poor Mental Health
  • Physical Inactivity
For more specific details on these important aspects of men's health you can check out the original post linked above. Now while I realize that November is almost over, there is still time to support this worthy cause. You can still encourage the males in your life to become a Mo Bro and females can join in by becoming a Mo Sista.  You can find all the info you need over at the Movember Foundation by clicking HERE.

For those of you who are new to Scribbles Designs this past year, I wanted to bring to your attention three great previous freebies that Sandy has provided that would be perfect for Movember themed projects:

Originally shared HERE

Originally shared HERE

Originally shared HERE

I also designed a digi paper that would serve as a great background for a Movember project...

Originally shared HERE

All of these items are still available to download for FREE! PLUS for one week only, we're taking one of the Movember related sentiments out of the store's vault and sharing it as well...

 #074 MoVember Season ($1.00)
***Freebie no longer available. You can find it in the store by clicking the watermark above.***

Why not show the main men in your life, just how much you care by creating and sharing with them a fabulous card using one of the great Movember themed freebies available above. If you do create one, be sure to come back and share the link so we can check it out!

REMEMBER that since this sentiment comes directly out of the store, it will ONLY BE AVAILABLE for 1 WEEK as a freebie. So, be sure to grab it NOW while you can before it is slipped back into the vault.

Have you joined us for our current challenge? If not, there is still plenty of time left to play in our Happy Holidays challenge!  Also, if you are interested in expanding your team work, or even starting a team, we have a DT Call out right now. Click HERE for all the deets.

Well that is it for this one! I'll see you all tomorrow when I'll be back here to share our next Guest Scribbler's Spotlight!!!

Until then,
Lisa D.(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Freebie Friday: #F 143 Pie 2

Howdy to all our Freebie Fridayer Fans!

While those of us living here in Canada have already celebrated our Thanksgiving, our friends south of us in the United States will be celebrating theirs next Thursday. On this special day of giving Thanks, family and friends often reunite and a big part of this reunion is Thanksgiving Dinner.  And of course, at the end of every great Thanksgiving dinner there is generally pie...

#F 143 Pie 2 

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

Blueberry, strawberry rhubarb, chocolate, lemon meringue, Boston many flavours to choose from; or, will yours be the more traditional apple pie or pumpkin?  As always, I would love to see what YOU come up with using this image. If you do use it, please be sure to come back and leave a link to your post so we can check it out. 

Well that is it for this one! I'll be back in a couple days with the next winner announcement and then I'll see you all again next week with another freebie!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Freebie Friday: Digital Paper In Honour of Remembrance Day ***Limited Time Freebie***

Hello there Freebie Fridayers! In honour of Remembrance Day we're doing something a little bit different. Normally when I make a digi paper using one of Sandy's images, the primary image that I use has been a past freebie. Today though we're doing something a bit different. While Sandy doesn't have a poppy per sé, her Flower 7 image is a pretty close resemblance. Now this particular image is a paid image from the store; so, what we're doing is offering a full size digi paper (12 in. x 12 in.) instead of the regular free size (6 in. x 6 in.) and only offering it for 1 week. This paper will then end up in a full sized Scribble Doodle Designs kit down the road.

So, without further ado, here is today's limited time freebie...



Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! Remember, today's paper is twelve inches by twelve inches (3600 pixels x 3600 pixels) as opposed to the usual 6 in. size for freebies. If you are a card maker, you can easily resize it smaller to suit your purposes. It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. The floral image was coloured in with a combination of digital painting and digital paper piecing. Credits include: Eva-Katerina (Deal Jumbo), Katie De Sousa (Deviant Art),  Sivioco (The Fancy Deal); and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering. Don't forget though, the paper will only be free for the week.

Have you joined us for our current challenge? If not, there are still a few days left to play in our Fabulous Fall challenge! Then, a new one starts on Tuesday. Also, if you are interested in expanding your team work, or even starting a team, we have a DT Call out right now. Click HERE for all the deets.

 I'll be back tomorrow with our next Guest Scribbler's Spotlight. See you then!!!

Until next time,
Lisa D.(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator) 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Freebie Friday: Candy Corn Digi Paper

Hello Freebie Fridayers! It is that time of week again--time to add another freebie to your collection!

With Hallowe'en coming up right around the corner, I thought today would be a great day to present a sweet treat to you all! Sandy originally offered up the candy corn image as a freebie in October 2015. I'm including the original freebie here in this post as well, just in case you are new to the blog and don't have it.

 #F 78 Candy Corn (Free)


Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store HERE.

Here is a preview of the paper...

Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! This free paper is six inches by six inches (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)--the perfect size for card making! It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Marisa Lerin (Pixel Scrapper); and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering.

Did you see the winner announcement that went out yesterday? If not, scroll down one post to find it. Also, there is still lots of time to play along in our Fabulous Fall challenge!

Then we'll be back next Friday for another Freebie so I will see you all again soon!!!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Friday, October 14, 2016

Freebie Friday: Pinwheel

Hello to all our Freebie Fridayer Fans!

As the leaves fall and the wind picks up, I thought today would be the perfect day to share a fun new freebie with you all. This is another versatile image where you are only limited by your imagination. Check it out...

#F 125 Pinwheel
 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store by clicking HERE.

To help inspire you, I've created an inspirational card...

So that it makes sense to you, the sentiment on the inside says, "Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction." I thought this would make a nice card for someone who is struggling with change in their life.  I'm running rather behind but if you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation I promise to get it up either later tonight or possibly tomorrow evening. You can find my personal blog  HERE.

Well that is it for this one!  I'll see you all again tomorrow when I'll be back to announce the start of our newest challenge and also to announce our new GDT!!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

Friday, October 7, 2016

Freebie Friday: Breast Cancer Awareness Digi Paper

Hello Freebie Fridayers! It is that time of week again--time to add another freebie to your collection!

As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month; so, in honour of the occasion, I decided to make a paper using Sandy's awareness ribbon. She originally offered up the ribbon as a freebie in September 2013. I'm including the original freebie here in this post as well, just in case you are new to the blog and don't have it.

#F 01 Awareness Ribbon (Free)

 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

The ribbon can also be found in the store HERE.

Here is a preview of the paper...

Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! This free paper is six inches by six inches (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)--the perfect size for card making! It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include: Little Cloud (Design Cuts); Elif Sahin (Pixel Scrapper); and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering.

We're getting a late start this month so we'll be presenting our newest Guest Showcase next Saturday instead of this one. First up though, be sure to pop by again next Friday for another Freebie here at Scribbles and don't forget there is still one week left to play along in our Woodland Creatures challenge!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Friday, September 23, 2016

Freebie Friday: Leaves Digi Paper

Hello and happy Friday to all our Freebie Fans!

Yesterday it officially became Fall here in the northern hemisphere and to celebrate this beautiful and colourful season's arrival, I have made you a digi paper using a trio of leaves that Sandy offered up as a freebie back in October of 2014. I'm including the original freebie here in this post as well, just in case you are new to the blog and don't have it.

 #F 50 Leaves (Free)



 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

The leaves can also be found in the store HERE.

Here is a preview of the paper...

Another creation under the Scribble Doodle Designs label! I coloured each of the leaves and then saved them separately so that I could space them out evenly throughout the paper. This free paper is six inches by six inches (1800 pixels x 1800 pixels)--the perfect size for card making!  It is in jpg format and published at 300 dpi. Credits include:  HG Designs; Stachoo Scraps and of course, Scribbles Designs. To grab today's offering, click the download button to be taken to a download location. In the zip folder you will find a copy of the creation, the preview sheet, the full credit information and the Scribble Doodle Designs terms of use which are standard to all of our folders.

Well that is it for this one! I hope that you enjoy today's offering.

Please join us tomorrow for our final Guest Designers Showcase for the third quarter. Then, be sure to pop by again next Friday for another Freebie here at Scribbles!

Until then,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & DT Coordinator)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Freebie Friday: Beach Ball

Good day to all our Freebie Fridayer Fans!

Here at Scribbles we've been kicking and screaming, trying to hold on to that last bit of summer and today is no exception. Anyone up for a game of beach ball?  If you are then this week's freebie is perfect for you. Check it out...

#F 127 Beach Ball


 Psst...don't forget to left click on the image to bring it up full size in the light box before saving.

This image can also be found in the store HERE.

To help inspire you, I've created a pun birthday card...


I'm a sucker for puns and Sandy's images are just too easy to have pun with.

If you'd like to check out the remaining details for my creation, I'd love for you to come and visit me on my personal blog. You can find my project posted HERE.

Well that is it for this one!  I'll see you all again next Friday with the next Freebie Friday!!

Until next time,
Lisa D.
(Strategic Content Developer & GDT Coordinator)

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